Warhammer Quest 2: The End Times

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by RodeoBenjamin, Mar 22, 2017.

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  1. MacrosTheBlack

    MacrosTheBlack Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2009
    @RodeoBenjamin - are there any plans to update WQ1 for 64 bit support, iPad Pro 12.9 resolution support, etc?
  2. RodeoBenjamin

    RodeoBenjamin Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    Creative Director at Perchang Games
    @Stelph, we don't have height as a concept in the game. However, there are some rooms that have two or more distinct paths through them. Some of these are open, so you can still attack at range to help out your Warriors, and others are more closed off.

    @MacrosTheBlack, Rodeo Games are looking into updating WQ1 for 64-bit support.
  3. Deadpan

    Deadpan Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2010
    #123 Deadpan, Apr 19, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2017
    I had an idea for traps that may work, although I'll be the first to admit they were inspired by a certain trilogy in my movie collection.

    Rather than using a step on a tile and take damage mechanic traps could be used to hurry the player forcing them to rush and maybe take some risks or face damage. In corridors this could be achieved by setting off a boulder starting at the far end that will roll towards the party x squares a turn. In rooms it could be the ceiling descending giving the players x number of turns to leave the room or find the cut off switch to avoid being crushed. If it makes it into the game the pillar of stone spell could be used to delay the traps by a turn or neutralise them.

    I have absolutely no idea if these would play well or be workable in the game, but they sounded kind of cool and I don't think I've seen traps implemented in that way before.

    I think you're right about puzzles, if they were in there at all they'd have to be specific set pieces really. The only other kinds you might be able to make enough of would be logic based riddles or WH lore based questions. Both of which would likely alienate some players.
  4. RodeoBenjamin

    RodeoBenjamin Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    Creative Director at Perchang Games
    Yeah, I seem to remember we had a lore based puzzle in Quest 1. Was too niche. When people who are developing the game can't answer the questions....maybe you're not doing the right thing!

    I do like the idea of a room turning into a "danger room" if a trap is set off. Just like the ceiling spike room in that trilogy you mentioned ;)

    Something like random squares flashing and then causing damage to any characters stood in them next turn. Could work in your favour too if the room's full of enemies!

    Good stuff Deadpan!
  5. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    You could do lore based puzzles, provided that you put the answer somewhere in the game, for those folks who don't know it already.
    That could even lead to more quests, like: "Oh, we need to know the truename of the demon Sxarglfrax to banish him from this world. I heard Gunter the almost-all-knowing Sage in Middenheim knows a lot about this kind of stuff, let's go ask him. Gunter then sends you off further, as he heard rumours that the Necromancer Ferdinand the Imperceptible might have a Tome of Dread Names."

    And I like the environmental hazards several people brought up; e.g. lavapits, falling stalagtites, noxious fumes, whathaveyou. Of course, any self-respecting Skaven warren would be chock-full of that stuff ;)
  6. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    If lore is readable in game, I'm all for lore based riddles/puzzles/new way of passing certain points.

    Actually Nullzone idea is really cool.

    You could hack your way through a powerful enemy via brute force....or learn his true name and weaken him a lot....but to learn his true name you must do some side quests, get rumors in a inn, track down an old sage and finally find an ancient tome (to be read, with actual in game text) buried in a collapsed tower, now guarded by a Lich...etc...etc...
    At the actual bad guy encounter, some check must be done before the actual fight...to see if you have the necessary lore to weaken him (this could be tricky, alerting people unaware of the side quest that something is amiss).

    Same could be done, in simpler way, for doors...
    Like....a dungeon can have two different passageways to a certain room.
    The harder one...and a simpler one blocked by a magical door, that you can open only of you know the word (Mellon comes to mind, citing another famous fantasy setting).

    Hazards room are very cool too, as long as there isn't a real time timer (as in WHQ) but everything remains turn based.

    I'm trying to keep hype at minimum and I even refrained to visit this thread lately but damn....it's SO HARD :p
  7. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    @pitta: Offering several paths with different difficulty levels and challenges is a great idea, the best one in this thread so far I dare say ;)
    Just a boatload of work for the good Perchang folks to create and implement...
  8. Deadpan

    Deadpan Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2010
    I quite like the idea of different difficulty paths but I think I'd end up clearing the entire dungeon anyway for the XP and being the completionist I am.

    Lore in game might work, but I remember getting frustrated with the riddles in Durlags tower because I played the dungeon over the course of a few weeks and couldn't remember the answers when the riddle was posed. I think that issue would be exacerbated on mobile as so many players dip in and out when they get a few spare moments. Maybe runestones or some other kind of key would be a better option, at least something you could refer to before giving the answer.
  9. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    As a completionist myself, I know what you are saying but maybe they could have in store more....like if you open one path....the other one collapses.
    So you'll never know what could have been inside that room...maybe the last set of a rune chaos armor that once worn...gives you unspeakable powers... :p
    If they come up with a good implementation, it could be great to add to the random dungeons, even if all this is probably best suited to the handcrafted story quest ones.

