Release date questions!

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by Syndicated Puzzles, Sep 3, 2009.

  1. Syndicated Puzzles

    Syndicated Puzzles Well-Known Member

    It would be really great if we could nail down the release date answers in a easy to use format. It is a mystery to me.

    My latest question is as follows.

    itunes sends you a ready for sale notice.

    Your release date is 3 days from now.(set by me the developer)

    what happens?

    Is it which ever comes first? I remember ready something like that.

    Or does iTunes respect the developers release date?

    If so which is the best day of the week to release an app?

  2. fwish

    fwish Well-Known Member

    yes,iTunes respect the developers release date
    that's how I hide my lite version,just use the date of 2009-9-15,then it's gone, won't be seen till 9.15

    but as far as I know,you could only do this once,or your game will alwasy be in frist page, which cannot happen
  3. PixelthisMike

    PixelthisMike Well-Known Member

    If you're lucky! We always check iTunesConnect every day. That said we haven't released anything in a while so perhaps things have improved :)

    If your app is approved but the release date is set to some time in the future then the app will not go live until the release date that you set.

    I don't know which day is the best to release, you'll probably get a different day for every dev you ask :)

    NOTE: Don't set the release dates of updates in the future as you're live app will be removed from the app store until that date. Unless this situation too has been improved.
  4. Syndicated Puzzles

    Syndicated Puzzles Well-Known Member

    Thanks Fwish and Mike,

    Knowledge is King! Not always that easy to gain and even harder to apply. I am hoping Friday is the best day to release an app. (Str8ts Lites release date)

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