Anouncing Super Flubby World by Jumpy Jumpy Games

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by GigiFusc, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. GigiFusc

    GigiFusc Active Member

    Oct 24, 2012
    #1 GigiFusc, Jan 3, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2013
    Hi all.

    So we're finally ready to show our first game and the TA forums seemed to be the best place to show it first.

    Jumpy Jumpy Games is a 2 man indie startup. We hope the game is good enough to get you guys supporting it
    and us - so we can bring you more, and betterer games. :)

    Here's our press release:

    Jumpy Jumpy Games, a new London based indie studio consisting of ex Square Enix and Glu Mobile employee’s
    are announcing the release of their first game for IOS; Super Flubby World. An insanely great platform game in
    which you control Flubby; a green blob of cuteness, as he leaps around from level to level finding lots of hidden
    goodies and hoping to find Ms. Flubby who mysteriously disappeared down a wormhole.

    Super Flubby World will be available initially for IOS in early 2013.

    Here's a few screenshots for you:




    and finally - the VERY IMPORTANT BIT!!

    We are in urgent need of some QA help!! If you would like to test our game on an IOS or Android device (Testflight for IOS) then please contact me ASAP.

    Unfortunately, we can't afford to pay anyone, but we'll put you straight into the credits and of course,
    you'll get the game for free. :)

    My email address is:
    [email protected]

    Thanks all!!!

  2. GigiFusc

    GigiFusc Active Member

    Oct 24, 2012
  3. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Like the look of the levels and that, just the controls i'm unsure about. I thought it might be the standard left/right/jump buttons but it seems to be the 'angled' gameplay of Angry Birds ? Is that right ?
  4. GigiFusc

    GigiFusc Active Member

    Oct 24, 2012
    It's almost the opposite of Angry Birds - you draw the path line forwards so you can better judge where Flubby will land.

    It's quite funny because I've seen two different reactions to people playing the game. Either they get it within seconds (this has usually been more core gamers) or they're uncertain in the first few levels but then by about level 5/6 they get it. The first handful of levels are short tutorial ones anyway, so we think we're ok... :)
  5. k3ch0ng

    k3ch0ng New Member

    Nov 9, 2012
    Oh wow where can I get a copy to test ? :D
  6. BoboStein

    BoboStein Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2009
    Cool. Looks simple to play. How many levels are there?


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