Help with Bonus Items for Popcorn Game

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by Acumen, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. Acumen

    Acumen Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2011
    Kindergarten teacher
    Since you guys did already help me an awesome lot in many many cases I thought I should get in touch with you again for this issue.

    We've been happily working on a popcorn/kernel physics game lately - making quite good progress considering we're only 2-3 guys :)

    Basic gameplay idea:
    You aim and shoot the kernels into the electrics to stop the electricity. Kernels have different popping times so that you have to balance which kernels you shoot when and where.

    One thing that always bugged us are the bonus items for the kernels.
    The bonus items would either make the kernels pop faster or slower. These items would have a fixed place on the levels and can't be manipulated by the player.

    Can anyone think of a good idea for bonus items for this microwave/popcorn game ?

    What would make sense and fit right into a microwave food world ?


  2. Bonuses

    Right, we'd like input for the following bonuses:

    • Bonus to add time to the kernel (takes longer to pop)
    • Bonus to subtract time from the kernel (takes less time to pop)
    • Bonus to add time to the microwave timer (give the player more time until the level ends)

    Obviously, the theme is food, microwave, and popcorn. Some ideas we've thrown around are pad of butter, flame (heat subtracts time?), water droplet (cooling adds time?). Anyone care to throw in some ideas?
  3. #3 BlueSpiral, Dec 18, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2011
    -Cartoon American Football helmet - Stop popcorn popping for length of time
    -Cartoon straight jacket / gag over mouth or rope - stop popping for certain length of time.
    -Shakers that add different flavours to give bonus points
    -Cartoon sun screen to slow down effect of microwave
    -Rubber boots/outfit, Aluminium foil, Sunglasses to deflect micro waves
    -Floating cinema tickets (bouns - places where you eat popcorn)
  4. Thanks for the reply! I really like the sunglasses/sunscreen ideas. Any thoughts for a bonus that would subtract time from the kernel (pop sooner)? Opposite of the sunglasses idea?
  5. You could do - Sunglasses/Sunscreen to absorb the rays like sunbathing, maybe even a cartoon Hawaiian shirt or something, then use the Aluminium foil as a shield.

    Another suggestion would be to have random bolts of energy rebound off the side inside the microwave and you have to dodge them, if it hits you then the character pops quicker. If you collect / and or are wearing the sun screen / sunglasses or the Aluminium foil it allows you to take more than one direct hit. Maybe you could have it so that you have to score as many points / complete the level / solve a puzzle in the microwave before you go pop?
  6. Acumen

    Acumen Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2011
    Kindergarten teacher
    haha, I really love the sunglasses idea on the kernels.
    Grumpy old kernel with black shades :D

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