Lab Cave - Services

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Labcave, May 29, 2013.

  1. Labcave

    Labcave New Member

    Apr 4, 2013
    Lab Cave specializes in game and application development for mobile platforms such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry. We analyze the clientÂ’s needs and conduct a customized study to offer the best solution.

    Looking for a game or application for your company? These are some of the services we offer to our clients:

    - Advergaming

    - Social Games

    - Casual Games

    - Porting your games

    - Third parties SDK integration

    We have experience using several technologies such as Cocos2dx, Marmalade, Unity, Html5, etc..

    As proof of the quality products we develop you can have a look to "Jeff Space" an awesome shooter we have developed for iOS which was "App of the Week", here at Marmalade.

    Our headquarters are located in Madrid ( Spain ). You can learn more about our services on our website feel free to drop us an email to [email protected]

    Thank you.

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