Temple of the Spider God (written by Fighting Fantasy's Jonathan Green)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by TheTinMan, Jul 1, 2011.

  1. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    Woo, spiders! >_<

    Hopefully this one is a return to form for the series; while the first four were generally outstanding all-round, book six was a very bland, forgettable affair that let you pretty much muddle through any way you wanted and still make it to the end unscathed.

    Book five was a bit more interesting and started off well, but it suffered from a rather large shift around the time you reached the underground town. At that point literally every second passage had typos and grammatical errors, the dialogue felt amateurish and, in general, much of that second half had the feel that the original author had passed it off to his fanfiction-writing younger brother to finish.

    Also, because most of these books feature shops where you can buy items, please ensure that the authors allow you to get an idea of what an item does before you spend your hard-earned money on it; I think only the last book did that. :p

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