HTML 5 and Cocoon JS... anyone use it for a game?

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by ForTheLoveOfTheHunt, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. ForTheLoveOfTheHunt

    ForTheLoveOfTheHunt New Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    Hey everyone.

    Me and a colleague are working on a game, quick turn around hopefully (but probably not :D). I'm the Creator of the game and my friends is the programmer. We talked about coding this in cocos 2d, unity, and everything else under the sun. But he thought using HTML5 would be the most beneficial since he programs in that at his day job. We are using HMTL 5 also to deploy with Cocoon JS so we don't have to reprogram to make android and iPhone version.

    While Im all for it, my biggest concern is when something happens and i need another programmer how many HTML5 programmers are out there who would want to work on games?

    Are there a lot of people out there using HTML 5 for mobile gaming? Anyone have good or bad experiences with it?

    I would love to know your thoughts!

  2. YellzBellzDotCom

    YellzBellzDotCom New Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    I am currently using MonkeyX to code my games. I can select different targets in the IDE to port the game to html5, iphone, android or desktop, among others.

    My game ported to html5 just fine but one of the problems I had was with the sound. Even though my game played the sounds just fine on all other targets, the sound playback was a bit buggy with html5. But since I never planned on a final html5 release I didn't spend too much time debugging it. I was using bitrate modifiers in the game which is what I figured was causing the situations. Besides that, the game played great in HTML5.
  3. ExK

    ExK Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2013
    Founder @
    HTML5 games suffer from serious compatibility issues because browsers don't support all of HTML5 specifications consistently.

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