Looking for projects

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by MikeTeaford, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. MikeTeaford

    MikeTeaford New Member

    Dec 30, 2013
    Hi, My name is Mike Teaford and i am a composer looking to take composition from a hobby to a profession. I am currently searching for opportunities particularly to learn more about the industry while gaining connections, and therefore willing to work for free.

    Most of my focus is put towards the orchestration aspect of composition, attempting to produce a consistent and complete depiction of the intended scene. All of my music right now is constructed from software or sample based instruments and is intended to be a finished product rather than a demo.

    You can listen to my tracks on my website and feel free to contact me about any project you might have no matter how big or small.

    [email protected]

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