Universal Adventure To Fate Lost Island - Accessible RPG [Pre-Order March 1st]

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Touchmint, Jun 8, 2023.

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  1. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Hey folks just checking in again

    I should have design completed and working for all iPhone sizes.

    Now I am working on iPad and about half way done. Once completed I’ll play through a few times to look for bugs and then release to testers likely this weekend with a close to final build (minus music).

    If you were unable to test because of your phone size or you were waiting for a tablet version let me know and I can send out a testing invite once the design is completed.

    Things are getting close!
  2. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Beta Version 1.26 has been released!

    Test version 1.26 Update Notes

    Added Druid class (should be fun!)
    Updated interface for smaller and larger phones (should work with all phones iPhone 6 and higher).

    Updated interface for iPads (should work with all iPads)
    Includes final zone content and ability to complete the game (still working on balance aspects)

    Added final story and supporting story content (this is still a work in progress grammar wise).

    All npcs and rooms should have descriptions now (again still a work in progress but there shouldn’t be any blanks left)
    Still working on sound/music/writing
    Fixed various interface bugs with VoiceOver where parts of the interface would go “invisible until restarting”. There still may be some so please report. 

    Hundreds? of bug fixes and small changes/tweaks. 

    Special thanks to Celmak (Michael G.) for going above and beyond on testing the VoiceOver side of things. The game made substantial progress that without him would not have happened!

    Things are getting very close! Thanks as always for the support.

    For those who couldn’t test because they didn’t have the right device please let me know if you want to test this version. 

    For those who don’t want to test but are following the game I will share the Druid Class Preview soon.

    IF you are interested in helping test or just want a preview of the game please join the discord and let me know!

    Discord channel here: https://discord.gg/x7SbAnFjUb
  3. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Update number idk?

    Ok well we are about 6 months into what I assumed would be a 3-4 month process. Feature Creep for the loss!

    Anyways things are close and I am really just down to polishing now.

    I will be working down on a list til things are complete.

    Music (I have some left over tunes but would like to get some new stuff to match the game a bit more).
    SFX (same as music)
    Writing (most of the story is complete but I still need to grammer check and tie in some loose ends).


    So as you can tell things are getting close. If you folks have any questions or want a sneak peak feel free to join the discord!

    Discord channel here: https://discord.gg/x7SbAnFjUb
  4. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    The updates are slowing down a bit as I polish up everything and get ready for release.

    I am hoping to have an early-release candidate for testing this weekend. I am looking at an early Feb release. Stay tuned for the preorder page and final release date.

    Everything is pretty much done besides a few songs I need to fit/adjust and some leaderboard/achievement features.

    Here is a short video preview of the first 3-4 minutes of gameplay to give you an idea of how everything is looking.

    If you are still looking to test or just want a free early copy of the game no strings attached hop over to the discord and I will get you set up.

    Discord channel here: https://discord.gg/x7SbAnFjUb

    Thanks for the support as always!
  5. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Hey folks, just a quick heads up. I am just polishing up the final achievements and testing until I can't test anymore. Looking to submit the release build to Apple next week.

    Between now and release time I will be posting some previews as I make them. Thanks.
    MarioKartMaster likes this.
  6. MarioKartMaster

    MarioKartMaster Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2010
    Cool stuff dude. Hope it's not too lonely out here!
    Touchmint likes this.
  7. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Been working on the screenshots for the App Store Page. Here is an early look at some of them.

    SS1F.png SS5WorldF.png
  8. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    As I delay creating my App Preview videos here are a few more screenshots haha.

    Below are the new skill tree and crafting previews.

    SS3SkillsF.png SS4CraftF.png
  9. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    After a much longer than expected haha. Adventure To Fate Lost Island is set to release! Man I’m excited to not test every day and night.

    It officially passed review and I’ve set a release date of March 1st.

    Here is the official App Store pre order link.

    Thanks for taking a look and let me know if you have any questions or comments!

