Gameloft Independence Day Sales!

Discussion in 'Price Drops, Must-Have Freebies, and Deals' started by triggywiggy, Jun 30, 2011.

  1. triggywiggy

    triggywiggy Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2010
    Freelance writer, Student, Casually employed in re
    Perth, Western Australia
    Would'nt know.

    Gees i wanted Assassins Creed to go on sale :(

    Surely more apps will be on sale after what EA have done!
  2. KiddToKmart

    KiddToKmart Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    That's Gamesoft for ya!
  3. jps1012

    jps1012 Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2010
    How Does NOVA 2 HD compare to the iphone version? I have it on the iphone and wasnt into it.
  4. Raptor25

    Raptor25 Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2008
    Im really enjoyng starfront collision on ipad, about halfway through campaign, ~10 skirmishes against the comp to learn and ~10 online games.

    Probably my favorite gameloft game, the controls are nearly perfect, it looks very good, decent feature set, far superior to C&C. And while its obviously not as deep as the real starcraft, it has the same appeal tht Halo Wars on 360 did for me... deep enough for legitimate strategies, but not so complicated that its intimidating to try to learn and compete online. Campaign isnt great but not bad.

    So yeah, an extra reccomendation for SF:C. Now to find a better way to defend rushers...
  5. SirAwesome

    SirAwesome Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2010
    I wouldnt get it. The graphics were so off putting on my ipad 2 I stopped playing it. But thats just my 2 cents
  6. jps1012

    jps1012 Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2010
    Thanks ill prob skip it...
  7. Stealthy Monk

    Stealthy Monk Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2011
    I finished dugeon hunter 2 recently and I loved it. Great hack n slash rpg, great visuals, great pickups and the always great avatar that reflects armor changes! Highly recommend it.
  8. Stealthy Monk

    Stealthy Monk Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2011
    I love Ashphalt 6... My favorite arcade racer on iOS, and I hate to admit it, it gets more play time than RR! Highly recommend it and I do feel the upgrade to HD is worth it for a buck.
  9. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
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    Jul 13, 2009
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    You like it better than Fast Five? I think A6 is pretty good, but feel like FF is the better game.

    Dungeon Hunter 2 is indeed a fun game though.
  10. Habakuk

    Habakuk Well-Known Member

    (Let me answer even if you didn't ask me.)

    Absolutely. Even if Asphalt 6 is a tiny bit older.

    FF has really nasty IAPs. If you want to proceed career without buying IAPs you have to drift all the time what's completely mad. Drifting technique is different than in Asphalt (more difficult). In Asphalt they got it right.

    Some more impressions:
  11. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 13, 2009
    college student (junior)
    Houston/Austin, TX
    Hm, fair enough. I used to be really big Asphalt fan. Unlocked everything in A4 when it first came out and still played quite a bit afterwards way back then. Liked A5 as well; that was indeed the best arcade racer at the time. I'm not far enough into the FF campaign then..I guess I'll sync A6 back for FF. I miss the customization and variety. Thanks.
  12. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    DH 2 is pretty neat, except I don't particularly like some weird collisions detections and auto enemy target (I play mage). Everything in the game EXCEPT the story is very well done for a portable platform.

    Though I can't really say I have much love for Asphalt 6. Having played 3 Asphalt games already (Urban GT 1 & 2 for DS, A5 for iPhone), the experience is starting to feel VERY repetitive (still fell for the sale). The sense of speed is awfully slow at 250kmph, and the camera jitters slightly everytime I try to steer (using touch controls and prefer it over accelero).
    The graphics are very nice though, and the earlier cars actually look quite sleek for once.
    I might just give this game one more try, but I'm getting stuck at duel events (not earning 5 stars). I keep getting silver objectives and have no idea how to get gold (though I can get the 2 extra stars).
  13. Habakuk

    Habakuk Well-Known Member

    #73 Habakuk, Jul 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2011
    After completing the extensive career there is not much to do in single player mode, right (except beating your race records with pimped cars). So URGENTLY meet somebody with an iPhone or iPad and fire up the rock solid local bluetooth multiplayer of Asphalt 6 (free choice of cars and tracks even if you didn't finish career). It's absolutely AWESOME and NEVER gets repetitive because you'll find new situations in EACH race! Watch your buddy flying above your car. Exciting head-to-head fights without end. We (some friends and me) are doing that almost every day since months and it's the most thrilling social game experience we ever had.

    I never played a computer game with such an immense sense of speed like Asphalt 6 (even not air or space combats or low grav ground racers). They are accomplishing this with really sophisticated and advanced cinematographic tricks.

