Big File Sizes and Constant Updates Complaint Thread!!!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Connector, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. I am sick of it!!!

    This thread is your chance to be a troll, and complain about huge file sizes and constant updates!!! The more funnier the post is the better! Time to let your anger out on Apple or whoever you want to blame for this problem.

    For me, I am an app addict, every week, I am buying bigger and bigger apps on sale, a lot of them for 99 cents on sale, problem is, these apps are getting to be 2 gb in size. It is taking FOREVER to download and install these games. Sometimes, seems like it takes one hour to do so.

    And, it gets even worse, during that hour to install, my new ipad just constantly freezes and crashes occassionally!!! I left Windows Mobile to get away from this mess, but nowadays with all these constant updates and huge files, my ipad has turned to the dark side and seems to be a Microsoft product!!!

    And what's what Apple with all these crazy updates nowadays for ios 6, iphone 5, ipad mini, and ipad 4??? Geez, after the iphone 5 and ios 6 came out, I was doing like 20 updates a day!!!

    Do you think this makes me happy??? Hell no!!! Sometimes my ipad would be in this constant freezing crashing mode for over 2 hours!!! I don't like it!!!

    I know ios 6 is supposed to let you do partial updates and all, but when you are getting over 20 updates a day, and some sneak in there as freemium converts or add ads to the apps, updates are not so sexy!

    I remember a more peaceful time where updates were pleasant, more free levels, more features.

    Now what? Compatibility to idevices that I don't even own! The sheer madness, and now my disk space is getting even further reduced because of the bloating of apps for idevice compatibility.

    And more and more good games are getting larger than 500 mbs nowadays. I know, I know, it is mainly due to my new ipad with the new retina screen and all, so I do take partial blame on this, but my the file sizes are getting HUGE!!!

    Evey other day, same old ritual, get a 2 gb monster on sale, then play it for one day, then the next day another 2 gb monster comes that you want, so you delete the first one. I just bought Horn on sale, and now this week, I gotta get rid of it for Arc Squadron cause it has it's 99 cent adopter sale. Crazy existance it is for the app hoarder.

    Just deleting horn, and downloading arc squadron has caused my new ipad to be constantly freezing, and when I try to go to general settings, it keeps crashing. And this process is lasting close to an hour and a half, with no end in site?

    I am on a fast internet line, so my downloads are kind of quick, any of you have horror stories of downloading these 2 gb monsters? I often wonder if anyone has actually downloaded a file for over 24 hours just to get a game. Can't believe how frustrating an update would be to these folk with a slow dsl line.

    Ahh, my anger is subsiding, glad to get this off my chest, hopefully my new ipad has now deleted Horn and Arc Squadron is loaded and ready to play.

    Glad to get this off my chest, and get to be a troll for once. Anyone else frustrated?
  2. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009

    I don't really see a problem here. And as you said: delta updates.
  3. I envy you!
  4. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    I dont mind the updates, look forward to them. 90% of my updates are to games so that often means more levels etc, bug fixes.

    Probably sad i know but i look forward to seeing a red number by the app store and seeing if one of my favourite games has had a new feature added.

    Yeah upgrades for ios6/latest ipod are a bit annoying but i'll be happy as hell when i get a new ipod and have so many games full screen for it.

    But lets not moan about updates, its good so many devs keep adding new stuff for free (or fix their annoying strange navigation technique in a game to more 'normal' nav buttons) ;)
  5. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Barely a week ago I was on a 1Mbit connection and this was a constant annoyance for me. Right now though... sitting pretty at 46Mbit and I don't have a care in the world. Sorry guys, I've felt your pain, but moving on just feels so good :)
  6. EfratBarTal

    EfratBarTal Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    I don't think that this is the real issue here. Fast Internet connections are everywhere and there aren't that many updates to the really big games.

    i actually LOVE big, beefy games, (like any Gameloft premium game) (and even some freemium games, what the heck). my complaint is connected to the fact that my device has only puny 16gigs. My decision to get a device of this size 2 years ago was one of my biggest mistakes, i should have gone for the bigger storage model but, of course, these would have been filled quickly too, so to my thought, the problem is that there is no external storage on iPhones. one of the very VERY few drawbacks to any of these Apple devices.

    SD cards are so cheap, almost a dime a dozen (around $25US for a 32GBer in the stores where i live) just imagine the possibilities of having so much space available. hotswap those cards and you could have basically unlimited storage. But this is not possible of course. PURELY apple's fault. They CAN put a slot into their devices (no matter what they claim) but they just prefer not to do so.
  7. SlightReturn

    SlightReturn Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2012
    You want frustration? Try updating all those apps on iOS5 where you have to put in your password every time you hit "update all." Now, that's frustrating!

    Good riddance, iOS5!
  8. schplurg

    schplurg Well-Known Member

    Of course not! Apple makes money selling you an upgraded device with more memory for hundreds of dollars extra, why would they allow us to use a $5 SD card for storage? Apple does not like us, they just pretend to. That's why we get two phones, and now 2 iPads (make it 4 with the mini) per year shoved down our throats.
  9. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 13, 2009
    college student (junior)
    Houston/Austin, TX
    75 mbps, no. I update my apps daily, so I never have a large amount of updates piled up. I just want Apple to release an 128 GB device already.
  10. LOLavi

    LOLavi Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2011
    iPhone gamer
    I have an 8GB device and I used to buy(now I haven't bought much gift cards lately) at least 2 apps a week. I have a huge library of apps and it's really hard deciding between what's gonna stay and what's gonna go. Especially when I always have at least 1 Gameloft FPS. I want NfS Most Wanted desperately but I can't afford the space. I will possibly get an iPad, we'll see
  11. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    I've never wanted more space on any of my devices. People like to kid themselves into thinking they can realistically play 100 games at once, but they can't. The biggest issue is with games you can't backup a save file for, otherwise it'd be fine to keep 10-20 games on your device and shuffle/delete/resynch/redownload as required.
  12. EfratBarTal

    EfratBarTal Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    it's true, most people can't play 100 games at once, the same way they can't listen to 20GB of music at once, or view 10000 images at once. But having the OPTION to play a particular single game out of a hundred at any one time is worth quite a lot. You know that feeling of "I'm in the mood for playing game X right now.. but, oh wait, I had to delete it to make space for game Y, which I don't want to play right now". I guess it's just a different psyche.

