Universal Deep Loot (by Monster and Monster)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Mj1ggy

    Mj1ggy Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2012
    For games like this, I will usually download and if I enjoy it, I'll buy the doubler. I loved this game but did not buy it because I was afraid it would cause me to collect everything too quickly, plus some of the ships/suits seemed kind of useless. Looks like it's time to reconsider that decision and get back into this little gem.
  2. Greyskull

    Greyskull Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    Photographer/Social Sciences adjunct/sweet sweet l
    Fort Lauderdale

    NOOOOooooOO! Just deleted it because I collected nearly everything :(
  3. nightc1

    nightc1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2012
    Well, you'll have more to do when the game updates. :p

    Games like this though are ones I actually try to go out of my way to backup the saves unless there's no chance ever of an update so re-playing would only make sense from a fresh install.
  4. 2wicky

    2wicky Active Member

    Jun 18, 2012
    Game Director
    Big fan of this game, really enjoyed a lot of the design decisions made.

    At first they weren't very apparent but the deeper you get the more it becomes obvious this is a deeper game than what you view initially. Love the Collection screen, some really nice elements there and the procedurally generated levels make for original runs every time.

    Great job guys, looking forward to future titles.
  5. BustaFoo

    BustaFoo New Member

    Sep 4, 2013
    Whoa that is so weird. I just got a new iPhone 6 Plus and remembered how much I liked this game on my iPad so I just bought the doubler...at first I was thinking I wouldn't have to buy it but then realized how LONG I would actually have to play to even get close to getting anywhere and was very glad I did because now I'm getting to some really cool parts and now finding out they are adding MORE content... Buying the doubler was totally worth it and I don't buy very many games or many add-ons but this game actually got better after buying the doubler..

    If your on the fence about getting it DO IT..you really won't regret it, and it's really cool on the new iPhones.
  6. kluless

    kluless Member

    Sep 9, 2014
    Here's a (possibly) heretical thought: don't upgrade. Instead, make a sequel. That way, you're free to create new contents, play and upgrade mechanisms, etc. You don't have to make it a Deep Loot 2.0, but might be enough to make it Deep Loot 1.5 :)
  7. kluless

    kluless Member

    Sep 9, 2014
    Darn, lost everything again. Maybe it's my iPhone 3GS getting old, and some of its memory (SSD) has lost the ability to retain memory.

    I was playing, ran out of battery, and when I relaunched, I'm back to naked diver again.
  8. BaronVonMonster

    BaronVonMonster Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear you're still having issues with all of this. It may well be the age of the device causing problems as it's not something that should really be possible.

    As for making Deep Loot 2.0 I think for now we just want to do a content update with a couple of new features and some extra stuff for users to discover / unlock. If it proves popular enough we'll then consider where to go from then, possibly a major update with a new depths...maybe a full sequel...maybe something new. It's going to be an interesting couple of months whatever happens though!
  9. BaronVonMonster

    BaronVonMonster Well-Known Member

    Hey all. Quick post to let you know what's going on. We're literally in the final stages of Android testing now. This means Deep Loot release for Android is imminent. Hoorah :D I'll be sure to swing by with an official date when I have one.

    As for the content update all the artwork is done, 90% of the new copy has been written and a new feature has been designed and is awaiting implementation!

    We reckon there's a couple more weeks of work on integrating / testing and then we'll be ready to update the game on all platforms. Unless we have major issues with the Android launch I reckon you can expect the content update at the end of the month. This content update will probably have even more bug fixes in it too, especially for iOS.

    Once that's out of the way we're taking a well deserved break for a couple of weeks and when we return we'll pull together some Deep Loot stats and things to help us decide what to do next...Exciting stuff!

