How do you manage to Play all your installed games?

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by vii-Lucky, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. vii-Lucky

    vii-Lucky Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2013
    I have 80 Games installed that Consumes 23Gig of space but i don't play all of them.

    I currently play FFIV and will be followed by Chaos Rings II, Aralon, Ravensword, FFT:WotL, FFV, GTA:SA

    Have numbers of quick play games but i only open them when i feel like playing them.
  2. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    I don't.
    Yes, that simple. I have quite the backlog of time-intensive games too (e.g. Baldur's Gate, Blazing Souls Accelate), easily 200+ hours, and only very limited time to play each day.
    Even with my specialised tastes, my backlog is growing slowly but steadily.

    What I am trying to do now:
    I no longer buy every game I want on release. Instead, they go on my shopping list. Whenever I finish one of the current backlog games, I might get another one from the list, depending on what I feel like playing next.

    Also, I radically cleaned out when moving to my Air. E.g. I had over a dozen gamebooks I knew I was never going to finish, but kept them on nonetheless.

    Anyways, good luck to you ;) Your list looks like you have 100+ hours lined up.
  3. vii-Lucky

    vii-Lucky Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2013

    I never though of that.

    Do you have quick play games like Temple Run or Badland?
  4. TheFrost

    TheFrost Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2010
    I try to finish at least two games per week. It usually do platformers and games that has an end first. Other games get deleted over time (IAP blockades (CtR2), bad controls (SA), sluggish behavior(SP)).Colossatron is next and almost finished. Stealth Inc is next. Starborn Anarchist is the test subject now. In the end it balances itself.
  5. vii-Lucky

    vii-Lucky Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2013
    I have the attitude of not to delete a game if i liked it even though i finished it already.
  6. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013

    Not these two, but I have games for a quick play too. Mine currently are Epoch2, Strike Wing (which find quite "high pressure", not good to relax e.g. on a smokebreak at work), Spacehulk, Talisman and Ascendancy. And then, I can always read something if I don't feel like diving into a game.

    I did that too in the beginning. And I still do it, but to a lesser extent. Now, I try to clean up once every two months or so. If I want a game back for another play, I can always redownload it, or sync it back from my laptop.
    Not that I had to worry about available space so far, I went for 64GB with both my iPad2 and now the Air for a reason. My first iThingie was a gift, iPod3 with only 8GB, which I filled up quite fast.
  7. Jacob007

    Jacob007 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    I cleaned out my iTouch earlier this week. Usually I keep a game if I like it, but if it has no replayability or anything to keep me going back, I'll delete it. Ideally, I delete IAP riddled free to play games (some 2 gig games I don't play anymore, too), but I've kept a few (RR3). Although I do have a lot of "endless" type games, I do have a lot of limited games that you actually have to beat in which I've never gotten around to. I keep most games but do a clean up every month or so, and new games are always more played than current ones (usually). Its really a matter of what I'm in the mood for.
  8. PeteOzzy

    PeteOzzy Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2013
    Norwich, England
    I'm annoyingly OCD about these kinds of things and I have similar issues, what with pretty much the same kind of backlog as you: Square Enix, Baldur's Gate, Ravenswords, just a massive collection of life-consuming RPGs amongst others.

    I tend to organise all of my games into folders of genres like Roguelikes, ARPGs, Strategy etc. then I look through the folders and see which games are pretty similar to others in regards to the gameplay itch they scratch, for example Shadowrun Returns and XCOM. That's when I make the heartbreaking decision of which to delete; it's rarely easy but the alternative would be me umming and ahhing and then choosing something simpler like Boson X instead so no progress was made.

    This way, when I finally finish the first game and delete it, I get to go through my purchase history and find the other games and it feels like a brand new purchase again. I know I'm an oddball and it won't suit others, but it's how I get through my 400+ backlog!
  9. Never do. Had 700 games on my ipad, now ditched most cause I never play them all.
  10. HLW

    HLW Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    I don't either. My 64GB iPad is almost full. I need to complete and delete lots of them!
  11. I don't.

