Universal Beast Bound: Chock Full of Classic RPGness

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Lt. Action, Jun 18, 2015.

  1. panfried

    panfried Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2013
    #41 panfried, Jun 24, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2015
    Having secondary effects on weapon types sounds awesome. Hammers can stun, swords can hit more than one target (think of a wide slash), and fists can either do critical hits or hit twice in 1 attack (think of a 1-2 punch, you have two fists right?). Just a thought :).

    I like how these special effects work, it only appears some times so the weapons don't get too overpowered.

    After playing this game for a while I do have a few ideas I would like to pass your way. In no particular order:
    I wrestled with this one for a while, part of me wants to have some kind of armor in the game, the other part thinks it is unneeded due to the defense mechanic and just leveling up. However, what I would like to see in the game are accessories (rings, necklaces, charms etc). Things like +10 HP, take less damage when successfully defending (and maybe more if you fail), chance to critical hit, earn more gold per battle, earn more exp per battle, greater chance to have monsters drop items/gear, greater chance to have special weapon effects show up during your turn, and the ultimate one which should be very hard to get - chance for 1 extra attack per turn *commence dramatic music and thunder/lightning*...

    Allow The Music App
    Don't get me wrong, your in-game music is nice, but I would just like to be able to play my own music while slicing those waterdrop plants and smashing nasty Rollems sometimes.

    Improve Female Model
    The female face does not look any different than the male one, maybe it should have eye shadow or something. There should also be feminine clothes so that a girl character doesn't look so masculine.

    More Outfits And Faces
    As you mentioned new hats are coming to the game which is awesome, but I would also like to see different looking clothes, not just different colors. Different types of cloth, leathers, metals etc. Also new hairstyles/colors and new eyes and eye colors would be awesome. Maybe even skin tones? Are glasses/sunglasses a possibility?

    Quest Log/Quest Improvements
    When you meet a fellow Manadenian (is that right?) and they have a quest for you to complete I really wish it was logged somewhere so I can keep track of what they wanted, where they were and the reward offered. Maybe this is what Todd's book can be used for - an index of quests, monsters and their strengths/weaknesses, items and where to find them etc.
    On a related note, rewards should not just be exp and money, please offer weapons/hats/outfits. eg the blacksmith could do something like this, "Please bring me some iron ingots, smithy oil and a warrior spirit and I can make a powerful sword for you."

    Weapon Improvements
    As I mentioned above more weapons can have cool special effects like the Iron Slammer does, but these should be listed in the weapons description. Going along with the Iron Slammer, this is how I imagine it could look:
    +6 Damage (Hammer)
    Chance for:
    [green diamond] Stuns target 1 turn
    Whether or not you want to put the actual percentage of it showing up is up to you. In the description it would be helpful to see how many attacks per turn each weapon has.
    Also, not all archetype of weapons need to have the same effect, some hammers could stun while others do splash damage because of how massive it is. Barb-aric could give you thorns buff (return a small portion of damage back to attackers). Beat Loaf, my favorite sword so far, and Beef Shank could heal you on green diamond attacks or per turn, its just so meaty and juicy!
    Since bombs are used up each time you throw one, they need to do much more damage, possibly even a burn-over-time effect. I was attacking some of those slime blobs and here are my damage numbers - Blade O' Grass damage, 19, 13, 15. Berry Bomb, 9. Sad, just sad.. The worst part? Bombs are not strong vs Rollems. This needs to be addressed because nothing is scarier than going toe to toe against a party of three Rollems with your puny Whump Stump.
    Me - "Please don't hurt me nice Rollems."
    Rollem to another Rollem - "Why is breakfast talking to us?"
    It did not end well for me.

    General Exploration Improvements
    I don't think you intended us to be the second coming of Jesus and allow us to walk on water as seen here:
    This is the only level that I know of where you can do this, all others keep you dry. I was surprised Cappi followed me in...

    In cave levels it can be hard to move to the next screen as seen here:
    Can you either make walls shorter near entrances/exits, make them fade away when behind them, or don't put walls near entrances/exits?

