Questionnaire On Developer Experiences And Results

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by rogerty, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. rogerty

    rogerty New Member

    Apr 5, 2010
    Hi. I'm planning to start developing for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad in the near future. Been lurking on the forum for some time already and obviously read many of your comments and reports on the success and failure of your games and apps, which has been very helpful. Here's a small (ok, not that small..) questionnaire aiming to summarize the key things and collect a kind of an overview of developers' experiences here at TouchArcade.

    So hopefully you'll find a few minutes to fill this out. Note that you can answer to only part of the questions and not all, if you like.

    ==================== please copy the whole questionnaire when answering ====================

    1. How long have you been developing for the iPhone?

    2. How many apps have you released in the App Store? free/premium?

    3. (Optional!) How much sales/revenue (USD) have your apps generated in total?

    4. (Optional!) How many downloads have your apps generated in total?

    5. a) What is your most successful app, b) its release date and c) (optional!) total sales/download results?

    6. Key reasons why do you think it (answer to question 5) became so successful? (e.g. concept, coverage, marketing, reviews, graphics)

    7. a) What is your least most successful app, b) its release date and c) total sales/download results?

    8. Key reasons why do you think it (answer to question 7) failed?

    9. a) When was your "best day" in terms of sales/downloads? b) What were the key contributors to make it happen?

    10. What is the average life span of your apps, i.e. do they continue selling for a long time after launch or will the volumes drop near to zero/day after a few months, etc?

    11. Are you releasing apps as an individual person, sole trader or company?

    12. What are the most significant troubles with Apple that you have experienced while releasing content in the App Store? (e.g. delays, rejections, payments)

    13. How many hours (roughly) do you generally spend in development per week?

    14. If you would restart your "App Store developer career", what would you do differently this time? I.e. what have you learned what you didn't know when you started?

    15. Have you released your apps in any other mobile application store, or just Apple App Store?

    ==================== please copy the whole questionnaire when answering ====================

    Thanks for your time!
  2. Uptown Arts

    Uptown Arts Well-Known Member

    Whew, good thing some of the questions are optional :)
  3. Carlos

    Carlos Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2009
    Software architect, game dev and book author
    xor eax, eax
    The answer is 42.
  4. MexicanJesus

    MexicanJesus Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2009
    So uh... Guys who made an alternate account, then wrote down some personal questions, hid them horribly within generic questions, labeled it a survey, then casted the line?
  5. rogerty

    rogerty New Member

    Apr 5, 2010
    Thanks for your useful input...
  6. Carlos

    Carlos Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2009
    Software architect, game dev and book author
    xor eax, eax
    Come on, rogerty, what did you expect?
    Your questions are either too generic or just nosy.
    We spend time and money to finish a decent app, and we are ourselves constantly looking for the right answers to these topics.

    Actually finding the right answers (if any) is part of a quite lengthy process, so do not expect to get the "secret keys" of iPhone development without any effort from your side.

    TouchArcade is a very good place to retrieve iPhone development related help and additional information. However, such questionnaires are probably not the best way to get help.
  7. rogerty

    rogerty New Member

    Apr 5, 2010
    My expectations were rather clear and logical: those who wanted to fill out the questionnaire, would do so, and those who didn't want to fill it out, would not fill it out. Pretty simple. I wasn't expecting rude and cheeky offtopic replies from the latter group of people, though.

    That is completely fine that you think so. I respect your opinion and would expect you not to fill out the questionnaire. However, this questionnaire is not about "what do you think about this questionnaire" so this is completely offtopic.

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