    How to you think a car jitters at 420+ km/h on a dirty road? And yes, touch steering works very well (using it regularly in my Mac version of Asphalt 6, touch=keyboard buttons). (BTW you can play local multiplayer even with Mac/iOS versions mixed).

    Yes. The duel events are really challenging for five stars. Some tips here:

    Quote from that webpage:

    My tip: Get as much adrenaline power as possible (drifting, collecting each single nitro drop, ramming lumber without touching walls and fences, jumping as high and often as possible) and eliminate the opponent car as often as possible. In adrenaline mode it is enough just touching the other car: Eliminated. Eliminate him in the first thirds part of the last round and you'll make the 12 seconds distance with a fast car for five stars. The hardest challenge of all computer games ever, admitted. But imagine your satisfying feeling of success when you accomplished it! I never had such a feeling before!
  14. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    #74 gunxsword, Jul 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2011
    Thanks for the duel tip, I might just give this one more try (oops, deleted when career is at 20%...). I'll give online mode a miss, since I mainly play racing games either for the destruction or sense of speed (not much for love for competitive racing).

    Oh and on the topic of SoS, I generally agree that flight or 4X sims have low SoS since the areas are usually pretty wide and open (esp 4X games). However, if you want to understand my taste of SoS, try playing Burnout Paradise (Ultimate Box PC) using PCPD special with blur or just watch a few vids of it on youtube (here's a link).

    I guess one major problem with my relationship and A6 is that it's too familiar to previous games and unfortunately shares much similarity to Burnout Paradise... which is admittedly a vastly superior game.

    About the camera jittering thing, it's a game design thing - the camera 'jumps' everytime I tap the screen to turn. Very noticeable when traveling at low speeds (can't really notice it during higher speeds though)...

    Sorry for bringing up Burnout Paradise, I'll now redownload the game in 14 from posting (off peak :D) and play the game without any bias sentiments.

    Oh and are drift extra challenge scores counted cumulatively? Or does it count the longest one?
  15. Habakuk

    Habakuk Well-Known Member

    #75 Habakuk, Jul 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2011
    You're welcome, gunxsword.

    A little bit more patience please. It's an absolute top game. You'll find no faster racer for iOS (and I own them all).

    I can only encourage heartily every1 to try that out. I know that it's hard to find two people with iDevices and Asphalt 6 maybe (so local iOS multiplayer sessions are not very common), but I can assure you it's absolutely worth. Almost better than a race in real life! (At least cheaper and safer.) BTW there is no local multiplayer option in Android version of Asphalt 6.

    Brand new Sega Sonic All Stars supports it as well and there are some people really enjoying it. A complete new gaming feeling with present persons. MUCH better than comparatively "anonymous" online gaming. Perfect with iPads. I love holding the steering wheel and screen in hands like this. You are near to the screen so the image/view is relatively larger than an external monitor (unless you have a powerful beamer or giant screen).

    Looks good. Thanks. They should port it for iOS. Would instabuy and try how it feels. My friends (and me too) prefer cars with homologation for road service/MOT approval over formula cars. And I couldn't see any ascendings, downhill grades and jumps. Is there something like local multiplayer in this game?

    Now I think I understand what you mean. You are right. It's a bit hard in Asphalt 6 to drive slow. Never noticed that "bug" before.

    Cumulatively. You get game money for drifting in all career races. The longer and more you drift, the more money.
  16. gunxsword

    gunxsword Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    #76 gunxsword, Jul 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2011
    I owe the fastest racers for iOS! 8 Bit Rally (awesome sense of speed), Fastlane (one of, if not the best SoS), Ionocraft (time trial), Synth Racing (time trial), Extreme Formula (sci-fi Asphalt with hyper-boosters FTW).

    Oh that video doesn't even show 10% of what the game has. 75 cars, and only like 2 formula cars (they are the fastest though). The game is strictly open world racing - no preset race tracks. You use the entire island for all the events. And trust me, there are sections of the game that has more ascendings, downhills grades and jump ramps then you will ever see in any racing game (there's a special area for stunts :D). I'm not sure about local multi though (online's good :cool:)

    Oops... got off track here...

    How's everyone exploiting the sales? :D Will I like Starfront if I'm way too cloyed of Starcraft? I prefer Supreme Commander or Sins of a Solar Empire style games (heavy on strategy, less emphasis on tactics, wiki the difference between tactics and strategy if you are not sure of their differences). And DON'T get me off track this time :mad:

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