Keeping pulled games

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by currymutton, May 27, 2009.

  1. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    I don't know if this is off-topic or of any violation of any rules.

    I turn out I have kept a number of games which are pulled from the iTunes Store on my iPhone. Some of them, however, do not have copies on the PC, except backup. So I am worried in case I have to changed my device (e.g. upgrade), all those apps will be lost.

    Is there any way to ensure those pulled apps can be installed back?

    Thanks in advanced.
  2. HJJ

    HJJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2008
    I don't get it. If the game is on your device, just sync to your iTunes account and the game should be uploaded. Then you can manually (applications check box) remove or reinstall via iTunes whenever you want.

    You just won't be able to re-download via the mobile App Store obviously.
  3. radchad1

    radchad1 Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2008
    Lake Zurich, Illinois
    True. However, when the OS 3.0 comes out he won't be able to play the games anymore. Apple is making all app developers make the programs be able to support the upgrade to 3.0. So, in the end the games won't be able to be played unless on jb idevices.
  4. jchampl

    jchampl Well-Known Member

    actually you couldn't be more wrong. The only thing apple is doing is having devs do a 3.0 compliance check. if they do not do the check then their game is no longer for sale. It does not however prevent you from installing or playing the game. Obviously a few games will not be compliant and won't play properly regardless of stock or jailbroken. Many of the games will play just fine and you will be able to play them regardless. Out of 173 games I have 5 that don't work properly and only 2 of them are unplayable. Apple is not stopping you from playing pulled games on 3.0. They have not used he kill switch on ANY program. Apple just wants the store to be 100% 3.0 compliant. Think how mad you would benig you bought a game only to find out it doesn't work because you had the new firmware. That's what the check is for, not to prevent you from playing games. More than likely the pulled games will play just fine without a 3.0 adjustment. Since the check is nothing more than telling apple "yup it works" nothing else. Just make sure you copy them over like HJJ said.
  5. Mew2468

    Mew2468 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    Vancouver, BC
    I'm glad Tris works with 3.0 :cool:.
  6. shakur96

    shakur96 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    Same here :D
  7. brewstermax

    brewstermax Well-Known Member

    No. Light Jockey is the best app that got pulled that I have. It's a perfect Audiotorium clone. It works great on 3.0.
  8. 28JordyBoy94

    28JordyBoy94 Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2009
    Cairns, Australia
    i've got ipint and netshare
    has anyone tried if they work on 3.0

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