Are you tired of gaming community too?

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by meatz666, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. meatz666

    meatz666 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2010
    Software Developer
    Hi dudes and dudettes.
    I was surfing on my favorite gaming websites, and, as an old-timer hardcore gamer, I'm thinking about stop reading or even stop playing.

    I read that old story about the score given to games. Lets go for the reasons I want to give up:

    - Some websites attacked TA or S2P grades. Battle of the Bulge, for example. Of course it would get a low grade, it's a Niche game. Gamespot gave low grades to Disgaea 3 and 4, and I liked them. But it's niche! I understand the grade, it means "not for everyone".

    - some new websites do the famous "attack a good game to attract viewers". They hire these trolls to write review and respond to comment with such a level of trollage and rudeness. The Polygon website, for example. They gave 9.5 to Dead Space 3, and 6.5 to Ni No Kuni. I stopped buying games on spot, and I was really saving change money to buy Ni No Kuni, since everybody is praising it. Now these guys bash the game, and they destroyed the good feeling I was having on the pre buy phase. Nothing against Dead Space, but a sequel get such a high score, and a new iP getting such a bash? Have you saw the comments of the Dead Space reviewer about games? It's just sad.

    - sometimes I feel that my inner nerdy space of games is been invaded. It's cool to have super heroes movies, but the same trolls that made my life a hell at high school are migrating to nerdy circles. And they are called professionals, critics! The same mainstream propaganda that I ran from when I decided stop watching tv, or hanging out with mainstream people, is invading, with brute force, our safe haven.

    - These Internet vloggers that are praised nowadays. They can't ready criticism, and if you critic, they throw their entire community on your head. They put their thoughts on a public media, but can't be touched and use the master argument: don't like, don't read it. No! If you want someone who disagrees to ignore you, don't put your damn opinions online! If we critic, we receive the same bullying treatment that I got when I said in my class room that I don't like football! "What? You don't feel like the majority! You're a ass/troll/reviewer-wannabe!"

    - comment sections of websites are a proof of the decadence. Pseudo unemployed writes making mean statements just to enter in flames and have something to do on their Saturday night. And every time you try to make a point, you're a troll or a fanboy. No middle ground. Or you love, and you are praised for thinking about everybody, or you're a troll, have your comments excluded, or even get banned, just because your opinions don't match. It's high school all over again. If I want to run from this forced way of thinking, I don't have the gaming community to rely anymore, because sometimes, I'm running from them!

    - the guy from polygon stated:
    Arthur Gies
    @bfod if i was talking about how games make me feel, the most common response would be: nothing. or: this is gross.

    Really? Am I the only one who giggles when the Angry Birds drop the whole structure on a piggys head? Or feel amazed with a good combination of character and music score on Deus Ex? Or feel empowered when my team wins on Awesomenauts. Am I wrong?

    The gaming community was the place that I could run to, to prove that filling my real world with a glimpse of an imaginary, make believe world made the real world more colorful. This same place community, nowadays, is saying that I'm a troll/fanboy and games and merely tools to waste time, and just like Microsoft Office, the number of features defines the software.

    What Am I missing?

    I'm writing here because these forums have the best people I met in the community. Sorry about the insomnia rambles of a tired mind.

    I'd be glad to hear your thoughts. :)
  2. bramblett05

    bramblett05 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2012
    How about play what you like and forget what others say or the reviews. Dis. Series has always been good (the ds version maybe could have been better) and the nui game looks like a movie. Just go with what strikes you
  3. meatz666

    meatz666 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2010
    Software Developer
    I know, but games are not just the playing for me. Is the community praising what is good, talking about our experiences. I'm feeling that the last thing people do now is share their feelings and thoughts about the whole gaming experience...
  4. bramblett05

    bramblett05 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2012
    Its like the music business praising the big stars and forgetting indie. Praising halo with 10's or Mario with 10's but a great game on iOS gets a 7 with the con of the review saying the title is funny or something corny. Dead space on iOS hasn't gotten enough love in my opinion but a infinite runner gets praised for years go figure.
  5. The majority of the gaming community is stuffed up in my opinion
  6. Dirty Harry Hannahan

    Dirty Harry Hannahan Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
    Planet Earth
    I'm tired of how "Console Gamers" look down on "iOS Gamers" it's the "I'm better than you syndrome". They think just because a game doesn't cost $60 dollars its gonna suck and be lame. Dead Space is a great game and I also like Mass Effect:Infiltrator and Shadowgun. I just don't get the snobby attitude many console enthusiasts have against the iOS platform. Screw them I say. Let them sink $60 into a game with IAPs. :rolleyes:
  7. bigrand1

    bigrand1 Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Geriatric Party Animal
    California, USA
    #7 bigrand1, Feb 11, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2013
    Wow, you've got some serious issues, guy! You need to get your meds in order and get a check-up-from-the-neck-up! Get some help before you hurt some innocent person! Man, you talk of such insecurity and shame! Been bullied early on and had a terrible time in your school days, everyone's messing with your head. You're so sensitive it's outrageous! Everywhere you look everyone's letting you down and it's as if you've lost your last place to hide in the world and you don't know where to run. Seriously dude, grow a ball sack and stop being such a panty-waste. Might as well give up gaming, too. Probably can't tell fantasy from reality anyway!! ;)
  8. september

    september Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    I honestly wouldn't worry, you have your "look at me's", your "mr highbrow interfactual's" that correct everything based on their view of the world, your trolls and your people that just vent because they're not very happy.

