Icon update. Pros and cons.

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by StarWalk, Sep 15, 2011.

  1. StarWalk

    StarWalk Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2009
    Alexandria, VA
    Hi there,

    I've read lots of articles about the importance of icon, how it increases CTR, thus the sales figures are much higher. Also I've met such threads in the forum. Believing it is really very important point in app presence, I need your advice about new icon.

    New one(with the tower) is not radically different from the old variant(with the tree). Nevertheless according to admob the users click rates of the 2nd variant is 25% higher. But after the icon was changed we received several letters from our old users with negative feedback. Now we are confused.

    What is your experience? In what way does the icon style influence the sales rates? What is your icon life story?

    Attached Files:

  2. ~J~

    ~J~ Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2011
    Software Developer
    What exactly was the negative feedback? About the icon itself or the product?

    Have to say, looking at those two icons, several thoughts spring to mind...

    1) They are colourful, clear, and you can see exactly what it is.
    2) The first icon immediately shouts "Africa"
    3) The second icon, to me that really does intrigue me. It's a split-second thought of "What is the Eiffel Tower doing in Africa" or "Why are there giraffes in Paris"
    3a) Whether it was a conscious decision or not I don't know, BUT, the fact that the giraffes appear to be actually looking at the Eiffel Tower does actually add some kind of mystery to the icon.

    Maybe the 25% increase in sales is simply due to the fact of my points 3 and 3a, but I'm still intrigued about what this negative feedback and where it is directed.
  3. racingspider

    racingspider Well-Known Member

    I agree, the extra click through is probably because things are out of their expected place. Also, notice the giraffe that is on the left:
    In the first picture, he's simply looking left, the tree covers him and the entire image is balanced to the center.
    In the second, he appears to be leaning away as though making a double-take - even though it is exactly the same. It is as though the giraffe is saying "What the!" and that piques curiosity.
    Curiosity gets click-throughs. :)
  4. Ally

    Ally Active Member

    Feb 1, 2011
    social media manager
    Thanks guys for sharing your thoughts.
    I agree with you. Eiffel Tower is more intriguing, so we got more clicks, but not that much sales.

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