    Again, thanks for all the great comments on this forum thread. It's been a great place to interact with those playing our silly little game and we really appreciate all the support! Thanks.
  10. NOEN

    NOEN Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Great stuff! I'm so excited for the content update!.......even though I still have a handful of items to collect. Easily one of my favorite iOS games. This app will never leave my device.
  11. Ashley Yeates

    Ashley Yeates New Member

    Oct 17, 2014
    Looking forward to the update!!
  12. BaronVonMonster

    BaronVonMonster Well-Known Member

    #652 BaronVonMonster, Oct 23, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2014
    Hellooooooo! Hope everyone's been doing good and enjoying all the ace games that seem to be coming out at the moment :D

    We've made a ton of progress with our update. The new collections, suits and ships are in and working! I'll be going into our crazy environment editor thing next week and adding all the cool new locations and easter eggs.

    Meanwhile Code Monster Dan is hard at work on the new feature I keep mentioning. What is this feature you ask? I SHALL TELL YOU.

    We are adding the ability to sell completed collections!

    So what's this all about? Well we've had a lot of requests from people who want to start over on collections and some users would also like Game+ mode. Whilst we haven't quite worked out how to do a full-on Game+ mode at the moment we felt the ability to sell collections was a nice stop gap and something we could implement relatively easily(!).

    The idea is that once you complete a collection you'll be given the ability to 'SELL'. If you choose to do so you will see an offer from a randomly generated name (more on this in a future forum post). This offer will usually be a fair amount depending on how hard the collection is to complete...there's also a tiny chance that the offer could be embarrassingly small or perhaps ridiculously high!

    Above: Mock-up of a collection ready to sell

    Above: Mock-up of an offer from an interested party

    You'll be able to sell a complete collection up to five times (we haven't decided on a final number yet could end up being 3....) which adds a kind of meta game in which you try to 5 star your collections. Not sure what we'll do if you max out selling all your collections but as few people will bother getting that far it probably wont be anything too crazy, might just be cosmetic for bragging rights (or possibly something you'll unlock in a later update)

    It's not a perfect system as we're having to kinda retro-actively integrate it but we hope it gives some users an extra incentive to keep playing whilst also giving out a bit more in-game currency to use for unlocking boats and ships.

    There's still some stuff to finalize but we thought you might like to have a first peek at what's in store for the update. We're hoping to have it finished by the end of next week and we'll keep you all posted on update submissions and progress. Not long to go now!
  13. nightc1

    nightc1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2012
    I like the idea of selling collections. As is, when you get everything done you are just kind of done.

    To press on and sell multiple times and stuff though, I wouldn't want just some tiny reward... it would need to be an incentive enough to make that kind of grinding worth it. Oh and we need something to buy with all that new cash. I get that new content is being added to purchase... but most of the content in the game to purchase is pointless since most folks will go for the suit with the best stats and maybe swap between a couple of ships unless the perk is good enough.

    Whatever the case, it's good to still see this game is going. Hopefully y'all made a few bucks for all the work.
  14. NOEN

    NOEN Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    That's actually a great idea!
  15. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Yup... Pretty genius to keep the game going after completing collections.
  16. akanaf

    akanaf Active Member

    May 28, 2011
    Hi when on iOS? Any date?
  17. BaronVonMonster

    BaronVonMonster Well-Known Member

    Yeah, we've discusses most of this and we're aware of the implications. As mentioned we hope this is just a stepping stone to a bigger update down the line which but alas this will depend on how well Deep Loot does for us over the next few months.

    Rest assure all your points have been noted though and we've still yet to finalize everything regarding this system :)
  18. BaronVonMonster

    BaronVonMonster Well-Known Member

    iOS? ;-)
  19. akanaf

    akanaf Active Member

    May 28, 2011
    New update, on android was today
  20. BaronVonMonster

    BaronVonMonster Well-Known Member

    In other news....


    We've finally released Deep Loot on Android :D I know that this isn't the most appropriate thread for it but here's a one-off post with the links for those interested....

    Deep Loot on Google Play
    Deep Loot on Amazon AppStore

    There's nothing particularly different about the Android version except for a new setting allowing you to turn auto-rotation on / off. (Amazon update including this is still awaiting for approval but should be live soon)

    Oh and Google have allowed us to use their Android robot as a playable suit.

    Now these are out of the way we're full steam ahead on the update which will hopefully release simultaneously across all platforms :)

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