Universal Ms. Splosion Man (by Twisted Pixel/Microsoft Corporation)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Shan82, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. swinging udders

    swinging udders Active Member

    Jun 14, 2010
    yeah please downsample the audio so it sounds nice and tinny, reduce the amount of dialog, there are far too many levels too... not happy about that.

    man... I could've spend this $3 on a soft drink!
  2. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    So you honestly think 999 meg is alright for a platformer ? Dont get me wrong i like the game but not happy about the IAP's (as i've paid for this game already). Its worth the money, havent got a problem with the price but when i pay for a game i then dislike if theres IAP's.

    Or do you think if a game is cheap we shouldnt be able to offer constructive criticism ? Dont get me wrong i dont expect 99c games to be updated for 20 years and having 50+ levels added every month.

    But on the other hand users can give valuable feedback
  3. swinging udders

    swinging udders Active Member

    Jun 14, 2010
    The pros outweigh the cons.

    I want the best audio quality possible and lots of it, BGM variety, dialog/chatter... I want lots of content and high production values, variety of scenery etc.

    all this will add to the games size, if it means I have to remove a few games i'm happy to do it if it means i'm going to play a console quality game.

    as for IAPs... I hate them, and I have NEVER made a purchase.

    and i'm past 1-4 in ms splosion man.
    I have spent virtual money on levels, I haven't had to grind, i've had to progress at a semi competent level just like i've had to do in many other games (you need this many stars to progress type of thing).

    Just pretend IAPs aren't there, you can easily finish the game and see everything with your $3.

    I just see this as a storm in a tea cup, the TA review put this game below some real stinkers, not many games scored lower in recent times... just hit the 'reviews' link up the top of TA to see what TA considers better games than this, it's almost comical.

    Those who asked for comic jumper or the maw can forget it.

    in saying that i'd like to see the IAPs removed, but I find it easier than most to just ignore their existence.
  4. FutureMan

    FutureMan Active Member

    Jan 7, 2013
    The IAP's are for cheating... How is this different from 1000 other paid games? Kingdom Rush for example, one of my other favorites. They balance the game without them, then they add them in for cheating. I have this crazy feeling that if there were no IAP's, but they still did the level system the same way, no one would be complaining. I have never paid an IAP on any game and refuse to play games that heavily encourage them and I just think a lot of people are missing out on this one because of the bizarre idea that Microsoft is trying to scam you, when they are just encouraging you to do a little better than just finishing a level with infinity lives.
  5. B3NDoX

    B3NDoX Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2013

    I would agree with you but kingdom rush and ms splosion man are two different games. If you need to cheat (buy power ups ect) I'm all for it but if I have to GRIND to get new levels on a PLATFORMER then that is absolute bullshit when the game was already on Xbox I expected when I pay 3$ I get the game and nothing but the game! I don't care if they add power ups to get a little cash from the unexperienced players. But having to unlock more levels with microtransactions is f**king stupid! I love the game as in gameplay and it is pretty difficult andtakes about 4-5 minutes to finish a level I am not going to waste time to play 15 minutes of 1 level just to unlock the next one! If it was short bite sized super meat boy style. Sure! That would be easy to take different runs acing but when the levels are so long and take time to master. Screw that. They are turning a game that has a game world that you are supposed to get used to and explore into a speed run and grinder.

    How do I get a f**king refund.
  6. drloony

    drloony Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2012
    It's amazing how all the sheep in this thread all echo whatever TA says about a game. 99% of games in the App Store have IAP but everyone wants to rag on this game for it just cause TA did.
    This game is so freaking EASY to earn coins and absolutely no need to buy IAP to clear the game. This is a console quality game for $3!!! It plays beautifully and still whiners wanna jump on the TA bandwagon. If you can't enjoy this game the way it then delete it and move on. No need to sit here and whine about IAP when theres so much garbage games out there milking customers with pay walls and wait timers and endless grinding, this game is not one of them
  7. FutureMan

    FutureMan Active Member

    Jan 7, 2013
    Kingdom Rush, I would play some levels for 20 minutes and then lose right at the end, multiple times, and I didn't get $&@! That's part of the greatness of it. You have to do well enough on a level to move on. Splosion man I didn't have to do any grinding, except to beat a ghost here or there which I would have done anyways.

    I guess I can see how it would be frustrating if you couldn't beat the ghost, and if it was an extra feature that wasn't on Xbox, but I never played that version and I kinda like the tasky stuff they give you in this version.

    Both games I have not spend a dime over 2.99 plus tax.
  8. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
  9. DannyTheElite

    DannyTheElite Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
    Forum poster
    Area 51
    Does it work on iPod 4?
  10. TheFrost

    TheFrost Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2010
    No, not at all :p
  11. B3NDoX

    B3NDoX Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2013
    yeah here is the thing with kingdom rush it is a TOWER DEFENSE GAME and that is how they are played, I know what to expect! with ms splosion man I did not expect them to put in micro transactions because it's a f*cking platformer you beat a level then you move on. you have to beat a ghost if you die once. oh well start the whole world over again to beat the ghost or pay .99 cents. I am sure they put the coin scheme in for profit not to make it "more fun and challenging with ghosts" it's annoying and should be removed completely. the buy to unlock levels that is.
  12. retrogamer83

    retrogamer83 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
    United Kingdom
    How is performance on the iPad mini please? I've read some reviews on the AppStore of bad frame rates? Thanks!
  13. retrogamer83

    retrogamer83 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
    United Kingdom
    Anyone? Don't want to buy it if the game runs slow :(
  14. TheFrost

    TheFrost Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2010
    Ok I finished world 1 and is asking me to pay 750, of which I have 450, so I will have to grind, its sad because all I want is to play it like a normal person (level after level just beating it to delete it afterwards) but I cant. Shame.
    IAP should be removed from this one completely. Removing my 5 star rating because of this (gameplay is still fantastic).
  15. TheFrost

    TheFrost Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2010
    Finished! And deleted... Too much space, 1 gig...

    Good: Almost everything. Platforming at its finest with an excellent level design and a lot of things to splode.
    Many different gameplay mechanics that are combined on world 3 and its a blast. Red levels are challenging but also a blast. Really good boss fights, many excellent chases with many giant robots, electric wires and some red fence. Great adrenaline filled moments.
    Controls are excellent and responded to my every need enhancing.
    Sound and music are fitting plus the character is lovely to me, with such a vivid personality.
    Graphics are really good with multiple effects and a great speed. Its really shiny with all the explosions.

    Bad: Sometimes is too hard to see on the small screen, and you get lost in all the splosions.
    You need to pay with coins to unlock levels. So
    You have to grind... Try to make the fist level a celebrity rank and then beat your fastest time and you are basically set for all the game, is a hassle but its worth it.
    Its file size is huge, but only because it has a full resolution video from real people on the end thats hilarious.

    Final Rating: 4 out of 5. Great.

    Conclusion: Its one of the best platformers on iOS, its a lot of fun, fantastic and frantic gameplay but hindered by the fact that you need to pay to unlock levels, which becomes tedious. Without IAP, a 4.5 game by all means that shouldn't be missed.
  16. rco

    rco Member

    Aug 16, 2012
    Mechanics are mushy, graphics are cluttered. Deleted.
  17. I got this on the last sale, gotta unlockedz.
  18. Silvestris

    Silvestris Well-Known Member

    They removed it from the store.

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