    General UI Improvements
    Can you please add the name of the person talking when chat windows pop up? Not sure if this is possible though.
    Make the default zoom level to be fully zoomed out, does anyone actually play that zoomed in? You can hardly see what is in front of you.

    It is hard for me to say if there are new monsters needed or not since we are a little stuck for now, but so far for normal enemies I have seen Leerdrops, plants, slime balls, pigs and Rollems. In the advertisement pictures I see sharks, mushrooms and clouds so hopefully they show up soon. Your idea for a Coma Toad was hilarious but how about a Golden Toad? It should only show up inside of other monster's battles so you never know when you will get one. If you manage to beat it you get a lot of gold. It doesn't have to be a toad if you don't like that, it could be a goose or an egg :).
    Trying to think of new enemies I don't see in every single other game...
    Plants - Weak to swords
    Beating Beet - Think of a beet with boxing gloves, he will beet you up!
    Meany Beanie Bean - Kidney bean wearing a beanie, likes to bite.
    Cough-y Bean - His coffee breath is just gross!
    Armored - Weak to Hammers
    Armoredillo - Armadillo dressed up in armor.
    Mackadamia - This nut grew up on the wrong side of town. He is one tough nut to crack and hits you like a truck.

    I expect some of these I mentioned have already been thought of by you and are planned for future releases anyway which is great. I hope I thought of something that you didn't though :).
    Love the game, great work!
  2. Lt. Action

    Lt. Action Well-Known Member


    And the developers rejoiced <3

    I like the cut of your jib, friend. It's like feedback-Christmas all up in this thread <3

    You're thinking along such the right lines, man. Every one of your suggestions is ticklin' just the right brain spots (particularly making the overtly lady options feel less masculine- I definitely didn't hit the right chord on my first takes. The face can be adjusted, the body is a different story unfortunately).

    Your pining need for armor and a quest log have been echoed by many other players I have spoken to in person as well. I genuinely hope we can address these in future updates. It's a tall order, however, given that it's really just two of us creating content and a third who is indisposed on other tasks.

    I'm diggin' your beasts, too! They paint a vivid picture, you can go ahead and consider me a fan of the Mackadamia. We may even go a step further, add a capital "S" and call it the "Smackadamia", ehhhh? EHHH?!** That's what's called collaboration, ya'll, and that THAT is how games are made!

    Making games is an exceedingly difficult task, but I love it like old folks love driving through the front walls of buffets <3

    **One of these days, we're gonna have an official "Design a Beast" contest.
    Determining factors include A: will I still have a job in a few months and B: Is "Beast Off With Lt. Action" too suggestive a title?
  3. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    #43 Intendro, Jun 25, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2015
    Single player game refuses to load unless online.
    My amusement is ruined. #
    I was really hoping that didn't happen here...
    Especially with comments like this.
  4. Lt. Action

    Lt. Action Well-Known Member

    The dreaded "always on". I'm sorry that our internet requirement hauls off and buries its boot squarely in your enjoyment's nethers, but I assure we we aren't pullin' these shenanigans willy nilly!

    The way we've got everything structured, the connectivity aspect gives us direct and instant access to everyone's experience and allows us to make certain on the fly adjustments. For example, if we're finding out that people are having trouble with a certain area of the game *BOOM* we drop in an NPC you can talk to and clear things up without us having to put on the brakes and update the app.

    Even so, you're right, you can't play without the internet. Maybe those science doods will get around to achieving that "singularity" I've been hearing so much about sometime soon and we'll all always be on ALL THE TIME.

    **ALSO! I'd like to take this opportunity to tell ya'll that Apple has approved our update that fixes the blocker and it should be rolling out over the next couple of hours!**

    Celebrate good times.

    Come on.
  5. panfried

    panfried Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2013
    #45 panfried, Jun 25, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2015
    I have been waiting all week for that news.
    You will find me sharpening my Shark Fin while constantly checking the app store for the update.
    When it goes live, Leerdrops will be drop-kicked and Rollem heads will roll!

    Edit: it's here, just downloaded it.
  6. Lt. Action

    Lt. Action Well-Known Member

    Awwwww yeah, panfried!

