Pickle frenzy

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Evilized, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. Evilized

    Evilized Member

    Jan 25, 2012
    Hello everyone,

    I have been working a new skill based game for awhile now and we are about 50% from finishing this game.This game looks and feels a bit like angry birds vs cats vs dogs vs tiny wings.We want to release the game for the iphone and ipad first for free. After that android,windows,mac.


    The concept of the game is as easy as it comes, you control a pickle by pressing a button two times. one for aiming the pickle and one for making it launch into it's direction.In this game you will have some simple quests like jumping to another platform or collect some candy but the game get's harder when you need to find a way to sink a ship with a bowlingball or throw other pickles into the sea.


    At this moment I'm building a two player battle mode with different modes such as who can collect the most candy within 2 minutes,or who can survive the longest in a stage full of landmines.I'm even thinking of making a 4 player battlemode for the pc/mac.


    We would love to hear your thoughts about this game and new ideas for levels or other things that could be included.

  2. Evilized

    Evilized Member

    Jan 25, 2012

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