Eliminate 'To spend, or not to spend, that is the question'

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by mrWalrus, Oct 31, 2009.


Do you plan on spending money to buy Energy Cells?

Poll closed Nov 12, 2009.
  1. Yes, I have already.

    9 vote(s)
  2. I haven't yet, but I plan to.

    30 vote(s)
  3. Not sure yet

    49 vote(s)
  4. No, never.

    68 vote(s)
  1. gelas_plastik

    gelas_plastik Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009

    to me, this is not a free game .. they basically give you the lite version, and you have to upgrade full version via DLC .. In total actually,to get the full version you might have to pay more than what you've paid for full blown PS3 games ..
  2. loves2spoon

    loves2spoon Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    ^this man speaks the truth!
  3. odyssey924

    odyssey924 Member

    Sep 18, 2009

    This pricing scheme is so far out from the current pricing spectrum on the AppStore, it's unthinkable that any of you would actually pay upwards of $30 for something that runs out in a few hours...

    Seeing production values of titles like this on the AppStore does show that the pricing structure needs to be updated, perhaps reaching levels of other mobile console games ($10-$35 range) in order for the developers to be able to keep making content at this quality level.

    However, look at what this game offers compared to other console/PC experiences... Buy a couple of those $30 packs and you have spent as much as a full featured game and still be stuck playing deathmatch only on a 3.5 inch screen with no extras. As good as Eliminate may be, it's not even close to having the nearly universal features shown on other platforms, including dedicated keys/controls (and NOT obscuring half of the image with your thumbs...), voice chat, more game options, etc.

    This system is pure greed in my mind. If you guys want to spend money supporting it, obviously, that's your decision. But if I were you, I'd wait until the game actually offers a reasonable amount of content for a reasonable price.

    The download may be free, but the game isn't.
  4. Kintaro360

    Kintaro360 Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    Looking at the poll, only 4 people from the whole world have paid for energy - so ngmoco has earned 4$.

    I think they will switch of their servers soon ^^

    But it was nice to see how at the beginning there where 200 Players in canada, yesterday they where 800 "worldwide" and some minutes ago there where 1600 Eliminate Players online... thats nice ^^
  5. Empori0

    Empori0 Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    repost sorry


    NGmoco is a smart company but this is just pure greed. anyone remmeber when they had their first reveal of the game like a year ago when they showed in the exhibition video a man buying weapons. As soon as people at IGN and other sites started talking about how that would ruin the game they came out saying you would not have to buy weapons because obviously that would be unfair.

    This power cell system is just as unfair and crippling and contradictory to what i though ngmoco was for, a fun fricken time. the regular recharge system is once every....250 minutes, atleast on my screen. thats around 4 hours for a partial recharge which gives me 1 credit gaining game. FAIL. If i spent 1 dollar a day for their 30 pack of cells i would get 10950 cells for $365 or 912 recharges in one year. Each recharge gives you what, 3 credited games. you cant recharge without a full 12 so basically you get 2 recharges on your first day and 3 on your second. 5 recharges times 3 plays gives you 15 games. 15 games every too days. Each game lasts what 2 minutes if nobody reaches 10. SO being fair you might get 30 minutes of credited play every two days. Thats 365 dollars for 19 hours of creditted play a year.

    this game could be big, this game could be Call of Duty 4 big but this is just wrong. For 120 bucks i could play a 100 hours of COD or Halo or Left For Dead or Gears of war 2. WHy would i pay over double for a game thats not even 1/10 as detailed, fun, or graphically deep. Ngmoco is just trying to suck the change out of everyones wallets

    IF they want to be fair and maek this fun give every person in this game atleast 30 charges a day. Id feel more like Ngmoco was making some effort at fairness and would pay for some cell packs if they were giving me something more than a pittance.

    Tell me if im wrong. but i dont think i am.
  6. LBG

    LBG SeƱor Member

    Apr 19, 2009
    nada ilegal
    31.560499, -111.904128
    The world doesn't only consist of TA users, incase you didn't know ;).

    But yeah, I agree that this game is a scam.
  7. jclardy

    jclardy Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2008
    I think what would work better is if playing without energy still gave you something, other than the satisfaction of beating other people. I know you increase your skill, but that actually hurts you when you buy credits as you will be stuck with better players (And thus earn less credits..)

    I think if you received say 1/10th of a credit for every credit you picked up with no energy it would help the game out a lot. So if you did well and picked up 70 credits, you would actually get 7. Yes you have to play 10 times as much to earn as much as someone with energy, but that is kind of the point.

    Another thing is the way recharging works. As far as I can tell, if I buy power cells when I have 4 hours left till recharge I still have to use the same amount as when I have 5 minutes till recharge. That seems pretty stupid to me, your energy meter should continuously recharge so that if you wait a little it will cost you less power cells.

    But the power cell prices seem a bit out of whack. If they were about double what they are now I would consider them. Right now I only consider buying them to support the server and development costs. But seriously, 1 dollar for about 3 games with energy? Which equates to about 10 minutes of time...lets see...A movie at a theater, 2 1/2 hours for $9 = $0.064 per minute, vs $1 for 10 minutes = $0.10 per minute. Now this doesn't include time spent playing for free but it still seems like the people who pay are getting gipped right now.

    It would be interesting to see how energy sales are going, but I doubt ngmoco will ever release them.

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