    As Doc Holiday would say if he were with us today, "you're my huckleberry <3".
  7. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    I just have to say two things : first, unfortunately the style of the game is not to my liking. I like the elements that it has, and the cat. What i dont like is the rosey cheeks style and the cute beasts, along with little, choppy twitchy battle animation.

    Second, since that is the style of the game, but it seems well thought out in core elements, i would like to ask, are there plans for something similar, but more mature?

    And third, yes third, to Lt. Action specifically, pleaseeeeee make a gamebook, i think it would easily rival Ryan Norths "To be or Not to be" which had me laughing nonstop for a full weekend
  8. Lt. Action

    Lt. Action Well-Known Member


    Here comes bright eyed, innocent ol' Lt. Action, rosy cheeked himself as if his upper cheeks were hewn from the same material as a newborn babe's lower cheeks, casually making the rounds, and what does he spy? Oh joy! Ramzarules is back and he's talking about our game!


    I've got a few hotlines to call and a few counselors to see before I'll know if I'll recover from this or not.

    I kid. But not really.

    HERE COMES THE REAL TALK: I'm sorry it's not your cup o' tea, man! I started rosey'n up the cheeks and cute-ifying everything from the get-go as a sort of tongue and cheek take on how the visuals would pair up with the story. I admit, it takes some time investment for this juxtaposition to start to take root, so I totes get that you couldn't stick around until then.

    The disappointment, Ramza, is real </3

    So are you craving an RPG of similar mechanical execution that has less of the cutesy veneer? I can't say for sure what the future holds for us in terms of games, but the cold-hard-certainty is that we won't be making anything else if we can't make Beast Bound work. Well, maybe one or two smaller titles, but the ocean of the app store, she is a cruel, violent and capricious mistress.

    Also, did you just make a vague comparison of me against Ryan North? All is forgiven, Ramza, you sweet pile o' man, you <3 I DO have personal plans to do some writey-doodly stuff for myself sometime in the future but it has never been concrete. You and a few others just may be ticklin' this ego of mine in the right direction, though ;D
  9. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    I tried, Lt. I just can't. And you should take it as an ego-ticker that if it wasn't for your inspired, laugh out loud writing and responses, i wouldn't have even looked at a game of that style twice. But for you, i tried.

    So yes, put in the blender that writing, the depth of customisation and upgrades, take away the rosey-cheekiness and cute toothless beasts, and add luxuriously animated battles in a more (slightly or much more) mature setting, and win my instapurchase :)

    OR make that gamebook and get my instapurchase just for your own sweet self :p
    or do both? :D
  10. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    I'd rather be able to play offline.
    And be able to update whenever I can... instead of having to all the time.
    And not having my data usage drained from a single player game.

    And not worry about the very possible issue that someday suddenly this sort of game's server no longer exists, so the game is completely gone...

    I want to own my games. #
    Otherwise I just don't want to bother, because it'll just disappear and I'll miss being able to play it...
    So I am not getting invested in these online rental-things.

    Make an offline version of this game and I will be like "wow they really did it, awesome." :p
    ...Wait, wouldn't it really be possible to do that somehow, with the partial update being downloaded whenever the player gets online and chooses to? *shrug*
    I don't know.

    Well... That's about all I have to say...
    *awkwardly leaves* #
  11. Lt. Action

    Lt. Action Well-Known Member

    Just when I think it cannot get more full, my ego expands outward in all directions like the infinite void of our universe and is instantly filled to its new brim. Occasionally, the expanse cannot keep pace with the growth and, like the Mentos is to the Diet Coke, it bursts skyward and stains everyone and everything in the immediate vicinity.

    As of this moment, I am metaphorically drenched in my own ego. Put that in your mental-image-pipe and smoke it.

    I hear ya, dawg. Every approach has its pitfalls and you're dead right about these. For all the flexibility we have with our servers, the game dies with us just like those jerk Pharaoh's would bury themselves with all of their treasure. I hope the boatman accepts mobile games as payment to ferry us across the River Styx.

