What are the best currently released or upcoming PS4 games?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by one.sixty.four, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. one.sixty.four

    one.sixty.four Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2013
    Thanks for all the ideas! I'll look into all those that you mentioned! I plan on buying the PS4 in November this year so I'm hoping that they'll be plenty of great games by then. Thanks again! If you have more ideas just post!
  2. Bluellama1

    Bluellama1 Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    Metro Detroit, Michigan
    Indie stuffs:
    Awesomenauts Assemble! (seriously thinking of triple dipping for this one, I have it on PS3 and PC)
    OlliOlli (I love it on the vita, it's cross buy so I'll probably take the chance to 100% it again once it hits on the home consoles)
    Towerfall Ascension (this one is quite entertaining, it's quite fun with some friends for couch coop)
    Guacamelee whatever the subtitle is it's really long (it's good. get it.)
    Mercenary Kings (another great couch coop game! lot's of stuff to do but a little repetitive)
    Rogue Legacy (a little expensive but quite fun and replayable. cross buy with PS3 and Vita)
    I'm sure there's others, it's late, I only wanted to list ones I didn't already see, and I don't feel like looking over a games list for something more definitive. Sue me.

    Not-so-indie stuffs:
    BF4 (It had a really bad launch but I've never had stability issues on PS4 and minor ones on PS3. maybe wait until the inevitable premium edition comes out so you can get all the DLC, the weapons alone make most of that worth it and the maps are pretty good in the DLC packs)
    Evolve (I think it looks cool.)
    Destiny (I don't care about it, it just seems like Borderlands sans all the cool stuff that makes Borderlands really special. I'm hoping for BL1.5 to eventually be ported to current gen to satisfy my want for this kind of gameplay but until that or BL3 Destiny is the best we've got. Personally, I'm waiting at least a year to pick up Destiny)
    Rayman Legends (played it on Wii U, got it for cheap on PC. Yes I'm thinking of triple dipping, I've only payed $10 total on it so far, but it's real good! It's also great for couch coop and playing with non-gamer family/friends. just, play it.)

    I think that covers it, maybe. I could probably go on for hours about games that I like if we extend this out to Wii U, 3DS, PS3, and PS Vita. lol, maybe some other day.
  3. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    November is an OK time to buy - consider Black Friday or whatever the electronic monday is called - good sales. There will likely be a lot of games coming out around then - that is shopping season for Xmas. However, depending on the economy the prices can be very good or very bad - if economy is doing better prices will likely be higher with retailers trying to increase their holiday profit margins. If economy is poking along - prices might be pretty competitive as they will just be trying to make a sale. So a lot is going to happen between now and November.

    My long time personal favorite is still IGN although I would love another go-to website. IGN used to be small, personal, with critical (truthful) reviews and they have gone the way of all huge monoliths sacrificing the individuality for sales / profit / keeping the masses happy. But, that being said they have a pretty complete section on upcoming games, and they do a pretty good job on reporting how the new games are shaping up.

    Reading through this thread, I am thinking September should be staring his own blog- I like his editorial style - succinct but with some nice background. :)
  4. Both Persona 5 and Resident Evil revelation 2 are coming to PS4 ;) (for RER 2, it's also coming on PS3/Xbox360/One and PC)

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