Universal Manual Override - The Unluckiest Space Pilot

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by FrozenPepper, Sep 16, 2017.

  1. FrozenPepper

    FrozenPepper Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    #1 FrozenPepper, Sep 16, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2017
    Hi all !
    I'm here to write about what we think is a cool new concept we have been toying with, expressly designed and conceived for touch input : Manual Override (working title, open to suggestions) is about a the unluckiest space pilot ever which constantly finds himself stranded in dangerous space locations with his engine control system broken.... He'll have to manually override engine inputs and precisely balance left and right throttles to control his vessel and find the way back home.

    Game is still in it's very early stages but we would love some feedback, so we are setting up a test flight build to hopefully collect some impressions about controls and general gameplay, so if interested in a very challenging space manoeuvring game, let me know via PM and will add you to testers list.

    Will post more soon, but in the meantime here is a very first sneak peak at the game, showing mainly the core mechanics and controls.

    Thanks in advance for all feedback and suggestions !

    Game scenario is now 3D granting way more coherence with the other objects and obstacles and in general looking better according to us :)
    Here a taste of it :

    UPDATE :
    now with SPACE RACES !
    more info soon, but in the meantime a fast preview of racing gameplay :

    New game name is "Engines Override" and it will be released on November 24
    Here a trailer for the final version
  2. Stronsay

    Stronsay Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    Looks easy enough! Is the number at top left a timer or fuel usage?
  3. FrozenPepper

    FrozenPepper Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    Top left number is a timer. Cool idea that of fuel usage, might do something with it ;), but I can assure that game can already be quite difficult...
    Now completing 3D scenario graphics which bring way more consistency to the art style and literal "depth" to the game :) As soon as full 3D transition of scenario is completed we will upload a build to test flight so let me know if anybody is interested in giving Manual Override a try.
  4. FrozenPepper

    FrozenPepper Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    Happy to write that new build is available for testers on Test Flight introducing all new new 3d scenarios, gem formations on the walls collectable only with the shield, new level styles and other fixes, improvements and additions.

    Here a fast taste of new 3D levels and Gems :
  5. Stronsay

    Stronsay Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    Thanks for Test Flight. Looking good so far. Positives are the landscape format which is good for me on iPad. Left/Right controls work really well in view of variable positioning on screen. The 3D graphics look great. Runs smoothly on Air 2. (iOS 11). Negatives - low frame rate on iPad 4.
    I like lander style games and this has the same vibe. Enjoying the challenging controls which may take a while to become second nature.
    Will have more time to test tomorrow
  6. FrozenPepper

    FrozenPepper Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    Great thanks Stronsay for the feedback, quite shocked about iPad 4 performance as with same graphics settings it is running silk smooth on iPad 2 and first generation iPad Mini, but probably GPU + resolution of iPad 4 (and 3 I guess) are suffering due to the scenario shader which is quite complex. Will upload later today or tomorrow a new build with further improvements and a possible fix for iPad 4 performance problem.
  7. Stronsay

    Stronsay Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    Yes, it may be an iPad 4 rendering issue as it is noticeable in other grapically intensive games.

    I’ve realised that inertia is a factor in the game, which defeats my attempts at steering with one thumb only!

    I’m wondering if it would be good to have a brief full screen map overview at the start of each level to give an idea of length and complexity in advance.

    Also it may be interesting to have power-ups that add some extra time, perhaps located in side tunnels so one has to decide if they are worth collecting.
  8. FrozenPepper

    FrozenPepper Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    Great thanks Stronsay for your feedback.
    We are close to release a much improved version on TestFlight with many improvements, among which a "progress bar" that let's you know how much of the level is left before completion.
    We are also introducing 2 new type of game modes which we are going to use scattered among the normal levels, will soon post a teaser about them :)

    Huge thanks to all testers for the great feedback we have been receiving even with the super "bare bones" build currently available.
  9. Stronsay

    Stronsay Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2015
    The progress bar is a good addition, as are the two new modes. More variety in the levels now. And much more challenging! I’m not doing so well completing the later levels, even without the timer :)
  10. FrozenPepper

    FrozenPepper Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    Great thanks Stronsay and all testers on TestFlight for the great feedback you have been providing !
    Happy to write that new version is available on test flight with first 15 levels of increasing difficulty, and first level with weapons (double tap to fire) !

    We also have a new video !
  11. FrozenPepper

    FrozenPepper Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
  12. FrozenPepper

    FrozenPepper Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    happy to write that game is almost complete with 30 increasingly difficult levels all with dedicated scoreboards and 3 race championships made of 4 races each. We are also very happy to announce that races will feature multiplayer via Game Center !

    Game is now entering beta and would love to have feedback from a couple more testers, so if interested let us know and we will add your email to test flight testing program.
  13. FrozenPepper

    FrozenPepper Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    Game has been submitted and approved by Apple and it's release its planned for Friday November 24, huge thanks to this fantastic community and especially to the testers who provided invaluable feedback.
    Super proud and thankful also to have been noticed by the TouchArcade staff http://toucharcade.com/2017/11/22/engines-override-trailer/, huge thanks.

    Final name of the game is "Engines Override" ("Manual Override" was already taken...)
    Here a final trailer

    Also have a couple of promo codes which will unlock the full game for the firsts to post a reply.

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