    You also have a lot of genuinely helpful people, just eject the tiresome and focus on the good.
  9. bigrand1

    bigrand1 Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Geriatric Party Animal
    California, USA
    That's very true. That last sentence in particular is good advice for anyone who blogs these days to tell themselves.
  10. violentv

    violentv Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2010
    #10 violentv, Feb 11, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2013
    Meh...I think the reason for their snobbish attitudes is mainly because ios gamers like to bring up 'console like' games for comparison...they are obviously going to lose out in many areas. It is nothing to do with the price >.>.. there are lots of sub $10 indie games on Console and PC that are well received on all gaming sites. I got a DRM free copy of Legend of Grimrock for less than Horn and I also obtained Bastion and Limbo for almost next to nothing in an indie bundle. The games which really makes ios shine as a gaming platform are the games that are really native and unique to the platform like infinity blade, dark meadows, waking mars etc.
  11. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    #11 MidianGTX, Feb 11, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2013
    Try being a console owner when PC gamers exist. Far worse.

    Regarding the topic at hand... read reviews for information and not opinions. Look for any bugs that occurred, estimated length of game, number of characters/levels, extra modes, supported audio, etc. These are all factual and if you've been playing games a long time then you'll know what sounds good to you. The rest is babble.

    I check out Metacritic to get a rough consensus on how a game was received, as there's a good chance that if everybody scored it low, it's genuinely not a great game. But I still keep in mind my personal preferences and know there are a few genres I'll enjoy regardless of reception.

    I also read other reviews, but mainly just to pick up information as stated above, rather than to find out if the reviewer enjoyed it. It's important to know where your priorities lie too. If they state the game is 50+ hours in length but suffers from an uninspiring soundtrack and deduct points because of that, I'll know their final score isn't something I'll agree with... but I like the sound of those 50 hours.

    Essentially I'm constructing my own personal review out of existing ones. I'll pay attention to negative points, but mainly ones that are also mentioned in positive reviews as they're more likely to be honest criticism.
  12. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    If this is a response to the Pocket Tactics drama, it's not really worth getting worked up over. Despite all the criticism and conspiracy theories, at least on TouchArcade, we're just a bunch of dudes (and dudettes) writing about games we like. Nothing more or less nefarious than that is going on behind the scenes. :)
  13. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Totally agree.. 100%
  14. meatz666

    meatz666 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2010
    Software Developer
    Yeah, I love you too... :)

    It's good to know, Eli. The article is cool on PT, but bashing TA and S2P? Not so much. Not everybody has an agenda, you know.

    My post was basically a call to arms to my fellow gamers that stands higher of these pseudo-reviewers who bash a good game just to attract bandwidth to their websites...
  15. Issac

    Issac Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2011
    This is how I have felt for a while. To the OP: I know what you mean about the community, but don't let that stop you from giving up on a hobby you enjoy :)

    There are plenty of places out there - like TA! - that are full of the more adult/mature sort of gamers you are looking for.
  16. Drummerboycroy

    Drummerboycroy Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2012

    Really hard to say it much clearer than that... I might add the "internet toughguy/bully" and the "armchair moderator" into the mix, but yeah, the principle remains the same... tough to learn, but eject and focus indeed...;):D

  17. I sometimes think it is entertaining to read alot of stuff on the internet, and since it basically is just public domain and anonymous and free, the comments and reviews are quite humourous at times, and downright wicked at other times.

    But if one takes it with a grain of salt and doesn't get mad about it, it can be interesting to view and have some fun with. Humour seems to turn around even the ugliest threads like the Dead Trigger type threads, and can often make for exciting reading on the john.

    I will not get mad about video games.
    I will not get mad about video games.

    Now, I am mad about videogames.

    Buying and enjoying them that is. ;)
  18. Drummerboycroy

    Drummerboycroy Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2012
    The worst for me has got to be the "internet tough guys," the "internet PhDs," and the "armchair wanna-be mods..."

    Worse when the same person plays all three roles simultaneously.;):D

  19. MeanTuna

    MeanTuna Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2012
    Maybe its a sense of entitlement, I mean the feeling that gaming is something exclusive to you and your peeps. I like football and I like gaming too, played both of them irl and virtually from as long as I can remember and have met lots of people who are like that, i mean real gamers who like deep ass rpgs, 4x strategy games and such and also like real sports

    What im trying to write is that maybe you're suffering because youre playing the part of nerd rager a little too seriously, and have the feel that unwanted types are critizicing what you love when the reality is that gaming has became mainstream and they have the same rights you do to say whatever they want about them.

    Its worth noting that not all people who enjoys games are the same, i mean my wife spends most of her free time nowadays playing Candy Crush Saga and no one would say shes a hardcore gamer, specially after seeing me tweak my Gran Turismo 5 car for a good while before even think of starting to race or wander for hours just exploring on Skyrim or Fallout.

    We just need to accept the fact that this is not a geek exclusive activity now, and I really dont see anything wrong with it.
  20. meatz666

    meatz666 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2010
    Software Developer
    I'm not in rage or denial.
    Sometimes, when I'm relaxing ay home, is nice to return to a community to discuss constructively about games. But when you used to do this to relax, and even make some friends, now you see haters, fanboys, unemployed journalists, bashers, bullies and etc. that's my gripe.

    I haven't made myself clear and some comments here judge my social skills. That's just dumb, and only proves my point.
    For profiling sake, not bragging, I'm a software developer, with a gorgeous gf, and bass player in a rock band and a soul/funk band. I play in pubs almost every weekend. I'm a nerd/geek yes, but not a dumbass. I'm in the community for a very long time.

    I loved to waste hours debating about games in the past. Wasn't a waste of time at all to me. But now I have to literally waste my time reading through flames and Internet bullies posts until I finally manage to find a intelligent discussing with clever people like yourselves.

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