Universal Hero Generations (By Heart Shaped Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Aug 18, 2016.

  1. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    Woo!! Thank you for the update!!!
  2. orangecan

    orangecan Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
    That's a bit annoying - wish you could have put that in the description or something then I would have waited till I'd finished my current game before updating.
  3. pepsodont

    pepsodont Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2014
    Here are some quite annoying bugs I encountered while playing on iPhone 5:

    1) Pinch zoom not working properly. Every time I want to zoom in or out I have to try at least 7 times for the game to properly register it - most times it just moves the map.

    2) Holding a button or a map space not registering. 7 times out of 10 if I hold my finger on something, the game thinks I clicked it and my character moves there instead of just showing me information on the tile / weapon / etc. It's quite game breaking when you have 5 moves left, you want to get into the city, but it's occupied by a villager and you want to know if you can take him on, so you press and hold...and your hero attacks. Boom, you lose, game over.

    If this got fixed, GOTY nominee for me for sure.
  4. Dankrio

    Dankrio Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jun 3, 2014
    How heavy is the strategy here? I am very bad at 4x games.
  5. mindmagicgames

    mindmagicgames Active Member

    Jun 11, 2015
    Game Developer
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    After the update, my saved file now only shows clouds on the device. Anyone else having this issue?
  6. aeschylus72

    aeschylus72 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2012
    yep, was on generation 35 as well
  7. charlesatan

    charlesatan Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2013
    A lot of people are.

    I suspect it's due to the map algorithm changes.

    You can start a new game and it will be fine. Saved games though went kaput.
  8. Duke12

    Duke12 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2013
    "Killed a boss monster" achievement popped up and afaik I wasnt anywhere near a boss at the time :p
  9. teknalb

    teknalb Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2015
    I'm trying to go the vampire route, and I have all the buildings needed to build the dark cathedral, I just have no idea how to place it.
  10. rowe33

    rowe33 Member

    Jan 19, 2013
    There really needs to be a long press info pop up for traits when you're forced to choose between them. Also, just had a map where an ancient treasure generated in the corner but it was blocked by an ankh and a water spot.

    Would also be great to be able to see trait abilities while in the card flipping screen. Interesting so far but still getting the hang of it.
  11. lilneo

    lilneo Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2012
    Work in State Government
    The game support multilanguage? (Spanish)
  12. Ijipop

    Ijipop Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2012
    It says Espanõl so I guess it's a yes
  13. Ijipop

    Ijipop Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2012
    #73 Ijipop, Aug 19, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2016
    Totaly agree!
    For me it's as good as Sproggiwood or Imbroglio

    And I would add that the quest tab stay hilighted even though there's no new quest.

    Pinch Zoom is my biggest problem.

    Ho! And sometimes I step on an empty space and it triggers a battle. Is there supposed to be invisible ennemy? And sometimes it triggers 2-3 battles in a row on the same square....#
  14. esty8nine

    esty8nine Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    Is it worth picking up as it is now ??
  15. Ijipop

    Ijipop Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2012
    Been playing for 3-4 hours.
    I would definitly say YES!

    But it depends if your into 4x/roguelike game!

    For me the most annoying "bug" is the pinch zoom not working properly.
    It's a bit tedious.
    Other than that, really enjoyable!
  16. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 28, 2013
    Director of Sales
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    I need a walk through for this game in the worst way
  17. orangecan

    orangecan Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
    Exactly the same issues on the air 2.
    In fact the pinch zoom issue seems to have got worse since the update.
  18. HeartShapedGames

    HeartShapedGames Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2016
    Game Developer
    Yes - We have full translations for Spanish, German, Russian, French, Portuguese (Brazilian & EU), Chinese, Dutch, Hungarian.

    And even better, if you see a translation bug and/or want to help us translate a different language, we have that all setup to allow you to help with via Google Spreadsheets! More info: http://heartshapedgames.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=2349

    Yes it does seem like pinch zoom is acting a little finicky, we've added it to our short list of things to try and improve. Testing now, I found trying different starting positions with your fingers (closer together or farther apart) may help figure out the "right" way to do it on your device until we get a proper fix in. Thanks for the report.

    I haven't seen this one before, but some thoughts:

    -when you are long pressing on a space that is blank (no building or object occupying it) the game has nothing to display, so there is no change to the sidebar.
    -If a space is already selected, you won't see a change, even if the object you want to see is in a lower tab. You then have to hit the actual tab of the thing you want to inspect on the sidebar instead.
    -For spaces where you can also move, if you're having trouble, you can try long pressing, then sliding your finger away from the space until it is off of the area that might trigger a move.
    -Before trying to long press something, tap onto a space that is not moveable just to "reset" the sidebar to your player. This shouldn't matter, but seems to work reliably when I do that.

    Hope that helps! And thanks everyone for the kind praise of the game, after working so hard on it it is great to hear that you enjoy playing.

  19. esty8nine

    esty8nine Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    I want to grab this game even though I never gotten into 4x games but love rogue likes
    But after checking out the steam page I'm a little hesitant looking at the reviews

    If you (dev) can tell me you'll deff be trying to tackle the bugs and what not then I'll dive in =] thanks in advance
  20. charlesatan

    charlesatan Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2013
    A lot of the negative Steam reviews are due to the controversy around the developer (will summarize below):

    1) He ran a Kickstarter for Hero Generations, which was coded in Flash,
    2) He was charging for the re-release of Hero Generations: ReGen, which was coded in Unity (he provided previous buyers with a 66% coupon code),
    3) Some felt they should have received the new version for free, instead of being charged for it (some people cited Kingdom, developer cited Binding of Isaac as a counter-example),
    4) Developer ignores criticisms/complaints (well, I think there are some queries in this thread that hasn't been addressed).

    In general though, the game isn't as buggy?

    Legitimate concerns are:

    1) Old saves don't work with the new update (game breaking)
    2) Pinching to zoom in and out doesn't always work (not game breaking)
    3) Long press to view opponent's stats doesn't always work when you're next to opponent, as you end up attacking them instead (limits player options but not game breaking)

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