    Here is the discord link as well if you want to join the community before the release. https://discord.com/invite/HX2N9yZPYy
  10. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    For those of you who have played the previous games and want to know what's new and what makes this one unique, I compiled a quick list of the game differences.

    For those that have played the previous games here are a few of the additions/improvements from the previous ones.

    Character Creation
    !! New classes with skill tree (Elementalist, Warrior, Rogue, Hunter, Priestess, Druid)
    !! Old classes without skill tree (Savage, Illusionist, Guardian)

    Note: So you can play characters with a skill tree or straightforward of gaining spells. I did this for the people who prefer the ease of just having skills assigned like how the old games work.
    Hidden Classes
    Races added back (8 new and old races)

    Gameplay / Overworld
    !! Streamlined Create Your Own Item (you can make an item with your own name, stats, picture. After making the item it’s a part of the game and you can even find them when you play on other characters).
    !! Skill trees (Choose your skills and build your character as you progress)

    Extra inventory slots. (Added 6 slots on main inventory and 5 in account vault)
    Containers - items that can hold other items. For example, a bandit may drop a bandits pack that holds a healing potion and dagger).
    Runes - These are one-use permeant stat enhancers.
    !! Achievements- About 40 achievements
    More in-depth story - more attention to the story compared to past games and much more npc dialog as the supplemental story
    More in-depth over-world - more interactable options
    World items now can change when searched. Rather than just disappearing after searching a barrel it might instead now just have a picture with the top off.
    More npc dialog. NPCs can give items.
    Ability to have up to 4 moving npcs on floor (up from 2)
    Npcs can move and leave the floor now

    New music and SFX
    Creation by indie artists in the community. (shout out to Aaron Cloutier)
    Adjusted music and the ability for the game to save previous music settings between sessions. Requested by VoiceOver users.

    !! New interface - more island / fantasy-themed interface.
    Improved action log
    Improved directional pad with indicators for points of interest and searching. Navigation Indicator icon for easier navigation.
    Improved and organized character stat page.

    Battle System
    !! Addition of elemental damage and resistance system. (built into most formulas, items, skills and NPCs)
    Added in elemental damage to all formulas. (Earth water fire shadow resist and power)
    Lots of new skills based on the elemental system
    Action and lookover system - the ability to look over everything while battling.
    Look over Your location and its description
    Look over Npcs pets skills player
    Npcs lookovers run on a system where the more you kill (account-wide) the more info you gain on them.
    Level 1 (0 kills)- look over just npc name and max hp.
    Level 2 (1 - 9 kills or playing as a druid) - look over the main stats and some details.
    Level 3 (10+ kills or playing as a hunter) - look over All stats and sub-stats. Current hp/sp etc. (gives you a big tactical advantage)
    Stat potions no longer cost SP to use (encouraging people to use them more)
    Improved combat log. (Resets after each round easier to track and less buggy)

    Accessibility improvements.
    !! The navigation pad now speaks hints to surrounding rooms
    !! Rooms/squares with npcs or interactable items now give that hint when touching room.
    Lots and lots of fixes hiding no-label buttons/confusing labels.
    Streamlined interface to only give info you need.
    Adjusted music and the ability for the game to save previous music settings between sessions. Requested by VoiceOver users.
  11. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    About 7 days until Launch so I will start doing some class previews!


    Warriors are your standard melee class with a slight twist. Their key ability is a passive ability that causes your 3rd consecutive attack to hit for 1.5x damage. Any miss, using a buffing/debuffing skill, or using a potion interrupts this bonus so choose your actions wisely. You can strategically use this in many ways. The first is by hitting a low agi enemy for the first 2 attacks then using your bonus damage attack on a harder enemy. You can also choose to use 1 stam attacks to gain the bonus and then with your 3rd attack use a 2 or 3 stam attack to get more out of your bonus damage. 

Warriors wield heavy weapons and wear heavy armor in battle.