    YEAH YOU BETTER RUN! You... better... run :(
  12. rezn

    rezn Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Mar 8, 2014
    Coder/Keyer in medical ICD 10
    Reno, NV
    #52 rezn, Jun 27, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2015
    Alright alright alright. Between your awesome execution with words and that badass trailer I think it may be time to download. My boys will also love this game now that I see I can cross nab a copy on Android too.

    If and most likely when I start to shell out the pocket coins on upgrades etc, fingers crossed that you guys slip a few credit bonuses randomly as you're pockets begin to get fat.

    I usually only keep one or two games like this on my iPhone per year since my heart lies in non-p2p indie Devs hearts. As well I have so many games that each week I have to shift a couple gigs of games and apps off to make room for the new stuff. :)
  13. Lt. Action

    Lt. Action Well-Known Member

    Rezn, my friend, you've made this internet stranger a happy one.

    And we all understand the importance of keeping internet strangers happy. You never know what could happen, if you know what I mean.

    Truly, I am beyond glad you've decided to give us a shot! It's tough out there. You said it yourself, your phone consumes and discards apps like a chronic cholera victim consumes and discards liquids. We're fighting that current like the possibly overly optimistic and ill-informed salmon, it's a real struggle to get upstream and mate with as many iPhones as possible.

    Thank you for being with one of those phones, I promise we cuddle after <3

    If you have time, drop back in and let's talk about your impressions! We've been at mobile development for some time but we're still learning! :D
  14. panfried

    panfried Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2013
    #54 panfried, Jun 29, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2015
    Alright I beat the game so I want to leave you with my thoughts after playing it all the way through.

    Game Impressions

    Overall I would rate this game 5/5, being a 100% free game you can't fault it for anything minor. Honestly, Beast Bound is a fun game to play, highly recommended for anyone sitting on the fence about this one. What do you have to lose?

    I love the variety of weapons, the graphics and the humor. What other game will you fight a rain cloud that has questionable water leaking from it? What other game has you put fossils on your fist and beat the snot out of a mushroom riding a tortoise? What other game lets you put the head of a golem on a stick and beat up other golems with it?

    The story was nice but I am not one who looks for super deep plots in games. However, I feel as though this one ends up being a bit too open ended and unanswered. My thoughts on the current ending, do not read if you want to find out on your own:
    First off, plot twist! Now that you know what Cappi is, how did you meet him in the first place? What is the accident that was mentioned? Who in the world is that dirty homeless looking guy who wants the secret folders? Where does he get all the gold he pays you with? What are in those folders anyway, dirty pictures of the Profit? ;).
    Answers to these questions and more may be given on this mysterious "2.0 island", only time will tell.

    I fully support you guys and I would absolutely love to see this game continue and flourish. I will keep this gem on my phone in hopes that part 2 will be released at some point :D.


    I gave some of these in a previous post but I can sum it up here and add a few more.
    -Bombs need to be improved, they are useless in their current form as Rollems are strong against them. Plants probably are too but I haven't tested it.
    -A quest log is needed to track what quests are where, which are complete and what is needed for each one.
    -Quest rewards should be improved. Offer more than just gold and exp such as weapons and outfits.
    -Quest types could be improved as well, all quests in the game a item fetching. I don't mind fighting 10 Leerdrops in a particular map and being rewarded for it as an example.
    -The main town of Gildenfree is pretty useless too, you never actually have to visit there the entire game. I am not suggesting taking it out, but instead make it more useful. e.g. Todd's book could be used as an index of quests, monsters and items.
    -Drop rates may need tweaking. I believe how it works is as you level up monsters can drop more and more items as you unlock them. This leaves the essential ones like Mana Wad and Edible Herbs, to make potions, hard and harder to come by. Near the end of the game I hardly ever got them forcing me to play slightly differently, I would just head back to the workshop to get healed and then venture back to the dungeon and continue, since monsters don't respawn when leaving the map. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I am not sure if that is what you intended to have happen or not. Also, I tried not to eat food in this game because you never know if a quest would need it later on or not, but they never needed potions.
    -I never bought a single piece of furniture for the Workshop, nor did I clear any rubbish from it. Maybe others did/do but since you have enough empty space to build each production source I didn't want to waste my weapons or precious gold. I still need to raise more funds to purchase the Oven but I have built all other units. 1000 gold is pretty steep just to clear 1 stack of boxes since you make around 7-24 gold per battle.
    -I would love to be able to use the achievement points we earn for things like reaching a certain level or opening X amount of treasures. Any plans to be able to exchange them for cool rewards?
    -Something I thought of was for each of the factories (the anvil, oven, potion pot etc) when clicking on one to open it up we should be able to see each item it can produce but have them grayed out and locked until you reach the level needed to unlock it. You can determine if you want to give players the option to unlock them sooner by paying diamonds or not.

