Universal Junk Jack Retro (By Pixbits)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by New England Gamer, Nov 7, 2011.

  1. New England Gamer

    New England Gamer Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2009
    Pretty sure you just hit the bed with a hammer and it will shrink so you can pick it up again and move it. The chest is a little more difficult as you must empty it first. Then you can hit it too and do the same thing.
  2. Robotwars

    Robotwars Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
    Break with hammer.
  3. Dazarath

    Dazarath Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
    Ok, I just ran into this problem again. The circumstances were very similar. I was switching back and forth between two worlds. One of them times I entered a world, the very first thing I hit was the pause button and the game immediately crashed. Logged back in to find an empty inventory and the initial recipe dropping after digging some dirt. I think it's likely that there are issues related to swapping worlds too much.
  4. TimEggers

    TimEggers Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
    Tiskilwa, IL
    #524 TimEggers, Nov 13, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2011
    I'm pretty much done with Junk Jack until (hopefully) and update comes out with some serious tutuorial/log in it.

    I don't like having to spend as much time trying to figure out how to play a game as I do playing the game.

    For example I made a torch and placed it, completely on accident. I was pretty excited, but when I tried to figure out how I did it so i could do it again I couldn't. Really? A simple torch! :confused: That experience killed this game for me.

    I need two things:

    1) Some kind of tutorial of the craft system, its specific, so direction is needed. I'm NOT going to spend my time randomly filling in my 3x3 grid in hopes I'll actually make an item.

    2) When I do stumble and craft an item, I want a log or record of how I did it. So at least I can see how to do it again.

    I know, I know, I can view the Wiki and Online guides, I refuse too, I spend $3 for this game, I should be able to play it without online resources of any kind. I mean, jeez, crafting is essential but its all so random and there is no substantial way to tell (in-game) what I can make and what I've already made.

    I'm glad you guys are loving this game, I see a lot of positives in it, but a few cons (IMHO) just ruin the whole experience.

    I just can not spend more time trying to figure out how to play a game then I do actually playing it, as it is the craft system feels tedious and way too random. If you guys at Pixbits can at least make it not feel so random I'll come back and love this title.

    If you've read this far and aren't' calling me a troll yet, thank you. I don't mean to be negative towards the devlelopers, they have made an incredible achievement here and I know many of the members reading this will think I'm completely wrong, and I welcome you discussion, but the Junk Jack experience is far from perfect despite all the 5-star reviews. I mean, having to post here, on a Internet forum, asking how to do simple in-game tasks should be a red flag to anybody. :confused:

    Again I'm not dumping on anyone's love for this game but I do hope I can voice my opinions (since Pixbits) seems to be reading and they can take my opinions into account. Maybe I'll see an update so players like me (even if we are the minority) will be pulled back in. Good luck Pixbits!
  5. Pixbits

    Pixbits Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    I don't want to ruin your feedback but we already implemented a thorough in-game tutorial that will explain most of the things and it is also already submitted to Apple, just waiting for approval..

    Just waiting for them, then tell us if you feel more satisfied!

    The whole thing is based on the fact that this was supposed to be something for MineCraft players that needed something for mobile sandboxing but many people with no experience with the sandbox genre just stood into it, we didn't foresee that and we hurried to fill that hole.
  6. TimEggers

    TimEggers Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
    Tiskilwa, IL

    Thanks guys, I sincerely mean that, I anxiously await your update and will give it a sincerely open-minded retry. I'm glad you guys can understand where I'm coming from and I am truly impressed that you have already addressed it.

    You guys truly show some serious class. I'll update my impressions here as well as my iTunes rating when I get to try the new verison, can't wait.

    Thanks for eveything, and sorry if I came off as too harsh, I really didn't mean too! :D
  7. arr4ws

    arr4ws Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2010
    hammer time!
  8. Prhaber

    Prhaber Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    I've never played a game like this before - I can understand people's comments about not knowing what to do, but IMHO the whole point of a game like this is just that - finding out what you can do. I'm gradually coming to realise just how much can be created in this game - some I've found by accident, some in the in-game pages that you find and some online. There really is a ridiculous amount to discover. I've just been moulding shards of glass I've found into cracked glass panes which I'm using as windows to my ever-expanding castle. Fantastic.
  9. rayvin400

    rayvin400 Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    #529 rayvin400, Nov 13, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2011
    I agree 100% with the above poster. The point of the game is to explore an dig and figure out what yOu can do! Not be told what to do and what you can do. Giving all the recpies at the beginning of the game would be ruining the idea of the game. You need to FIND the recipies!

    I think this game is perfect except for the bugs. Id like more things to explore and craft. TVs, windows, lights..ect. Maybe underground oasis' where you explore (pre decorated areas with new objects and treasures) or decorated caves with things to steal. Underwater diving where yogu can explore shipwrecks. Really the possibilities here are endless.

    But don't dumb this game down for people who don't get it. One of my favorite discoveries was figuring out that I could put the crafting pages in the book! I mean just giving kids that book will take a lot away from the "game" IMO.
  10. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    I am absolutely with the above two statements. I've avoided spoilers as much as possible, haven't hit the 10 hour mark for the game yet, and I've found all the pages to the craft book, am developing my own systems for dealing with things, and using my imagination to determine what *my* goals are with the game. A game like this isn't something to be beaten or walked through; they call them sandbox games for a reason. Perhaps a little more guidance in the beginning is warranted, but, otherwise, there's little point in trying to make this game work for people who get frustrated at placing a torch or crafting a lantern or managing their inventory.

