Questionable MASSIVE paid 5-star review rating

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by addisonM, Mar 12, 2010.

  1. addisonM

    addisonM New Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    So I was checking out freeappaday yesterday and I noticed that there is this game called Original Gangstaz that is being promoted. This game is now #9 in the app store, but the interesting thing is that they have 13000 5 star ratings! I downloaded it and played for a bit and here is how they get there 5 star ratings. In their game, they have an in-game item called lotto ticket that you usually get by paying real money. But they are now offering everyone a free lotto ticket if you leave a 5 star review on itunes.

    Now this really begs the question of whether these 13000 5 star ratings are legit or not, they are clearly telling people to just mindlessly give them a 5 star rating.

    What do you guys think about this, is this the only way to get ahead of other competitors?
  2. exosyphen

    exosyphen Well-Known Member

    It is the unfortunate state of the App Store :(
  3. MikeSz_spokko

    MikeSz_spokko Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2009
    lol, I know that you can make a popup asking for a review, but you really can check how many stars someone gave you ? how does that work...
  4. exosyphen

    exosyphen Well-Known Member

    Question is: Does the player know that you can't check what review has he/she given you? 99% they will do what they are asked (5 star review), out of good faith.

    Basic psychology.
  5. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009

    And shilling.
  6. MexicanJesus

    MexicanJesus Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2009
    The best ideas usually lack morals.
  7. Step 1: Install the game just to leave a 1-star rating describing this shilling practise.
    Step 2: Update your review daily to prevent it from getting buried.
    Step 3: Lack of profit! Hopefully.

    Enough people do it, there will be a bunch of floating 1-star reviews at the top. Sadly, you gotta fight douche with douche.
  8. Kyle Poole

    Kyle Poole Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    I think this could be cause for removal from the AppStore... They are pretty stupid to do that IMO.
  9. steelfires

    steelfires Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2010
    Candy Mountain, Charlie!
    It's just a way to market. Similiar to forcing people to buy the lite version and review.
  10. bravetarget

    bravetarget Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2009
    Really guys? Really?

    This is no different then when all those other developers, including Lima Sky's Doodle Jump, says "Your 5 star rating keeps updates coming." in their update description.

    Soliciting 5 star reviews is, to my knowledge, not against any rules. So, if what they are doing bothers you, maybe you should file a complaint so Apple can read your email then swiftly delete it.
  11. 3Dave

    3Dave Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2008
    Senior Artist/Animator
    Monroe, WA
    Have to agree here. Lots of Devs promise continued updates if the 5 star reviews keep coming. Finger Physics, Doodle Jump, and Pocket God just to name a few.

    It takes nothing away from the game in my opinion, and since this one is free (with paid in-game add ons), what's the real harm of a bunch of 5 star reviews?

    I actually have this game, and I knew full good and well that I could have easily left a 1 star review and still received my in-game rewards, but it's a free game, and I've gotten a TON of enjoyment out of it, so I didn't mind leaving the 5 star for them.
  12. #12 Mindfield, Mar 13, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2010

    1) It's giving positive reviews under false pretenses.

    2) That makes the reviews and ratings utterly worthless because people aren't necessarily reviewing honestly and giving their true opinions -- and in case you've forgotten, that's what reviews are for. That leads to...

    3) More sales for the developer because people get a false sense of how good the game is due to all of the bullshit reviews and end up buying it.

    4) It makes the developer a douche for trying to boost sales with artificial positive reviews. Remember: That's called "shilling" and shilling is a douchey thing to do.

    tl;dr: Buying 5-star reviews is a douchebag move and devalues the whole purpose of reviews.
  13. DPP13

    DPP13 Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2010
    College Student
    While I think this is a bad tactic, just let it go. Don't go organizing a group to go leave 1 star reviews. For every person that downloads the game you are just giving them more exposure in the Top 25 Free list. Just let it go.
  14. Mondae

    Mondae Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2010
    Perv, why do you care?
    That's different. If people hate doodle jump, Limasky will not update because it would be worth it. Basic reason. That original gangstarz way Is way stupid.
  15. bravetarget

    bravetarget Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2009
    In the end, it's the same concept. Like I said, both developers are soliciting 5 star reviews, which nobody should have a problem with. Doodle Jump's incentive is more updates, gangstarz incentive is a lotto ticket.

    Who's to say those 5 star reviews are fake or real? Again, in the end, it's just soliciting 5 stars -- big woop. (/.-),
  16. d1

    d1 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2009
    Questionable business ethics? Definitely. But that's just the AppStore..Every dev who puts out a game has to think of some way to claw their way to the top, this is just a new method. Its sketchy without a doubt, but hey, that's life.

    Btw, West Siiiide lol.
  17. Vexxed

    Vexxed Active Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    When Apple removes the massive bias towards negative ratings I'll get more up in arms over things like this.

    Right now it's completely retarded that they remind people to rate your app as they're deleting it, and also default it to the lowest possible review. This isn't a huge impact with paid applications, but it's a massive problem with free apps where there's a ton of people who download it just to check it out and promptly delete it. Doesn't matter if it's good or not .. just might not be their cup of tea.

    And to any of you that think such a thing doesn't have a substantial impact, ask anyone who was doing free apps before Apple added that "feature" if it had a massive change on their ratings. It had a huge impact on ours, as well as every other app I saw live at the time.

    As long as that kind of a system is in place, you're going to see more and more people doing whatever they can to offset the stupidity, and frankly, I say more power to them.
  18. 3Dave

    3Dave Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2008
    Senior Artist/Animator
    Monroe, WA

    All great points, and normally I would agree, but the game is free. It has in-app purchases you can make if you want to, but the basic game is 100% free. So if people feel as though got tricked by the 5 star reviews, they can just delete it without being out any money.

    As I said, I gave it 5 stars because I actually like the game and think it's one of the better MMOs of this type in the store. Now I just wish Zynga would get off their tails and make a proper Mafia Wars and not the watered down version that is in there.
  19. addisonM

    addisonM New Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    I don't agree with this at all. From a developer stand point, these guys are clearly exploiting the review system. It makes me wonder if I should just do the same trick with my app and get these "so called 5 star reviews" instead of actually working my butt off and creating something that people legitimately like. Now from a buyer point of view, does it mean that I should now ignore the review system in the app store because it's very likely that they are just another Original Gangstaz.
  20. Whether it's free or pay is wholly irrelevant. It damages the credibility of the review system as a whole. People are giving it five starts solely to keep the updates coming per the developer's instructions. Not all of them, obviously, but that's the point: There's no way to tell whose reviews are genuine and whose are there just for the updates, which renders every single review useless. He's gaming the system, and while it isn't against the rules, it is ethically bankrupt, and I for one would never buy or download anything from Zynga. I will not support dishonesty.

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