[For Hire] Unity Developer (10+ Years of Experience)

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by electricpunch, Jan 12, 2024.

  1. electricpunch

    electricpunch Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2016
    My name is Timur Gudkov. I'm making games and apps with Unity3D engine from 2012. I developed various gaming and multimedia apps for mobile devices, VR, PC and WebGL platforms. I have worked for several gamedev companies and also completed many individual development orders. You can check my works in portfolio linked below.

    I will be glad to receive new orders for the Unity games and apps development, and I will consider all your suggestions.

    Portfolio: https://electricpunch.net/info/cv.pdf

    My hourly rate: from $15

    Email: [email protected]
    Skype: gudkov_timur
    Telegram: https://t.me/crypto_coder

    I also have my own game templates for sale, which you can view here. You can also contact me about reskinning and improving my or other Unity projects.

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