    Also, not all this space is for games, some of it goes to movies, and other types of media, and we all know how expensive in terms of storage space are HD movies shot with the iphone. Having many songs and *.Wav samples on any of my music-making apps (GarageBand, FL studio mobile, etc) does take a lot of space, i noticed.

    I can't fit everything all the time, but having a storage card slot will sure help close in on that.
  13. BeatScribe

    BeatScribe Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2012
    I feel your pain. I like to use my iPad to play workout videos and theres only space for two with all the other stuff I have on there. I do appreciate how i can redownload an app without buying it again. This helps me switch games in and out with only the time it takes to download. Its also great if something goes wrong. It turns it from being a huge hassle into a minor annoyance.
  14. bigrand1

    bigrand1 Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Geriatric Party Animal
    California, USA
    #14 bigrand1, Nov 4, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2012
    I totally agree with you. That's the way I feel. With games constantly getting bigger, why doesn't Apple make devices with more than 64 GB? How many years have they been churning out device after device without increasing that specific upgrade? No, I don't wanna 'rent' space in the cloud! Memory cards would be good to have, but I'm fine with paying more to have more space out-of-the box. I have different media on my unit and I feel like I should be able to buy the high-end one if I want it and can buy it. Sorry, man, but 64 GB is SO yesterday it's not even funny. Apple needs to get with it!
  15. Ok, here's my beef for today...

    Upgrade to ios 6.0.1 from 6.0
    Delete Fifa 12
    Upload Nova 3

    Simple, or so I thought. I have a fast wifi n line.

    How long did it take??? Over 3 hours! What the heck!

    I realize the 2 programs were 2 gb monsters, but the upgrade to ios was only 70 mb.

    The whole time, my new ipad is stuttering, almost crashing, and gasping for air!

    This madness has to stop! If all of my apps were these 2gb monsters, I would go crazy!
  16. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Having hundreds of apps eats up ram. Delete half of em and thank me later once you finish sobbing. Use the space for movies or photos.
  17. Well, it is past 7 pm, and Nova 3 still hasn't installed yet! So yeah, I am sobbing, getting close to the 4 hour mark now...

    When you say ram, you talking about memory, or disk space?

    I assume you mean memory, why would deleting apps affect my memory? Can't I just close all apps, and my memory be ok?

    And I never watch movies on my ipad due to disk space. Movies are huge! Can take up to 4 gb for a 2 hour movie! That makes me cringe when I think about it.

    Photos got about 500 mb of art and backgrounds and pictures. While I would like to allocate more space to videos and photos, I try to keep it very small, so not even any porn, haha.

    I only have 700 apps on my ipad or so... It seems ok overall, but whenever I install these 2 gb monsters, it can take over an hour to install. Is this normal? Can I get it to install any faster? When my disk space was more empty, it did seem faster to load the 2 gb monsters, but nowadays, it seems to take over an hour. And the whole time, my new ipad chugs and stutters...

    Makes me want to pull my hair out.
  18. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Well, it also has to do with wifi speed but it doesn't take me any 4 hours do download GTA 3 or NOVA 3 or Max Payne. More like 20 minutes max.

    When I say RAM, I'm talking random access memory, not disk space. You can never have too much of it, I'm not going to go into a huge explanation but it basically keeps your device running smoothly by temporarily caching information. App icons are cached into the ram just like the OS, so they slowly eat it up and can eventually (700 apps???? Jeez dude that's a ton) slow your device down. Currently I have about 55 apps installed including the default iOS ones like iMessage, with 500-600 mb of RAM free with no apps open and 700+ free upon a reboot. I would strongly recommend you cringe, close your eyes and delete about 500 of those apps. Surely you don't use all 700! Just redownload what you need as needed, keep the big ones that don't have iCloud saves and you like (like GTA 3 for me). You will definitely see a noticeable performance boost. Then use that extra space for 5 movies or lots of music or serious photo editing or whatever.
  19. Yeah, I am going to have to some serious thinking about this and some research. I never thought about the icons, and now since they are retina, the size of all the icons on the ram, probably would be a factor since I got 724 apps on my new ipad.

    But you are right, I would start crying if I had to delete 500 of them, but maybe I should try first to get below 500 for now.

    So all your 2 gb games download and install in 20 minutes? It's taking about one and a half hours on a fast wifi line. So there must be something wrong with my situation.

    And when you install these 2 gb monsters, are you still doing stuff on your ipad? Or do you let it just do its thing? I often wondered if you are doing stuff like on the web or games, this would probably slow down the download and install right?

    Just so hard deleting stuff cause most of the stuff doesn't have icloud.

    But man, got to do something, installing 6.0.1, deleting fifa, and installing nova 3 took me 4.5 hours, and my ipad was lagging and freezing like crazy.

    Ok, I am going to try to get down to less than 500 apps on my ipad. Man will take some time to sort through all those apps. Apphoading is not sexy, when you have to delete so many apps. Sigh...
  20. Yeah, that is true, now that jbruu wants me to delete 500 games off my new ipad, not being able to save game saves is now my #1 gripe for today.

    Man what happened to icloud? It was supposed to be our savoir, but in reality, not so much...

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