the big picture of everything philosophy style

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by cubytes, Sep 4, 2011.

  1. cubytes

    cubytes Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2009
    a couple years ago i had a fleeting thought which lead me to speculate that the role of intelligence is intimately linked with sustainability. it is obvious that no other species (that we know of so far) is better equipped then ours to manage sustainability not only for our own species but that of all living species in the cosmos as well. as such i propose a universal voluntary purpose for all intelligent life forms and that is to unite and coordinate to ensure life from its simplest form to its most advanced remains everlasting at all costs no matter what.

    its gloomy to thing about but observations scientists have been making and collecting throughout human history prove that life's existence on our planet (multiple natural mass extinctions), life in our immediate solar system (sun will eventually blow up) and life in our galaxy the milky way (on a crash course collision with Andromeda galaxy) is far from guaranteed to be infinite and everlasting.

    given the nature of our known universe being prominently a random maelstrom of chaotic forces at scales impossible to control there is a need for an evolutionary "fail-proof" and intelligence seems to fit that role perfectly.

    which means the duty of fulfilling such a purpose would fall on our shoulders as intelligent beings and to neglect said purpose would be inexcusable like leaving living organisms that took billions of years of evolutionary development to be annihilated in an instant (ourselves included).

    i admit it's a rather presumptuous and ambitious concept but its hard to argue against it. although it wasnt my intention but given the circumstances i have come to realize that this one concept has the potential to change the world if the people of all races, nationalities, worldwide choose to accept nothing less and protest simultaneously. the potential this concept has to revolutionize our society lies in its ubiquity. by uniting under a universally acceptable common goal such a unifying unselfish purpose would serve as a foundation that is universally agreeable which in turn could make the first steps towards social progress easier to take. transforming our civilization from that of a self interest driven society to a highly civilized open and free peaceful society focused on becoming protectors of life forms in the cosmos. the consequences are real and dire essentially total oblivion if no intelligent species steps up to fulfill the "fail-safe" role it will undoubtedly lead to not only our own demise but the demise of all life forms in our immediate universe/space/time/dimension. assuming of course there isnt other highly advanced intelligent civilizations already stepping up to fulfill this role. obviously the odds that there is an abundance of intelligent life in our universe is incredibly high however there is no evidence to suggest the even exist no to mention no way to know for sure that one of them has made steps towards fulfilling the "fail-safe" role.

    as far as becoming protectors of life in the cosmos its not that complicated when you really think about it. to preserve life it is most efficient to base decisions on the scientific method considering empirical and measurable evidence not opinion or other superficial reasons such as "ew bugs are nasty or aww this fish is cute dont let it go extinct" obviously you would want to catalog and keep DNA samples of species that naturally go extinct to preserve the information but it is not efficient to reseed them into the environment if their extinction was caused by natural variables ourselves excluded of course. this goal would introduce a set of standards that for most part prevent messing around with the natural progression of evolution at all cost. basically being a protector of life is more about being unbias because attempting to micromanage evolution would be counter productive and inefficient so even tho a cute kittie species for example is being driven to extinction by an ugly hideous monster looking creature as protectors of life you must not intervene advantages that are naturally occurring to punish or limit the naturally occurring evolutionary step would be counterproductive. the only stipulations you would need to manage and limit are "invasive species" which occur because of our impact creatures who gain advantages from our mistakes and contamination. as such contamination prevention and limiting the impact or footprint of our species on that of other species would be a top priority. in the case of an accidental contamination it is ok to try and mitigate the impact of contamination. moving on as sad as it may seem mass extinctions are common so intervening in the aftermath of a mass extinction would also be considered unnatural unless all life was naturally wiped out on said planet. basically you give evolution a chance to retake the planet and if nothing occurs after a common average cross referenced time frame then intervention would be appropriate in the form of seeding life. seeding life is natural anyways as long as it does not infringe or destroy life that already exists in the environment. last but not least terraforming. in order to terraform a planet for human colonization there must not be any intelligent life forms inhabiting the planet before terraforming can begin all life forms currently inhabiting the planet must be analyzed and cataloged once that process is complete terraforming could begin if it was deemed necessary towards sustainability.

    anyways thats the gist of it...

