iPhone Gesundheit! HD (by Revolutionary Concepts)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. roman169

    roman169 Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2009
    Great game - fresh new concept and great style - would be good to have 2-3 levels - easy - medium - hard. It's way too hard.
  2. Revolutionary Concepts

    Revolutionary Concepts Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2009
    #62 Revolutionary Concepts, Jul 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
    Just checking are you saying the first 2-3 levels are too hard?
    Difficulty is very subjective of course, but we're pretty confident after having gamers and non-gamers aged 5-60 play it, that everyone can work out the controls, and from there it really is down to using your noodle to work out the best strategy for each level.

    Like many puzzle games often things seem impossible, but give it some time, try different approaches and eventually you'll have that light bulb moment where you go 'oh I can't believe the solution was right in front of me'.

    One tip - the hardest way to try and play the game is to try and run 'n' gun like an arcade/action title. The monsters are sometimes bigger and faster than you, so stealth and careful use of your boogers as bait is often the best strategy :)
  3. ImNoSuperMan

    ImNoSuperMan Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    Thats not what he's saying. He is asking you for various difficulty modes (2 or 3 - easy, medium, hard) for all the levels instead of a single progressive difficulty curve. I'm not sure how thats possible in a puzzler though. Maybe by making the enemies slower in easy mode and faster in hard mode you could make some levels easier? But thats just an example. I dont think something like that will work out well here.
  4. Revolutionary Concepts

    Revolutionary Concepts Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2009
    #64 Revolutionary Concepts, Jul 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
    Yeh definitely wouldnt work, but what we have done instead is to start with the simplest puzzles and as gently as possible ramp up the complexity. Then, because everyone's idea of easy/medium-difficult is different we added the ability to skip a level without penalty so hopefully no-one should ever feel they cant progress in the game.

    But then we do have those nasty gates where you need at least a minimum number of Starfruits to get to the next world yeh? Mean I know :D

    As mentioned above Roman169, a lot of the time it is an illusion of difficulty (based on the monsters speed for example) but once you work out the strategy the solution reveals itself. There are some good tips to be found in the videos a couple of people have posted which you might find helpful?

    Good luck!
  5. Revolutionary Concepts

    Revolutionary Concepts Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2009
    Well now there's a nice surprise...a 3 page feature review of Gesundheit! for iPhone/iPad in "The Daily".

    If we get their permission I'll reprint here, but in the meantime it's available to read for free via their iPad app.
  6. FPE

    FPE Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    World, now Belgium
    Level 18 is not an illusion of being difficult. It is so difficult that it frustrates me. I know wha to do but i cannot do it. I might just delete the game if it continues like this.
  7. Revolutionary Concepts

    Revolutionary Concepts Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2009
    FPE if you know what to do but can't do it, you could delete the game sure.
    Others have completed the game they might offer some help or PM me and I'll see if I can help you.
  8. FPE

    FPE Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    World, now Belgium
    I am never going to delete it before finishing. The game is great and my son like getting the pig eaten! But I think it is a valid point that the difficulty level does not really raise in a graceful way.

    Levels 1 to 7 are trivial. Level 8 is ok. Level 9 to 11 a trivial.
    Levels 12 to 17 are difficult but fun. Level 18 is a nightmare.
    Level 19 to 20 are ok.

    Sure everything is personal perception, but I wonder if I am the only one finding that grecaful difficulty progress is something that dod nit really work out. Because of this the game might not get the long term success it deserves. I for now have skipped level 18 and will get back to it later.
  9. Javi3rPR

    Javi3rPR Member

    Jul 10, 2011
    I just got all the starfruit on level 18, it was not so difficult... I still can't figure out how to get all the starfruit on level 17... argh!!!
  10. FPE

    FPE Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    World, now Belgium
    Lol I took them all at 17 and none at 18! So I guess I am wrong big time!
  11. ImNoSuperMan

    ImNoSuperMan Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    he finished two levels on his own (ok, I was guiding him a bit) but after that it it got a bit too difficult. He's still playing it though. Unlike yours, mine loves it when the poor little piggie dies. Always knew he was evil from the inside :D

    I wish the game had more kids friendly levels. Its so damn cute and cartoony but too hard for them to actually enjoy it.
  12. FPE

    FPE Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    World, now Belgium
    Mine is three and just plays as if the goal is to let the pig be eaten ......
  13. lena

    lena Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2011
    Wow, I have no idea how this is a reply to me saying not liking to hear how much I suck WHILE PLAYING A POSITIVE CHARMING GAME. I don't say anything about it having any serious impact on people. I just say that I personally do not like it when games that I play to unwind keep telling me how much I suck and am less likely to pick up a casual game that does that.
  14. FPE

    FPE Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    World, now Belgium
    Finally! Level 18 done three stars!
  15. Javi3rPR

    Javi3rPR Member

    Jul 10, 2011
    Finally! Level 17 done three stars!
  16. funambulist

    funambulist Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    Wonderful! Mine is only 4 months old but I look forward to the day when he too displays such wit and self-assured genius!

    My compliments FPE!
  17. FPE

    FPE Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    World, now Belgium
    Well .... He now discovered the flies .... He gets the poor pig dead in so many ways! I hope his 10 days old brother will be less brutal :D:D
  18. Guffff

    Guffff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
    Love it but some bugs

    Bought it saturday, play it through the weekend and finished it sunday evening. Love this game.

    But some bugs (ipad1 4.3.1) :
    - crashes alot, also after reboot ipad and starting only app)
    - i'm missing alot of achievements :confused: (and i got everything 3 stars)

    does anyone, for example, has the first 15 levels achievement ??
  19. VanDerPlaat

    VanDerPlaat Active Member

    Jul 26, 2011
    Test analyst
    Its a known issue. Im also missing those achievements and experiencing crashes and weird bugs. The Dev says it'll all be solved in the soon to come update. It's already submitted so... any day now.

    Also check the Iphone thread for this game for more information.
  20. Guffff

    Guffff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
    Ke tnx for the info!
    I'll go read/follow the iphone thread

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