Are there any iPhone App developers out there that will help me make my FITNESS APP?

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by Padilpi, May 25, 2012.

  1. #1 Padilpi, May 25, 2012
    Last edited: May 26, 2012
    I want to make a fitness application to be put on the App Store. Are there any developers who would be interested I will be able to pay.
    Events In Delhi

  2. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    I have some friend that could work for hire. I will introduce them to you via email.

  3. Ndemic Creations

    Ndemic Creations Well-Known Member

    Having just finished work on my iPhone game (Plague Inc.) in which a number of other people were involved- I would really recommend taking the time to write out what you are looking for in a bit more detail. This will help solidify your thinking and let people decide if they have the right skills.

    Also - keep your net wide - look for good people on as many different sites as possible. Investing time to get the right person can really pay off in the long run!

    Take a look at the first time developer Dos & Don'ts which I wrote - some of it may be useful for you -

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