How to do free-to-play right

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by korossyl, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. korossyl

    korossyl Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2013
    This community has very definite views on free-to-play or freemium games. In general, my own view can be summarized as: tolerate absolutely NO IAP that is consumable, i.e. that can be bought more than once. ANYthing else suggests to me a game that is balanced for monetization rather than enjoyment. From the looks of it, most of you here agree. Nonetheless, freemium titles are, ahem, everywhere.

    So, in the article about the upcoming "Smarter Than You," Eli wrote: "I gave a very generalized talk on how to be successful on the App Store, and as part of it mentioned that you really need to think outside the box if you want to stand out from the herd that's busy cloning whatever is popular at the moment . . . the free to play nut hasn't been cracked yet, there's still better ways to do free to play, but no one has figured it out and implemented it yet."

    If a community that talks so much about games, iOS games, gaming theory, IAP, freemium, dual currency, etc. etc. can't figure this out, or at least come up with some new ideas, I don't think anyone can. So my question is: how can the freemium "nut" be "cracked?"

    I'm not asking for criticism of free-to-play in general -- that's the assumed starting point. I'm just curious as to what TouchArcade could brainstorm.

    I apologize if this discussion has already come and gone; I must have missed it.
  2. Anonomation

    Anonomation 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    I think it should be more on the lines of "How to avoid doing it wrong.

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