Undercroft - Royal Tomb (spoiler)

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Dark_Messenger, Nov 5, 2009.

  1. Dark_Messenger

    Dark_Messenger Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2009
    #1 Dark_Messenger, Nov 5, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2009
    Im currently stuck in the royal (pain in the ass) tomb, on the graveyard chapter. The thing is that supposedly you should somehow trigger a plate on the floor so a wall opens up but i have no clue how to do it.

    The in-game walkthrough says:

    Royal tomb

    Find ruby at [13,14].
    Press button at [13,19] and kill the skeleton to get the second ruby.
    Use both rubies on skull at [22,13]. Use teleport to enter a secret chamber.
    Button at [28,7] opens an entrance to another secret area.
    Drag an enemy to a plate at [22,8] to open secret area to the north.

    I assume that the authors mean that i should drop some bones on the plate, well i did and absolutly nothing happens. The tut mentions dragging, but you cant "drag" things, or can you? The wall opens when i stand on the plate but thats it. When I leave the plate and walk towards the wall it closes on me. Do i need some special corpse or am i missing something?

    EDIT: I actually got in to the room. Dont know if i used an exploit or if it should be like that. I got a enemy to follow me over the plate so the wall opened for me.

    EDIT2: Mod can remove thread. I got past all this.
  2. Bochu

    Bochu Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2009
    Hah, that's funny. I figure you know by "drag" that it meant to get an enemy to follow you. I've run into problems with that game where I took things too literally too.

    Like the puzzle with the story of a dragon attacking a village and you're supposed to figure out the spell words to open the door. Seriously, what the heck? Even after I randomly guessed the answer, I didn't really understand why it was right.
  3. CannonC

    CannonC New Member

    Aug 6, 2017

    So what are the correct runes for the dragon picture?

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