Eureka! iPhone Programming Adventures

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by Hackmodford, Apr 8, 2010.

  1. Hackmodford

    Hackmodford Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    I've been dipping my toes into iPhone programming. I haven't really ever become serious with any "one" language before. I've fiddled with (I made a calculator that was pretty involved) other than that I've used Clickteams Multimedia Fusion. (still my favorite language :rolleyes:)

    So anyways I bought a mac and downloaded xcode. That was probably about a month ago. I've bought 3 books since then (well 4 if you count the iphone app)

    My favorite one so far is an ebook called "How to make an iPhone App"
    That book has really given me a kickstart.

    So a couple weeks ago the first eureka moment for me was making my own object. Per the suggestion of the books excersize.

    But just now I have sucessfully used IBActions and IBOutlets with Interface Builder. And even threw an If statement in for good measure and got a text label to toggle it's font!


    Anybody else got any learning programming eureka stories?
  2. eJayStudios

    eJayStudios Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2009
    yes, my Eureka moment while developing first game for iPhone was when I've realized than making even simple games from start to finish is a hard work.

    Even with 15 years of programming experience.
  3. Flickitty

    Flickitty Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2009
    iPhone Dev
    My first eureka moment was when I was able to make small changes to the Cocos2D Box2D template, change the icon, change the name of the app, establish the provisions AND deploy the app to my actual device.

    XCode is a bit strange for me, and Objective-C is quite a bit different. Overall, I'm just happy I was able to accomplish something so minimal.
  4. Same here...

    I don't have 15 years of Dev exp, but still that is quite a challenge to make one.

    I'm currently graduating University and my final research is about mobile app development, I'm trying to think of new ways how to ease this process and bring some tools to help dev process more controlled.
  5. Deth4U2

    Deth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    I was working on some 'net tutorials yesterday and got iTennis running in my iPhone simulator. It was wicked seeing it go together and learning a bit about touches. :D
  6. Carlos

    Carlos Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2009
    Software architect, game dev and book author
    xor eax, eax
    It was about 18 years ago, when I first managed to display a red pixel on my Olivetti PC's (powered by a NEC V20 CPU, something between the XT and the 80286) monitor from an assembly program. Since then nothing worth mentioning, except a very similar case when I managed to run my first pixel shader program (HLSL).
  7. My first programming epiphany was back around the latter half of the 80s. I'd been programming in a few flavours of BASIC. I once tried to look at 6502 assembler code but it was all Greek to me. But I was flipping through a magazine that featured assembler code once and having a look at it, and for whatever reason, it just clicked. I finally understood a bit of what was going on there: "Hey, that CMP means 'compare', and there, BNE, branch on not equal, kind of like a goto, and that accumulator stuff, it's like a holding area for numbers where you can do stuff with them, so this bit here, that's loading a value into the X accumulator, and another one into the Y, then it's comparing one against the other and using branches to figure out where to go based on the results. This isn't so hard!" Pretty soon I was tooling around in a macro assembler and starting to actually write code, and I learned how simple and elegant assembler was.

    Of course, it was also tedious and took forever to get something done from scratch, but I still liked it.

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