Barcode country info made easy : Made in? (FREE !!!)

Discussion in 'iOS Apps' started by Nicolo, Feb 12, 2012.

  1. Nicolo

    Nicolo Active Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    IOS dev
    App info is currently processing and/or the app is not yet fully available for sale on the US App Store.

    "Made in?" is a utility app wich help you find the country information of a barcode (EAN13 supported).

    The application is FREE and also provide geographical information from 100+ country.

    You can also use this app to find the numbers sequence of a barcode.

    "Made in?" is very useful when you want to buy a product. If there is no "made in ...", "manufactured in...." text on the box, you can use this app to find more information.

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