    Beam a perfect set of information into their brain and 95% of them will still walk away from the game muttering how pointless it is to need to strip a dozen worlds of their shrubberies and trees for leaves (to craft leaf blocks) so you can build a scale model of 2D Godzilla next to your house.
  11. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    The problem is that you need to know enough to start playing the game in way that starts to approximate the whole gaming experience.

    That is: you need to start with a recipe book whose initial pages include how to make:

    - torch
    - plank
    - pickaxe

    Then, ideally, code it so that the recipes for ladder, hammer, sword, shovel, and workbench all drop within the first 20 minutes or so of play.

    That way, you get newbs (like me) at least aware of what the core gameplay is going to be like.
  12. rayvin400

    rayvin400 Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    1) dig around enough and you'll find recipies to build it again. Then you can make a book to put the tutorial pages you find in. You'll get that recipie too. This isnt a game, its more of a simulation builder. It's not linear.
  13. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Btw, I just noticed that several of my last posts are negative/complaints. So, just wanted to balanced it out:

    Junk Jack is a terrific sandbox game and I'm having an absolute ball playing it!* Great job on the artwork, sound, and overall tone and feel. Very well done!

    * (in short, minimal-tap bursts :) )
  14. SirDarkened

    SirDarkened Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Ha srsly?
    Where do I live?
    I just bought it and am a LITTLE disheartened. You guys make all these comments about others being fools for not knowing what to do but I mean come on...

    I played MineCraft and Terraria for countless hours but in those games you can easily google things to figure out what to craft or the game itself tells you based upon the items you have.

    In this game you start off with NO IDEA what you can/can't build, what tools are made by what things, I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA how to CRAFT anything. How do I place things in this game? How does the crafting work do I need a table? Is there a crafting thing in my inventory? I honestly am given no clues to any of this while in Minecraft you can obviously tell how to craft things.

    You guys need to give people a break because the first 10 minutes of this game for me was HORRIBLE. I had NO IDEA how to do anything at all it just puts you right in the middle of the game with some kind of lame explanation about how you need to beware monsters.
  15. rayvin400

    rayvin400 Member

    Oct 20, 2011

    I can accept this. Anymore and the point is ruined.
  16. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    You can easily look up every single recipe in JJ if that's what you want to do. There's an entire thread dedicated to it on the official forums. There's another "beginner's guide" that included the "necessary" ones. And it took me, without spoilers or guides, all of about 2.5 days of casual playing to unlock the entirety of the craft book, so I'm not seeing how this game is so "HORRIBLE". Sure, for the clueless newb, maybe spending 2.5 days of their game time getting to that point is too painful, but the spoilers are out there if you feel the need, there is no need for the game to hand it to you any faster than it already does.

    Now, that's not to say the game got it perfect. It did miss out on explaining:

    - What the little icons in the upper right mean on recipes (e.g. the forge is required icon). This oversight is the source of the majority of crafting frustration and venting I see.
    - Better explanation of the what and why of the different tool types, heck, I'm still probably doing something "wrong" ;)
    - A better "Welcome to Junk Jack" message since the included one admittedly doesn't really help you. I figure that note should have had a link to launch a proper tutorial on the very basic basics.

    I've never played Terraria or Minecraft, was just familiar with the concepts, and picked up on Junk Jack in pretty short order.
  17. TimEggers

    TimEggers Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
    Tiskilwa, IL

    You guys are missing my points completely, Pixbits doesn't have to "give up" anything, I'm not asking for recipes or handouts.

    What this game needs is the explanation of the detailed (but specific) craft system, tutorial on crafting an item and an example of a recipe. Tips on placing items and then a general explanation to a strategy of learning this new world.

    You guys that have played Minecraft and other Sandbox games are forgetting that to some, like me, who never have, the things you already know are foreign to me. Without an introduction into the crafting mechanic and open exploration model gameplay this game just confuses and alienates the player.

    I played for 7-hours and all I was able to figure out was a few recipes that although I had the ingredients, they wouldn't craft and secondly and then I made a torch completely on accident and placed it without being able (for the life of me) being able to figure out how to do it again.

    A little guidance and direction can surely be offered without sacrificing the core gameplay you experienced Minecraft players seem to love.

    I want Junk Jack to be successful as I'm sure you do, not helping people new to Sandbox games defeats that end. Frankly if the "Junk Jack Community" is going to take the "stop whining get a clue and google Minecraft" attiude to this then Pixbits is just going to loose customers and fans, myself included.*

    *awaiting the tutorial update to re-try Junk Jack, luckily Pixbits recognizes the need to incorporate new-to-sandbox game players, thanks guys!
  18. Foozelz

    Foozelz Well-Known Member

    I had no clue how to play until I found out PixBits short tutorial on their forums.
  19. TimEggers

    TimEggers Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
    Tiskilwa, IL
    My point exactly. :rolleyes:
  20. devensega

    devensega Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2011

    Just a quick word from my perspective. I was initially a bit overwhelmed by this game like many of the recent posts.

    But with a small amount of perseverance I was soon crafting away and am now about halfway finished on my mighty castle above. Just ease yourselves into the game and take your time and before you know it it all clicks.

    Also turn on peaceful mode in options so that you have all the time in the world to explore risk free.

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