    Starting Skills:

Fury Smash (Passive) - A passive skill that causes your third consecutive attack in a row to hit for 1.5x damage.

    Pure Strike - A physical attack with a 5 percent stun chance and 25 percent bonus damage for each element.


Skill Tree Skills:

    Berserkers Stance Warrior - Tier 1 A buffing skill that raises Strength Agility and Fire Power by 4 and lowers Wisdom by 2 and AC by 10. Costs 10 SP per round.
    Defenders Stance Warrior - Tier 1 A buffing skill that raises HP by 50 Block by 4 Wis by 4 Water Resist by 4 and lowers Str by 2. Costs 10 SP per round.
    Knights Stance Warrior - Tier 1 A buffing skill that raises Str Agi Wis Block and Shadow Resist and Earth Power by 2. Costs 10 SP per round.
    Fiery Strike Warrior - Tier 2 A very powerful physical damage hit with 50 percent extra Fire Damage.
    Bloody Strike Warrior - Tier 2 A powerful physical damage hit with 15 percent HP Leech and 25 percent extra Shadow Damage.
    Staggering Strike Warrior - Tier 2 A powerful physical damage hit with 30 percent Stun Chance and 25 percent extra Earth Damage.
    Lust For Blood Warrior - (passive) Tier 3 A passive skill that gives 9 percent extra HP Leech permanently.
    Maddening Power Warrior - (passive) Tier 3 A passive skill that gives 6 Strength permanently.
    Ever Enduring Warrior - (passive) Tier 3 A passive skill that gives 100 Hit Points and 5 Percent Block Chance.
    Mighty Recovery Warrior - Tier 4 A passive skill that raises HP Regain by 30 per round permanently.
    Fearful Shout Warrior - Tier 4 A debuffing spell that lowers enemy stamina by 1 (additional -1 enemy Agility loss per 4 Strength).
    Energy Burst Warrior - Tier 4 A buffing skill that grants 1 extra Stamina. Costs 10 SP and 10 HP per round.
    Warwind Warrior - Tier 5 An attack that hits all enemies and 25 percent extra Shadow Damage.
    Stunning Slam Warrior - Tier 5 A physical attack that has a 50 percent chance to Stun for 2 Rounds and 25 percent extra Earth Damage.
    Furious Force Warrior - Tier 5 A very very strong physical attack with 50 percent extra Fire Damage.

  12. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Hey Folks, I wanted to give an inside look at some of the music that will be in the upcoming game.

    A few have asked here and some other sites about improving the music for this upcoming game so I made a point to do so.

    I worked with another indie artist Aaron Cloutier to create some more interesting music. It still has a little bit of the 8-bit feel but is now much more immersive. For those interested here is a video about the process of creating battle music in the volcano zone.

    Aaron created the battle music for the Jungle, Volcano, and Crypt.

  13. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Next up for the previews:


    Elementalist are your classic casters blended with the newly added elemental features. They showcase this new system with strong elemental synergies. The right build and equipment means an unstoppable force. 


    Elementalists wield light weapons (staves) and light armor.

    Starting Skills
    Inner Element
    - Raises each Element Power by 3.

    Elemental Spark - An elemental based damaging spell with 25 percent bonus damage for each element.

    Earthblast Elementalist - Tier 1 A magic based damaging spell with 50 percent extra Earth Damage.
    Fireblast Elementalist - Tier 1 A magic based damaging spell with 50 percent extra Fire Damage.
    Waterblast Elementalist - Tier 1 A magic based damaging spell with 50 percent extra Water Damage.

    Stoneskin Elementalist - Tier 2 A buffing spell that raises AC by 20 and Block Chance by 3 (additional +1 Block Chance per 3 Earth Power).
    Recovering Rain Elementalist - Tier 2 A buffing spell that raises Fire Resist by 5 and HP Restore by 7 (additional +1 HP Regain per 1 Water Power).
    Burn Surge Elementalist - Tier 2 A debuffing spell that lowers All Resist by 3 and drains 10 HP every round (additional +1 HP Drain per 2 Fire Power).

