Universal Angel Stone (By Fincon.Co.Ltd)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Based Xatu, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. spawn12345

    spawn12345 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2009
    Thank god more are coming out and saying that the gold prices are outrages!

    And thanks to the devs for looking into it. Ill look forward for the next update!
  2. supervisr

    supervisr Member

    Oct 22, 2014
    Lol, it is what all my guild members complain. We avg level 43 (the most actives members) and most of us sit there, cant upgrade skill, cant upgrade 3-4 stars skill, basically the gold issue killed the game. (Read: nobody can do act 5, so we just repeat and repeat same stage, and suddenly it is not enjoyable anymore)
    One funny thing is, if you level high enough, (I'm level 43), i can do most act 4 by let it auto attack
  3. frashart

    frashart Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2015
  4. Fincon Milo

    Fincon Milo Active Member

    Jun 1, 2014
    Community Manager at Fincon
  5. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    We need an update or something I am getting bored lol.
  6. kenken11

    kenken11 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    After playing this game since day 1, I find this game to be 1 of the best f2p games for being generous with carats.

    At all times, I don't feel compel to buy the carats and there are no nasty advertisements.

    The gold problem is a problem as I am currently at lvl 49 with skills upgrade at 40k per lvl but I am playing this as long term so I am not in hurry to lvl all my skills to current lvl.

    Nice job fincon. Excited to see more future updates for this game.
  7. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    The game gives you quite a good amount of free gems through achievements and daily quests. Have you thought about using those for extra gold?

    I'm playing a berserker and don't find the gold situation as bad as everyone else seems to be. I'm level 43 and have only been upgrading a single set of skills. My "boss tanking" set. Crushing strike, slash, skull cracker, vampire strike, crawler summon, tenacious will, iron skin, and dauntless. I also use rising fury, but I stopped leveling it up in the mid twenties because I only use it for the extra fury.

    I also reinforce new pieces of legendary gear that I get. I don't spend gold on anything else.

    I found myself short on gold when I got vampire strike and dauntless and had to level them up from scratch. I spent 900 gems on 300,000 gold, which was more than enough to get them caught up in level.

    You don't have to level up every skill to progress in the game. Figure out a set that gives you the most raw damage possible and use that as your core set for every chapter so you can save gold. Even the shadow mage's attacks deal raw damage that is unaffected by missions. The magical damage of most attacks is just bonus "extra" damage on top of the raw damage it does. Even for the shadow mage. Make sure to read all skills carefully to figure out the best "all-around" set.

    I'm on level 19 of the demon raid and I don't use a single poison skill on him. Sure, I could probably get up another level or two if I used all poison skills, but I would rather save the gold to keep my core skills and best armor maxed out.
  8. Montanx

    Montanx Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    San Diego
    I'm loving this game but I'm kind of stuck. lvl 43 but most of my gear is legendary lvl 25-35. At fever time I get to upgrade a piece but otherwise can't get new gear. I can only do Greeds normal multiplayer level but it's mandatory to use the 100 carat revive and most groups can barely beat it. Leveling is very slow and can't imagine I'll be near 60 anytime soon. Stages give 2-3%. Gold gets expensive and I'm not even sure what I want to focus on. I need a full set of single target for the raid boss, then a split aoe/st set for stages and then an all aoe set for the training ship. You need about 8 skills ready to go and then also 4 passives. That's a lot of gold and stones.

    I still like the game and the progression feels good, I can feel myself getting stronger. It's just slowing down a lot and the gold wall is approaching fast. Also zecharite is obscenely rare. Won't even use it til max level most likely.
  9. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    Nope, using your carats on a revive is not mandatory at all, especially with random groups. Don't get pressured into that. It's a huge waste of carats.

    If you still have gear in the 25-30 range, then don't worry about running Greed right now. Use your dungeon runs on Lillim until all of your gear is 30+.

    As far as what to focus on, don't worry about leveling up a set of AOE skills for the airship. All the AOE days get you is iron, which you get plenty of from dismantling all the junk gear you get while farming.
  10. PCKid

    PCKid Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2008
    Game Player
    Western Australia
    I hope the load time is worth it. Been loading the 47 resources for over an hour and still got ten to go.

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