RTS Idea - In Need Of Dev.

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by MetroGnome217, Aug 20, 2009.

  1. MetroGnome217

    MetroGnome217 Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    I have noticed a lack of RTS games on our platform. there are about 5 that i know of. I have an idea and plot for an RTS game that I believe would sell well. if it is well recieved, i have plans for a sidescrolling version and even a TD version for all the types of games. if any dev is interested, please post here and i will respond by PM for protection of my idea
  2. MetroGnome217

    MetroGnome217 Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    nobody is interested
    I have a very good idea
  3. Kamazar

    Kamazar Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2008
    ... the title says "senior member" but I swear I hear a 12 year old junior member trying to get people to code for him. Really, man? Really?
  4. MetroGnome217

    MetroGnome217 Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    I'm suprised that your a senior member because in fact I am a 15 year old with dreams of becoming a dev but not enough cash to do so. Is it so wrong to hand off my own creative ideas that I am not able to use? Please think before typing jerk
  5. Kamazar

    Kamazar Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2008
    Lots of people with dreams of becoming a devs lately :rolleyes: And since when do you need cash to code?

    Edit: And just fyi, certain things just don't sound quite as badass as they do when you say them face to face. I'm seriously not gonna feel shame over a forum.
  6. statnut

    statnut Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2009
    You should try dreaming of proper grammar while you are at it.
  7. randomdude

    randomdude Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2009
    to develop is free but to publish you need the 100 dollar entrance fee and a book or two to learn how to code
  8. Newtz_2001

    Newtz_2001 Member

    May 11, 2009
    Game developer
    New Zealand
    It is people like you that degrade the standard of forums like this. Someone comes onto a forum looking to form a collaboration with someone else and you have nothing better to do than have a go at him? If you think he's wasting his time then leave him to do so in silence so the rest of us don't have to listen to your nonsense. I'm so sick of people using the anonymity of the internet to launch verbal attacks at any opportunity they get because they think they are better than everyone else.

    When I first started to frequent TouchArcade I was pleasantly surprised at how friendly everyone was. And I don't mean just to me personally but to everybody else on the forums. Initially, every time someone like MetroGnome posted something similar to this I expected some smart-mouthed kid (or adult who just hasn't grown up) to start bagging them. But I was pleasantly surprised! Recently though I am noticing that these forums are becoming just like any other corner of the internet, the cyber-bullies are starting to emerge with their smart comments and their sarcasm.

    You guys were once kids with dreams that you weren't afraid to tell the world about. Just because you don't know him and you can hide behind your forum alias' that doesn't give you the right to stamp on peoples dreams.
  9. nooobynick

    nooobynick Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2009
    There's a difference between wanting to collaborate and wanting somebody to do the work for him.
  10. Newtz_2001

    Newtz_2001 Member

    May 11, 2009
    Game developer
    New Zealand
    Of course you're right but:

    a) for all we knew from his first post he is looking to contract a dev to bring his vision to life for him (obviously as we've now found out he's 15 this is unlikely to be the case).

    b) he says he has "an idea and a plot". I bet there are plenty of devs that struggle to come up with an idea let alone a plot! Typically devs are not particularly creative people so having someone provide them with a fully developed game idea and storyline could be exactly what they are looking for.

    c) we have no idea what he is asking in terms of profit share. Maybe he doesn't want anything and just wants to see his idea come to fruition.

    Even if none of these, or any other plausible scenario, turn out to be the case it is not an excuse to start slandering people. Regardless of their age.

    I know as well as anybody else that saying an idea will sell well is a naive observation, as very few of the games on the app store ever see decent return. You don't see me giving him stick. He's trying to do something he's passionate about, good on him!
  11. Newtz_2001

    Newtz_2001 Member

    May 11, 2009
    Game developer
    New Zealand
    And a modernish mac of some description if you don't have one already. No way I could afford to buy myself a computer at the age of 15! Even at todays prices :)
  12. spamboy

    spamboy Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2008
    We've (a good friend of mine and me) just started developing; shoot us a line and we'll (at the very least) evaluate your idea, even if we don't end up doing it.
  13. statnut

    statnut Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2009

    And I knew how to present myself in a capable way. You want people to take you seriously, behave seriously. That means checking your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Who wants to work with someone who can't even be bothered to do that? Even if you're 15, try to convey some professionalism.
  14. MetroGnome217

    MetroGnome217 Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    Good morning,
    I would like to remind everyone that I am in fact on an auto correcting iPod that can mess up what you are really trying to say. I did not think it would be a problem on an iPod/iPhone website.
    also newts is correct that not only do you need $100 to buy the software but I need to buy a mac and learn the coding language.
    I am upset that someone would think of me as a selfish person who wishes to use the dev. My original idea was between a spliting profits 80 - 20 or just giving away my idea in exchange for a promo code and beta spot. I feel that the latter may work because I only wish to help shape the direction of the game. If anyone still has a problem with this please look at a different thread. I would also like to that spamboy and especially Newtz for showing interest and backing me up.
  15. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Data-Entry Operator
    Coolidge, AZ
    Yeah I kind of feel that there was no real reason to sh!t on MetroGnome. I mean he just had an idea... in a thread where he is seeking developer help and discussion... I mean what did he do wrong..?
  16. TheBeastlyNinja

    TheBeastlyNinja Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
    Computer stuff
    Right behind you
    Yeah what did he do to you guys. It's not like he was like "I need a dev to make my superspendifulus ideas and your all *insert offensive words here* if your not willing". Just chill guys let the boy have a chance...
  17. The Bat Outta Hell

    The Bat Outta Hell Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Mar 10, 2009
    Hat Salesman
    ... You're fourteen. :confused:
  18. Kamazar

    Kamazar Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2008
    Arguing with him is like playing tennis with a brick wall.
  19. It looses it's interest really fast. Hey, anyone interested in developing a strategy game?
  20. Theta-Omega

    Theta-Omega Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2009
    Hmm, i notice that everyone who claims that this sort of thing is degrading these forums has a post count with a single digit number and the title of "Junior Member" under their name.

    Arguing with Beastly isn't going to solve anything, and you're not going to win by his standards.

    OP, you should probably find a different site for this sort of thing, threads like this usually don't end up well. People naturally assume you'll be ordering them around even if this is nothing close to what you'd actually be doing. Also, you don't want to reveal your age during an argument unless you're not a teenager, this gives them more material.

    Attacking the OP, fairly standard, but was there any reason to do this? I would like to know what you thought you would accomplish if you have time to explain.

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