    since i have positioned this concept to serve as the theme for a transitional system for social progress which is a huge stretch i admit but regardless for it to work there will need to be a peaceful voluntary worldwide consortium formed as soon as possible during the global protests to serve as a central hub that links people together under a common goal as a vehicle for social progress neither corporation nor government agency, or militia. the core of the consortium should not be based on any form of government or vehicle of social control but rather a set of standards such as sustainability universally agreeable standards no voting needed no government and no laws and no vehicle of control needed (religion, money, racism, nationalism, military ect) therefore instead of politics/marketing the consortium will instead leverage the scientific method to ensure societal and economic needs are meet in the most efficient and universally acceptable & ethical way. in other words a neutral unbiased entity that bases its decisions from an appropriate situational frame of reference on empirical and measurable evidence to formulate the most efficient universally acceptable and ethical course of action that needs to be taken. request for decision toward course of action is open to all and each request is unique and must be scaled to an appropriate situational frame of reference. which basically means no two problems are the same and should be considered as unique problems on a scale that is not always considered from the same frame of reference but rather scaled appropriately and cross-referenced be it a local problem or global problem solutions must be considered from the most appropriate frame of reference in addition to being based on empirical measurable evidence. no single course of action is permanent or held in higher regard as another and should dynamically evolve possibly automatically as new findings are discovered so there is no resistance or red-tape to fight through if new empirical and measurable evidence is discovered because everyone who is actually civilized must understand by now that everything is constantly changing. life is dynamic not static and therefore we should not be hesitant or dismiss new potentially better solutions without contradictory empirical and measurable evidence to support the dismissal. this is to ensure new solutions or courses of action are not ignored and/or arrogantly dismissed because of superficial reasons (opinion egotrip pride status self-interest ect)

    moving on...

    once the immediate celestial dangers capable of wiping out our own species are twarted (sun explodes, galaxies collide, ect) by evacuating to space and building highly advanced space stations as well as terraforming and colonizing habbitable planets around the universe we can begin or should at least have a much greater understanding of the universe by then in order to fufil our voluntarily agreed upon purpose. exploring the know universe and serving as protectors of peace and life in the galaxy colonizing planets as well as seeding planets with the raw ingredients needed to facilitate natural life in teh process. however from there it gets tricky. its generally acceptable within the scientific community to speculate that eventually the universe (at least our immediate space/time/dimension) will one day cease to exist by either popping like a "soap bubble" or collapsing back into the singularity. its all speculation of course so theres no way to know for sure but assuming this concept of becoming protectors of life in the cosmos sticks and gains a lot of exposure we would be in a much better position to preserve life no matter what the challenge is including prevention total oblivion if our immediate universe/space/time/dimension is indeed confirmed to be finite
  2. cubytes

    cubytes Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2009
    before i forget an exception can be made in the case of preventing mass extinction of intelligent life forms incapable of protecting themselves from say an asteroid impact or an invasion from hostile aliens...
  3. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2010
    college student, ENG/WGS major
    Lexington, KY
    As a college English major and TA for writing seminar classes, i'm very disappointed in your massive dump of buzzwords to no practical end. Also, lol amateur philosophy

    Go back to school, Mike.
  4. TheDukester

    TheDukester Well-Known Member

    Also: either fix your keyboard or start using the shift key.
  5. coconutbowling

    coconutbowling Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2008

    Sounds good though
  6. cubytes

    cubytes Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2009
    hahaha fair enough...

    i refuse to use capitalizations my words are free and equal! resist the grammar nazi ;)

    jk jk
  7. TheDukester

    TheDukester Well-Known Member

    That worked for ee cummings.

    You are not ee cummings.
  8. CaptainAwesome

    CaptainAwesome Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    The Island of Berk
    Ignoring the rest of the post works for nobody.

    I guess you are.
  9. Barcâ

    Barcâ Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2010
    I feel like we are just sentient beings living amongst a world in which we don't belong. Nature is but a frugal concept of our greatest desires. There are no people, there are no iPhones, there is nothing, except that which has already existed. :cool:

    Of course I am talking about fart soundboards. :rolleyes:

    See, the power of random words and knowledge of sentence structure are very powerful tools. None of the above makes any sense whatsoever. Lolz

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