    Critical Precision Elementalist - (passive) Tier 3 A passive skill that gives 10 percent Critical Chance and 10 percent Critical Damage permanently.
    Vivid Insight Elementalist - (passive) Tier 3 A passive skill that gives 4 Intelligence and 4 Wisdom permanently.
    Core Protection Elementalist - (passive) Tier 3 A passive skill that raises AC by 30 and all Element Resistances by 4 permanently.

    Shadow Beam Elementalist - Tier 4 A strong shadow spell with 50 percent extra Shadow Damage.
    Nightmare Elementalist - Tier 4 A weak shadow spell with 50 percent chance to confuse and 25 percent extra Shadow Damage.
    Shadow Storm Elementalist - Tier 4 A spell that hits all enemies with a 5 percent Leech HP and 50 percent extra Shadow Damage.

    Flame Barrier Elementalist - Tier 5 A buffing spell that gives 25 Armor Count 25 Reflect Damage and 10 Fire Power.
    Void Form Elementalist - Tier 5 A morphing skill that turns you into a Shadow Void. Gaining 5 Int Agi Wis Critical Chance and 15 Shadow Power.
    Healing Waters Elementalist - Tier 5 A major healing spell.

  14. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Rogue Preview

    Rogues are the classic sneaky class with high damage and low defense. Rogues use the shadows to approach their enemies undetected and then unleash devastating strikes. Rogues can take multiple paths using the skill tree: They can focus on extreme damage, Shadow-based skills, or even poison DoT damage. 

    Rogues can wear up to medium armor and can use up to medium weapons such as daggers and hammers.

    Starting Skills

    Stealth - A buffing skill that gives 1 extra Stamina. 5 Critical Damage and 5 Shadow Damage.
    Stab - A physical attack with a large random factor and 25 percent extra Shadow Damage.

    Tree Skills

    Mark for Death Rogue - Tier 1 A debuffing spell that drains 10 HP every round (additional +1 HP Drain per 2 Shadow Power).
    Sinister Brew Rogue - Tier 1 A buffing skill that increases Stun Chance by 10 percent. (additional +1 Percent Stun Chance per 3 Water Power).
    Venom Brew Rogue - Tier 1 A buffing skill that increases Poison Chance by 20 percent. (additional +1 Poison Damage per 1 Earth Power).
    Ambush Rogue - Tier 2 A physical attack with a large random factor and 50 percent extra Shadow Damage.
    Impale Rogue - Tier 2 A physical attack with a large random factor and a 10 percent chance to Stun.
    Toxic Strike Rogue - Tier 2 A weak physical attack that always poisons and adds 25 percent extra Earth Damage.
    Way of Shadows Rogue - Tier 3 A passive skill that gives 10 Shadow Power and 2 Resist to all Elements permanently.
    Poisoned Mind Rogue - Tier 3 A passive skill that gives 10 Poison Chance and 10 Earth Power permanently.
    Silent Focus Rogue - Tier 3 A passive skill that gives 5 percent Critical Chance and 10 Water Power permanently.
    Incapacitate Rogue - Tier 4 A debuffing spell that lowers enemy stamina by 1 (additional -1 enemy Armor Count loss per Agility).
    Assassinate Rogue- Tier 4 An all-out assassination attempt that includes 50 percent extra Shadow Damage. If enemy dies regain 2 Stamina.
    Toxin Mist Rogue - Tier 4 A thick mist that poisons all enemies that includes 25 percent extra Earth Damage.
    Assassins Prism Rogue - Tier 5 A buffing skill that raises Shadow Water and Earth Power by 7.
    Vampire Blade Rogue - Tier 5 A physical attack with 50 percent HP Leech and 25 percent extra Shadow Damage.
    Shade Form Rogue - Tier 5 You become one with the shadows and raise your Agility Wisdom Luck and Shadow Power by 4.

