Release date question!

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by Syndicated Puzzles, Feb 10, 2010.

  1. Syndicated Puzzles

    Syndicated Puzzles Well-Known Member

    The e mail arrives. That your app is ready for sale.

    You rush to your computer to set your desired release date.

    a) set the date to the current date!
    b) set the date to the next business day!

    I really want to get this right for " Caveman Test". I always get buried under 5 pages of apps and get listed days later?
  2. D-Cypher

    D-Cypher Well-Known Member

    I second this. I haven't figured out how people are gaming the system.
  3. lukeca

    lukeca Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    I suggest setting it to the next day, ever since the release date changes back in November I have found this works much better. I have had success with this method on two apps so far. Both apps had the exact same experience. As an example, let's say you were approved today, Feb 10th. If you set your release date to tomorrow Feb 11th, then sometime late tonight your app should become available and it will list it's release date as Feb 11th. Then sometime tomorrow, usually around 10am or so your app should appear in the New Release list in the first update that occurs (The release list seems to be updated a few times per day).

    Also the release date that you have set while you are "In Review" should be far in the future, and then once you are approved you should set the date to the next day. If your app gets approved with a release date set in the past then I think you get stuck with that date even if you try to change it.
  4. Nijo

    Nijo Well-Known Member

    In the past I've tended to continually update the date to 'tomorrow', so that when Apple approves the app it's already set and I don't have to tweak anything.

    One thing I've learnt from experience: don't touch anything that might accidentally remove your game from the app store!
  5. Syndicated Puzzles

    Syndicated Puzzles Well-Known Member

    b) worked like a charm. So setting to the next day worked much better. Fortunately "Caveman Test" starts with a c so it was listed high on the 12 th of Feb releases. Thanks Lukeca

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