    Something that kept me playing WHQ all these years is, besides being an awesome game to boot, you never knew what was in store for you next.
    The thrilling of exploring a new room is still unparalleled (and equal to the original boardgame and nowdays to WHQ:Silver Tower).

    As for lore/riddles...you are totally right.
    Some of us can play hours straight, but many times we just play 'a little dungeon' side quest...so we could easily forget important lore.
    That's why I suggested eventual things must be written somewhere....like a book you can have in your inventory (and read when you think you have to use it), a rune...or even a parchment written by the mage when you actually hear, let's say, the daemon true name.
    Easier to check if the party has that actual parchment before the encounter...and maybe trigger a dialog where they name the daemon and weaken him before the fight.

    Of course if we all fan let our minds go wild and Perchang read and is intrigued by all this...the game will never see the light :p
  10. Sloany

    Sloany Well-Known Member

    These are all awesome ideas that would make the game incredible, as for the timing and never seeing the light, perhaps the game could be released as perchang intends and these all be added later as updates or as part of content expansions etc.

    I just really can't wait to get my hands on it lol!!

    Ben, is this game being done by the same artist as WHQ 1? Do you still have contact at rodeo? Do you think they will also update WHQ1 with new content? Or are they now just concentrating on supporting existing media?

  11. RodeoBenjamin

    RodeoBenjamin Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    Creative Director at Perchang Games
    I'm exactly the same as Deadpan here:
    We have already implemented a system where T-Junctions have two exits. One that carries on through the dungeon. The other leads to a single room. It might contain something nice (chest, early dungeon exit, etc), or something really horrible (mini-boss, ambush, etc). We wanted to cut down on the amount of back tracking that you had to do in WHQ1 when you came to a dead end, and this feels like a nice solution.

    Yep, we have to be really careful about that! ;) There might be something cool we can do with Daemon names though...

    @Sloany, We had two artists at Rodeo. Myself and a character artist. At Perchang, we have two artists, myself and a character artist (although he's not the same one from Rodeo). WHQ1 won't be getting any new content. However, Perchang plan to support WHQ2 for a looooong time.

    See you all in the morning!
  12. Sloany

    Sloany Well-Known Member

    @Sloany, We had two artists at Rodeo. Myself and a character artist. At Perchang, we have two artists, myself and a character artist (although he's not the same one from Rodeo). WHQ1 won't be getting any new content. However, Perchang plan to support WHQ2 for a looooong time.

    Sounds good! Thought they were similar art styles #
  13. ac166

    ac166 Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2014
    Apple TV

    Any chance this game will get Apple TV support too?
  14. saansilt

    saansilt 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Mar 23, 2013
    Archaon boss battle?
    I kid. I know how that ends.
    Can we at least punch Mannfred in the face? Been wanting to do that for a while.
  15. Kotovsky

    Kotovsky Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2012
    Try Total War Warhammer then.
  16. RodeoBenjamin

    RodeoBenjamin Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    Creative Director at Perchang Games
    @ac166 not sure how the game would translate to Apple TV. It is on the radar, but not for the near future.

    Actually, speaking of face-punching. Which character would you most like to fight from the End Times?

    ....I mean, in the game... not real life...
  17. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Valkia_the_Bloody Valkia's on top of my list: Valkyries are just great, and a Khornate one even more so
    https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Glottkin, because I think they are funny
    And some of the crazier Skavens, they are just too hilarious to pass up: Death-Death to the man-things! :D
  18. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    Hi Benjamin, i'm eagerly waiting WHQ2, and am glad to see you are making the gameplay mechanics more like WHQ and less like DW with this RNG.

    I would also like to ask, will WHQ be updated for 64 support?
  19. fr33z33

    fr33z33 Member

    May 22, 2012

    Seconding request for Apple TV support... :)
  20. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    I have a personal request if technically possibile.
    I'm replaying both WHQ and DW and in both cases I really wish I could zoom in a bit further (especially on iPhone, especially on DW which is 3D as End of Times).

    Models are really wonderful and the background textures used are imho glorious....so even if probably zooming in more gets them a bit more pixellated...I really wish I could zoom a bit more to take some of the glorious screenshots whoever played the games know very well.

    So please keep in mind that!!!
    So far in DW at max zoom there isn't any noticeable degrade in graphics clarity...I bet we could go much deeper and it would still look glorious (memory permitting of course).

    I really wish I could zoom on those gold runes much more in WHQ too.

    Because, you know, they are glorious.

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