Does filesize matter?

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by saansilt, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. saansilt

    saansilt 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Mar 23, 2013
    I am making this so we can discuss if a game's file size really does matter.
    Since that is where the ooga jump discussion is heading.
    My example: Star Battalion- 276mb. 3D gameplay, full campaign with co op and a real nice backstory.
    The fact that GL did so much with that little really makes it my favorite gameloft game.

    So does a game's filesize matter in terms of the quality in it? Is there such a thing as "too big for a jumper"?
  2. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    If a game is a big file size then I expect it show it , be that in graphics or tons of missions. Big game files put me off but if the game looked good enough or it was a title I really wanted I'd still install.

    Reaper really impressed me, it's under30mb installed and has wonderful graphics and so much to do.
  3. davecazz

    davecazz Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    I responded on the ooga jump thread, but just wanted to say that Ooga Jump is 100% retina graphics that are not compressed. for better or worse, this means that everything is 4 times the size it would normally be.

    I'm not trying to defend ourselves but just wanted to include more info as to why the game is this large. I don't think I realized that size was such an issue with people, I tend to have a lot of memory on my devices. I get pissed when a game is 2GB and I can't install it despite having 3GB available but I never thought that a 300 MB game would get as much pushback as it is. In hind sight I would have probably just used compressed graphics for everything despite it looking janky for 2d games. I also didn't think that the type of game would dictate the expectation for the size. Since this is a jumper, everyone would just expect that it's super tiny.

    With 3d games you have the benefit that most of the objects are rendered so the actual models and textures can be low res but the 3d rendering makes them look good on retina.

    I think we pushed toward retina because the original pocket god was so low res. We had people complaining about it not being retina so we went a little overboard with making everything look spectacular on a retina iPad screen.

    We are planning on fixing this but I'm curious what you guys think. Is retina important to you? What do you think of compression artifacts in a game? and would you rather we allow you to download the retina level graphics after you download the game? or just make everything low res and be done with it.
  4. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    If a game is not retina it wouldn't affect my choice to purchase, but I know a lot of people who get their knickers in a twist over it. The option to lown load retina levels afterwards seems like a way to keep everyone happy.
  5. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    I agree. Especially for casual games.
  6. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Not bothered by retina. Size is important to me. I come from a generation where graphics are quite basic. It's all about gameplay. Give me great gameplay over huge filesizes with pretty graphics etc

    If apple released 128 gig iPods/phones it wouldn't matter so much
  7. davecazz

    davecazz Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    yea, I'm waiting to get the 128gb ipad. my 64gb always runs out of space. I hate when I have to delete that one app that I dont play a lot but I still want to keep around for a rainy day in order to make space.
  8. Does size matter?

    In ios, smaller is better.
  9. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    Imagine how often I'm deleting apps on my 16 gb? Which is really only 13 because of the pre installed files.I knew nothing of Apple devices when I purchased mine and thought I'd be using mainly for browsing the web, how naive I was!

    I'm thankful that I can keep everything in my iTunes library on my laptop so there is always the option I can reinstall, it's just a pain in the butt losing my progress and having to start again.
  10. I definitely feel you sister. You think managing space on a 16GB is hard? I have an 8GB!
  11. That is way too small, you should have bought a bigger one!
  12. That's the thing: I didn't buy it. The person who bought it for me didn't know much about the iPhone, and honestly at the time neither did I. I have a normal iPhone 4, and I got it about 1 and 1/2 years ago.

    And I would buy a new one if I could, but Apple products are overpriced, and a new phone is definitely not one of my priorities now.
  13. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    Same here, I would love the new mini but I only bought this a few months ago and can't afford another big purchase anytime soon, there's a million other things I have to pay for first.
  14. TetrisChamp

    TetrisChamp Member

    Oct 31, 2013
    I used to care a lot about file sizes--my iPad used to fill up pretty quickly. But finally I realized I usually only play one game at a time. I'll play a game until I beat it or get sick of it and then move on to the next. So really its not a big issue for me to just delete a game once I move on to the next. I used to think "oh maybe I'll come back to this later" after moving on to the next game. But I never really do. Once I'm done with a game and moved on I usually never go back so no need to keep it on my device. And if I ever DO want to play it again I can always just redownload it.

    That might not work for some gamers who can split their focus on multiple games at once but that's just how I play games on iOS--at least when it comes the kind of games that have 1 gb+ file sizes. There might be a few casual games thrown in the mix that I just always keep on my device--but those tend to be smaller anyways.
  15. lena

    lena Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2011
    Same here :) Well, I got mine as a present, but back then I had absolutely no clue that it would become my main gaming device.

    Still, a 128GB iPad is way too expensive for me, so them being available doesn't help at all. If 64GB were the standard size (or here's a novel idea, if iDevices could use SD cards), maybe then for most people game filesize wouldn't matter so much.

    As it is now, yeah, filesize does matter. If a game is over 200MB I have to start thinking about what I can delete, so I have to really think it is better than any of the games that are still on my device, which, because I have to be so stingy with space, are all really pretty good.

    iFunbox works really well for that and it doesn't take much time to backup your progress at all.
  16. xboxmandude

    xboxmandude Active Member

    May 24, 2013
    Lol apple has to fix the size in the AppStore
    It should display the installed file size
    And how much space is required to install the game...
  17. cloudpuff

    cloudpuff Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2013
    lazy layabout
    Yeah I'll never be getting a 128gb ever as I know I'd never be able to afford it, and I think even if I could I'd feel really guilty, I could take my husband and little girl on holiday for the same amount of cash. But I would have been able to stretch to the 32gb if I had known how important storage was going to be.

    Thank you for the ifunbox info, had never heard of it before.
  18. Gov

    Gov Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2013
    You can get 3 TERRABYTE hard drives to store all your apps. Well your entire digital life like I have. Waaaaay cheaper than getting a 128gb iPad. All I do is get the standard 16gb model, all my content is stored in the HD. Prices for flash-based storage are too high.
  19. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Dont think storage is the issue. I keep all my apps on dropbox or

    But i work away a lot so i dont always have access to all these apps, specially on an ipod touch 5th gen unless i have wifi somehow on the train etc.

    Thats one reason why i like to 'horde' tons of my device, my parents dont have the internet (i know i know !) so when i see them i have no connection. On my iphone i wont be able to install anything over 50 meg etc.

    The annoying thing is adding 128 gig to an ipad or ipod doesnt cost Apple much at all as memory isnt expensive, theres room on the device to add it. Granted on the iphone i know they're compact like anything but surely thats doable.

    Go back 2 years and you hardly got apps over a gig, now its common as anything.
  20. iPadisGreat

    iPadisGreat Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    No space means cannot install, means cannot buy from App Store. XCom is now on sale. I have no space for it, so even if it goes 99¢, I can't buy it.

    Hope that helps...

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