Anyone play Colosseum?

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by aceplayer97, Feb 11, 2010.

  1. aceplayer97

    aceplayer97 New Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    Does anyone here play Colosseum? I was wondering how do you get more life? Are able to buy more hearts later on in the game after a specific stage?
  2. aceplayer97

    aceplayer97 New Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    So nobody knows anything at all?:(
  3. Aurora

    Aurora Well-Known Member

    It's a dumbed-down version of Zombieville. There's an option to enable infinite lives. If you didn't enable that, there's no way to get lives back. You can buy health at the end of the stage, the potion icon. Don't bother playing this game, it gets completely impossible and unplayable at around level 20-ish where each hit deals two hearts of damage.

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