  15. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    1 Day until release (March 1st)



    Hunters use their bow skills and pets to dispose of their foes in battle. Hunters are a unique class that offers passive pet skills and pet summoning skills. It is not uncommon for a hunter's pet to be stronger than the hunter itself. Finding the right balance is key to making a powerful Hunter.

Hunters can wear up to medium armor and only use bows. 

    Pro Tip: Hunters have the ability to summon a pet. This means it replaces your old pet. When used right you can use up all your current pets energy and then summon a new with a fresh pool of energy!

    Starting Skills
    Pet Mastery - A passive skill that enhances pet abilities. Pet's passive abilities are increased by 150%.
    Trueshot - A strong ranged attack.

    Tree Skills

    Tainted Arrow
    Hunter - Tier 1 A toxic arrow that always poisons. Includes 50 percent extra Earth Damage.
    Natures Blessing Hunter - Tier 1 A buffing skill that gives 5 Earth Power 3 Resist to all Elements and 10 HP Recovery.
    Empower Hunter - Tier 1 A passive Pet Skill that raises All pets Strength and Intelligence by 40 percent permanently.
    Camouflage Hunter - Tier 2 A buffing skill that grants a 1 extra Stamina but costs an additional 10 SP each round.
    Multi Shot Hunter - Tier 2 A multi arrow spell that damages all enemies.
    Swiftness Hunter - Tier 2 A passive pet skill that raises Pet Stamina by 1 and gives 25 percent more Energy Recovery permanently.
    Archers Eye Hunter - Tier 3 A passive skill that gives 20 percent Critical Chance permanently.
    Energize Hunter - Tier 3 A passive Pet Skill that gives All Pets 100 percent more Energy permanently.
    Hunters Wraith Hunter - Tier 3 A passive skill that gives 2 Strength 2 Agility and 10 Poison Damage permanently.
    Spirit Wolf Hunter - Tier 4 Replaces current pet with a Spirit Wolf. A shimmering spirit wolf that has the abilities to bite and heal.
    Frozen Arrow Hunter - Tier 4 A frozen arrow that always Stuns when it hits. Includes an extra 50 percent Water Damage.
    Charm Hunter - Tier 4 A debuffing skill that lowers Intelligence and Strength by 7. (Additional +1 Fizzle Chance per 1 Intelligence).
    Erupting Arrow Hunter - Tier 5 A strong explosive shot with a 20 percent chance to Confuse. Includes 50 percent extra Fire Damage.
    Syphon Shot Hunter - Tier 5 A ranged attack that leeches HP at 50 percent of damage. Includes 50 percent extra Shadow Damage.
    Beholder Hunter - Tier 5 Replaces current pet with a Beholder. An all seeing eye with the mystical ability to see and copy your enemies last attack.
  16. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    For those interested in understanding how the game is accessible to the blind/visually here is a video made by @IllegallySighted. This is a great tutorial video about how this game translates to VoiceOver and how the game is made accessible to play.

    His gaming channel:
  17. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    #77 Touchmint, Mar 1, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2024
    Well, it's been about 270 days since I was laid off, and decided to take another stab at game development. It was a much longer and more difficult process than I expected but it was a really fun and rewarding journey! The new Adventure To Fate Lost Island game is out TODAY.

    Thanks so much to those who followed the dev blog and supported me along the way. A huge shoutout to TouchArcade for giving me a platform to share this game and for giving gamers a great place to find new and interesting games.

    Without TouchArcade there would be no Adventure to Fate. As you can see I have been a member since 2011. I came to this forum/site and found games I loved to play. They inspired me. I was able to follow game creation (just like this blog) and at a certain point I decided maybe I can make a game. Maybe I can do it too so I did. So thanks again!

    Here is the official download link:

    Thanks again to everyone involved!

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