    Something you have addressed already is that you plan on adding more special effects to weapons. If I wasn't aware of that I would have said that all weapons that have less than 4 attacks per turn are automatically weaker than ones with 4 attacks per turn. The expectation to this is the Iron Slammer which can stun.
    You will always do more damage with a Shark Fin (4 attacks at +11 damage) than you will with the Mana Paddle (3 attacks at +13 damage) and you can make the Shark Fin much earlier than the Mana Paddle. Same goes for Iron Slammer being better than the Rollem Buster. The only fist type weapon worth anything in the game, that I know of, is the Fossil Fist which is a very end-game weapon (I unlocked it after beating the game).

    I was quite surprised that the Mushroom-Riding-Tortoise monster was not resistant to swords like a Rollem is. I don't mind switching weapons around as I feel as though it is part of what makes this game unique so there should be more monsters that are resistant to certain types of weapons.

    The final fight of the game, I don't want to even call it a boss, was a let down for me. I sincerely request that you give it a make over. Just a thought, do not read until after you finish the game:
    How about after the two robot salesmen are destroyed you get to fight and destroy the computer that the Profit is in?

    Bugs and Miscellaneous Issues

    Darkshore Rock:
    Unreachable coin - http://i.imgur.com/AtG7MMr.png

    Watery Timberland:
    Unreachable coin - http://i.imgur.com/5YE0uvK.png

    Unreachable monster and treasure chest - http://i.imgur.com/VgbKOhY.png

    Blackrock Shore:
    No boss - This one was weird. I walked up the the boss for this level, Cappi had a few things to say about how mean the shark is, kicking down sandcastles or something like that, the fight started and the shark totally wimped out and ran away! The fight started, no monsters were there and I instantly won. Easiest boss battle EVER :rolleyes:.

    Stoker's Thicket:
    Walk on water - http://i.imgur.com/zVIm2DV.png

    Beach Bruiser:
    The large shark monsters are, well, too large. Their hit box is so big that it easily covers monsters located above them. Follow me using the example I drew below, monster 1 is a Leerdrop (could be anything smaller than a shark), monster 2 is a shark, monster 3 can be anything (or nothing at all) and the player is the 0. The problem is that trying to touch the Leerdrop results in the shark's hitbox overlapping with the Leerdrop. This makes it so you attack both monsters at the same time using up an attack point for each attack. Maybe you didn't want to attack the shark but it's too late now. Whenever there is a monster to the left of a shark I have to be very very careful to be sure I am attacking the correct one.


    Experience From Quest Rewards:
    There must be a cap on the amount that your experience bar can raise in a single instance. This can be seen when turning in a quest that offers large amounts of experience, something like 1000 or more. If you turn it in your bar goes up about 300, then you fight a battle and win and it goes up 300 more, then fight another battle and gain another 300 and so on until your bar is finally caught up. This is a little weird and should be fixed.

    Gold Reward for Turning in Secret Folders:
    Your new gold value doesn't show until you gain at least 1 more coin. Very minor issue but still a bug.

    In closing, well done JB Gaming team, you have created a wonderful, silly and charming RPG and gave it to us for free. I enjoyed every minute of the journey you took me on.
    My hat's off to you, job well done. I can't wait to see more from you guys.
  15. Lt. Action

    Lt. Action Well-Known Member

    #55 Lt. Action, Jun 30, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2015
    I am entwined in this web you spin, panfried.

    I will not struggle, I will lay back and close my eyes for the entrapment of your beautiful web is what I crave above all else.

