Message to any game devs

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by Rocketman919, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Rocketman919

    Rocketman919 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    Ok, i am a beginner but just had a question. I am about halfway through my Learn C book, and i dont understand for the life of me how a game can be made out of this. Maybe i just havent gotten to that part in the book yet, or maybe it comes in on one of my later books, but right now all i am learning is things like printf, if-else statements, variables, operators, etc. Just general coding stuff.

    So i guess my overall question is, how does a game work?
  2. Zwilnik

    Zwilnik Well-Known Member

    That's already enough to write a simple text adventure (I've got a sample one I wrote years ago but it's a Codewarrior format, so I'll have to convert it to Xcode at some point).
  3. Schenk Studios

    Schenk Studios Well-Known Member

    #3 Schenk Studios, Feb 8, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2009
    RocketMan, check out some of our tutorials. Especially the ones on animation. That should give you some idea of how a game could possibly be developed!
  4. Eric5h5

    Eric5h5 Well-Known Member

    That's what games are made of...lots and lots of "general coding stuff". Think of those things as building blocks. Unfortunately (or maybe not), there isn't a magic "make a game" command. ;)

  5. ipodtouchuser

    ipodtouchuser Member

    Feb 8, 2009
    Bozeman, Montana
    Yep! Unlike what many people think, you don't type in "make awesome game," press Enter, then have an awesome game appear on your desktop.
  6. Rocketman919

    Rocketman919 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    I know that. You didn't answer my question. Let me rephrase it. How do lines of text and pictures form a playable game?
  7. Modus

    Modus Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2008
    #7 Modus, Feb 8, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2009
    I feel a zen moment coming on.

    Philosophy aside, you've learned a little about a language, and the next step is to learn how to apply it in a specific environment. So Obj-C, is useful in Cocoa, where Cocoa contains all the code for handling platform-specific functionality: displaying images and text, accessing data, input, etc.. (read about the meaning of API's and Frameworks)

    Once you have a better grasp on how to make things move around and generally do the stuff you'd like it to, you can plan a game. Start with utterly basic stuff, no matter how ambitious you are... too much ambition too early will just lead you down complicated roads and you'll learn nothing and be frustrated by everything.

    Bring much patience...
  8. CladCreations

    CladCreations Member

    Feb 23, 2009
    ahhahahahahahhHAHHAHaha thats the funniest thing ive ever read in a forum LOL OMG hahahahah
  9. PointOfLight

    PointOfLight Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    That certainly explains a lot :D
  10. I guess your question has to do with interfaces? So lines and graphics can become a game when you learn how to change the lines and graphics in response to something the user does, like a keystroke or, in the iPod Touch's case, a tap on the screen. Does that answer your question?
  11. Morti

    Morti Well-Known Member

    @Rocketman: Just a thought, why not starting with something more "high level" like the Unity engine ( and start off from there instead of going through all the ground work at the beginning? Surely it helps to know all the low level stuff, but to me it sounds you need something that explains first how a game works like the fully documented 3d platformer tutorial like this or some iPhone specific game tutorials like this.

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