new integrated game development environment Goji Editor

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by pocketeers, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. pocketeers

    pocketeers Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2011
    Hi Fellow developers,

    As you know, one of the more difficult processes involved in developing applications and games is how to create and organise the content. By organising content we refer to managing all of the elements that make up the game or app, such as images, sounds, brushes, physics materials, level layouts, user interface layouts, scripts and so on. The Goji Editor is a complete integrated development environment (IDE) that primarily helps you to quickly create and test game levels / app layouts and organise the lifetime of resources as well as test in real-time across different screen resolutions.

    Goji's secondary function is to enable full game and app production using available game and app development systems such as AppEasy / IwGame Engine, Marmalade Quick, Corona, Gideros, HTML5 etc,.,. Goji aims to be as platform and development system agnostic as possible to ensure that exported data can be used by any development system and on any platform, so it also includes exportors for JSON and XML.

    If you feel like giving it a whirl then pop over to and grab a copy, its currently free whilst in open beta.


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