Better performance in NFSU - play your own music

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Peter321, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. Peter321

    Peter321 Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2008
    In the latest GM version of 3.0 all soundFX are now working in NFSU (they where gone on Beta5) - but I'm still getting an annoying lag in the framerate about every second - it's not much, but it's there and it's pretty consistent.

    Based on some tips from other games I tried to started my own music before booting the game (which mutes in in-game soundtrack but keeps the soundFX) and what do you now - the game now runs smoothly without the lag :D

    I can even pause the music (using the headset) but unfortunately when no music is playing at the end of a race it brings back the soundtrack (and the lag).

    I hope EA will fix this once 3.0 is out officially, but until then playing your own music gives you better performance.

    Note: just turning down the volume of the soundtrack to zero does not help - it seems the game does not shut off the soundtrack process, it just mutes it :confused:
  2. redsoxsrule424

    redsoxsrule424 Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2009
    Wrong forum should go into general discussion. I can't comment too much on this one as I don't have 3.0 beta...
  3. Peter321

    Peter321 Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2008
    OK, sorry - maybe an admin can move it?

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