    If I am the parent and panfried and the rest of you my swaddling babes, a question comes to mind; "why can't you all be more like your brother?"

    Has anyone else blazed a trail through this game as deeply as our friend panfried? He burns with questions and ideas! Will no one else step forward and douse his mighty blaze with their own Beast Bound experiences?
  16. Lt. Action

    Lt. Action Well-Known Member

    For those of you exercising your freedom this weekend with your heaps and heaps of what almost truly becomes disposable income, remember this:

    If you blow your big stupid thumbs off this weekend you're gonna have a heck of a time playing Beast Bound. You should download it now just in case, better safe than sorry.

    Happy 4th of July and be safe out there, you goons! <3
  17. Lt. Action

    Lt. Action Well-Known Member

    Everyone! Stop what you're doing immediately, spit out whatever that is in your mouth, cancel that college campus tour you were really looking forward to and LISTEN UP!


    Touch Arcade's very own Shaun Musgrave reviewed us!

    The man is fair, the man is considerate, the man wrote one helluva informational review so if you're on the fence about the type of experience Beast Bound is offering, pop on over and check it out!

    Have you guys ever seen a developer cherry pick a game review to make themselves look good? It looks just like this:

    "It's the writing. The text in this game is really fun to read, with Cappi wisecracking constantly without crossing the line into being annoying. The story takes some interesting turns late into the game, and it's all just so lovable."

    You hear that? So lovable <3

    There is so much more lovability to share in Beast Bound's future but we need your support! If you dig the kernels of what our game offers, let us know and help us to continue to improve the game and expand it into a stellar experiences you all so richly deserve <3
  18. Lt. Action

    Lt. Action Well-Known Member

    Hey ya'll!


    A: Sorry for yelling.

    B: A new update for Beast Bound will drop on you like a sack of pure bliss within the next 24 hours or so! This new update includes a handy dandy little info button for those of you that can't navigate the dark forest of Beast Bound on your lonesome. Usually I would let you starve and die like the infidel you are, but today we're feeling generous. When you update, you can find the button right here:


    C: ANOTHER update is coming sometime next week that will enable you to DISable ads. It IS an IAP item and we're super sorry we didn't get that into the initial release as we had intended. Sometimes you sit down to make a game with your bros and Life links hands with Reality and comes in like a wreeeeeeeecking baaaaaaaaallllll.

    Have you ever dropped an expensive glass bowl onto a hard tile floor? Give it a shot if you haven't yet, but make sure to write "Lt. Action's hopes and dreams" on the side of it before you cut it loose if you're curious what it's like to be me.
    Also don't forget to cry before, during, and after. And make sure, no matter how careful you are, you get cut a little. But it's okay, because nothing matters.

    D: What features or adjustments would YOU like to see in Beast Bound's next update! It's okay if you don't answer, I'm totally emotionally stable and can handle it!
  19. panfried

    panfried Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2013
    In the order I want it:
    1. New content, possibly something about this 2.0 I've heard about or at least a bonus dungeon after you complete the game :)
    2. Add more secondary effects to current weapons
    3. New monsters (Smackadamia? :D)
    4. New weapons
    5. Workshop furnature that offers passive battle bonuses
  20. Lt. Action

    Lt. Action Well-Known Member

    Leave it to our boy panfried to offer a hand to pull us up from this emotional vomit caked gutter we've sunken into <3

    I can't believe that I almost forgot about the Smackadamia, it's like being reintroduced to an old friend whom I never even knew to begin with... who is also a giant nut hell-bent on cracking MY nut. There's copious room here for a spectacular multi-layered joke revolving around nuts and how they may or may not bust, but I've got standards to maintain.

    Thank you again, panfried, for flexing your "Let's support Beast Bound!" muscle! Much of your list is on MY list, but no matter the potency of our imaginations, support is the fuel that will drive us forward.

    Just between you and I, I have acts 2 and 3 mapped out in my head for how the story of Beast Bound will evolve and resolve, DON'T LET ME TAKE IT TO THE GRAVE!

    Seriously, has anyone out there delved into the story? I was so excited about how it began to develop, I want to share it with the world! Does the game move too slowly for ya'll to get hooked by the story?

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