    I don't even try to. It's not even a realistic thing to do so IMO.
  12. Ausar

    Ausar Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2012
    keeping a low number of games 5-6 max play those and when they are finish unless they type of game you can keep playing again an again (ascension, lords of waterdeep, sorcery) i deleted them and move on with another

    To be honest i dont know how many could keep around 100+ games
  13. oldsnake

    oldsnake Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bologna italy
    I've an iPhone 5,64GB, 10 Apps,and i've only 5.2GB free,all games,normally i don't delete any games that i like,or i do so with GAME that use ICLOUD,then i reinstall them when i want play them again,i play normally 3 hours at day when i come back from work,and i play also same hours on my PS3,ive thousand of GAME to' play..
  14. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
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  15. ScotDamn

    ScotDamn Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 8, 2013
    Wireless Sales
    Happy Daddy
    This is what I do too. I don't think you're an oddball. I think it's the best way to approach it.

    In the end, the only way is to stop buying games, and finish the ones you currently have. It's tough with so many great releases and games getting better by the week. So it's kind of a vicious cycle, iOS gaming is. It isn't nearly as inexpensive as some might think. It could be, if you buy one or two every now and then, but most of us here I imagine are similar. I also believe, along with sites like TA, we are helping push mobile gaming to be a legit gaming platform. Without customers and diehards like us, they'd certainly have a tough time selling real games to casual folks. :D Of course it's a bit ambiguous to say so, but it's certainly a factor in my eyes.
  16. Gov

    Gov Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2013
    I blame this site for creating a backlog of games. My situation is similar to others, I have tons of games but I only play a handful in short bursts. TA ruined my gaming habits. For some insane reason, I've stopped playing my console games altogether, i only completed 18% of GTA V story mode... And haven't even launched multiplayer on it YET !! All because I'm on this forum... Wasting time browsing.. Not playing games. Someone... BAN ME!!! I don't want to be HERE ANYMORE!!!! HELP!!! BAN ME !!
  17. PeteOzzy

    PeteOzzy Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2013
    Norwich, England
    This is turning into an Appholics Anonymous meeting :p My name's Pete and my addiction has got so bad that it's overtaken my achievement habit.

    The worst is when I look at all my games and think how much I'd love to play them, get excited but then can't choose between them so I just browse TA or the AppStore instead. I know I'm addicted to buying them - there's no way I could play all of my games as it is but I'm still not quite used to being able to pick up brand new games for the price of a Mars bar; how could I resist that!?

    I haven't found a concrete method that would help you though, when I try to force myself into playing certain games I just lose the excitement and it becomes a chore. Part of the fun of gaming, for me anyway, is the purchasing and hoarding - imagining how good something will be when I get round to it. I'm just a big kid that's found a grown ups wallet really
  18. vii-Lucky

    vii-Lucky Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2013
    I never thought that eveyone is having this issue as well. :)
  19. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    Haha, I'm right there with you. This is basically what has happens: I go on forums. Forums show me thousands of games. I buy games. I play games. I go on forums to talk about games. Still on forums. Still on forums. Still on forums.

    So I spend more time on the TA app than actually playing games. And up until maybe a week ago, I hadn't touched my Xbox 360 for over a month (I'm at 24% in GTA). But, when you just get a game like Dark Souls or Borderlands GOTY.... It's difficult to stay away from your console.

    On topic: I have a horrifyingly long backlog, a 32 gig phone, and no plan of attack.
  20. MilkCap

    MilkCap Member

    Nov 13, 2013
    I don't :(

    But the important thing for me is having all the games on my device, so that I know that "I can if I want to".

    I keep doing what PeteOzzy does, and end up downloading even more.
    I found that moving Apps into folders makes the issue worse since I tend to forget about the games if I don't see the icon on my home screen...

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