Universal Kosmo Spin - (Universal App) [99¢]

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Dec 1, 2010.

  1. Ninjagorilla

    Ninjagorilla Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2010
    I'm at 7 :)
    Can't believe how no. 1 can have 5379... Must try to beat that.
  2. Touchgamer3g

    Touchgamer3g Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2009
    You can make local achievements that would unlock as part of the game (alongside Game Center for people with OS4). That would be the best option.

    How do you feel is the best way to play the game on the iPad?
  3. lucrezio87

    lucrezio87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2010
    this game is damn fun.. :eek:
  4. Ninjagorilla

    Ninjagorilla Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2010
    Thanks Lucrezio87. I know I keep saying this - but words like that is what keeps us going (well that and food).

    Touchgamer3g, yep, something we will have to discuss.

    I play with the iPad in my lap, touching with my index finger and sometimes also middle finger (with two fingers, yep).

    In other news:
    I just set a personal hi score and I'm now ranked 4th in the world with a score of 3628 :)
  5. Touchgamer3g

    Touchgamer3g Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2009
    If you have a chance, I would love to see a gameplay video of you playing on the iPad to learn some tricks on how to play best :)

    I have a suggestion for a future update: Have you considered adding a shop where you can buy power ups with coins you would collect scattered in the game? Some of the powerups could include extra speed, bouncy pogo stick, laser to counteract alien's laser beam, etc.

    By the way, I am having a ton of fun playing Kosmo Spin!
  6. HerbertKornfeld

    HerbertKornfeld Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2008
    This game is fantastic. Great art style, fun game, and there’s a witty sense of humor in all of the dialog.

    At first, I was playing on my iPad with my index finger, swiping up and down on the side. But I’ve had much better luck leaving my finger on the screen and using a circular motion. Sure, it sometimes obstructs my vision this way, but it allows for much faster rotations, and it means that you’ll never have to pick up your finger to start another swipe. This is especially useful when you fill up the breakfast-o-meter.

    Here’s a few comments on how you could polish this up just a bit. Most of these are just little suggestions about the translation.

    • The swiping to change pages feels very unnatural. It requires way too much effort. You should try to model your swiping algorithm after the one implemented by Apple in the photos app. (This in no way affects the game. This is just overall spit and polish.)
    • The description for Quest 3 needs a rewrite. I’m pretty sure there’s a missing verb or something there. “Nowadays you young’uns might (BE?) able to survive 15 seconds.
    • Quest 6 has some great Valley Girl dialog. But you should probably add a couple of commas. Instead of “Is it just me or are those flying balls like really large and stuff“, it might read better as “Is it just me or are those flying balls(,) like(,) really large and stuff? This is how you write it in quest 20. Also, I think “Woah” is a British spelling of “Whoa”. This is discussed in entirely too much detail here.
    • Quest 7 has a reference to “footballs” that you might want to localize for the yankees.
    • Quest 15 says “tennisball”, but that’s usually spelled as two words.
    • Quest 16 says “1 of the best number must be 3.” You probably want “1 of the best number(s) must be 3.”
    • Quest 18 says “That might be problem if you’re going to head 5 of them in 30 seconds…” You probably want “That might be (a) problem if you’re going to head 5 of them in 30 seconds…”
    • Quest 21 says “basket balls“. This is usually spelled as one word.
    • Quest 24 uses the British spelling “favourite”. For the US release, you’ll want to use “favorite”.
    • Quest 25, you should probably capitalize “ufo” so it reads as “UFO”. UFO is properly capitalized in Quest 27 and elsewhere.
    • Quest 26 says “If it’s not a to big of a hassle for you…” You should at least change the “to” into a “too”. Also, I’m unsure if the “a” in “If it’s not a to big of a hassle” is a translation error or if it’s just a quirky way of saying what you’re saying.
    • Quest 27 again references “footballs”. You might want to change this to “soccer balls”. Either way, though.
    • Quest 28 says “basket ball” instead of “basketball”.
    • Quest 35 says “Could you like… Survive 50 seconds”. You probably want “Could you, like… survive 50 seconds”. You might even want to replace the ellipses with a comma.

    Sorry to be so pedantic. I just figured that your game is so nice, it’s a shame that there’s a couple of problems here and there. But worry not. Your English is infinitely better than my Swedish.

    I hope this game makes you truckloads of money.
  7. Ninjagorilla

    Ninjagorilla Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2010
    We actually have plans to make a "super skills" trailer, filming the iPad and iPhone when playing. The problem is picture quality, it's hard to film device screens if you don't have proper equipment and light. I've been trying out with different (pretty good) digital cameras, but it seems I get flicker no matter what i do. Does anyone have experience with this?

    This is the best feedback ever. Thank you sooo much!
    We'll start working on the update today, so these text issues is the first things I'm going to fix.
  8. Ninjagorilla

    Ninjagorilla Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2010
    Simogo santa here! Christmas is getting closer. So from today we're giving away one or more promo codes every day in this thread. That's right. Kosmo Spin for free! :eek:

    First come, first serve.
    Let's start with two:


    Remember, these only work if you have a US iTunes account.
    And please, if you take one: Reply so that everyone knows that it's already used!

    In other news, we've started working on the update! There's lots of little neat things in it, that I hope everyone will like.
  9. K76

    K76 Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Feb 12, 2010
    Cowtown, Texas
    Just took 3F93NHEWKTLP.

    Thanks much!
  10. Ninjagorilla

    Ninjagorilla Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2010
    Fast as lightning! Hope you like it!
  11. K76

    K76 Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Feb 12, 2010
    Cowtown, Texas
    Ya win some, ya lose some. ;)

    I'll try to give it a *spin* tonight! :p
  12. xerox

    xerox Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2009
    New York
    There will be a lite version
  13. Ninjagorilla

    Ninjagorilla Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2010
    We have not yet decided. If we do a "Lite" version we want to do something unique with it, so it's not simply a demo, but an experience in itself.
  14. doodlejumper

    doodlejumper Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2010
    Stuck in traffic
    GAHH! Missed it. :(
  15. smes3817

    smes3817 Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Massachusetts, USA
    Blargh! Same with me... ;)
  16. lucrezio87

    lucrezio87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2010
    buy it.. 0,99 for a awesome game :) it should be bought only for the graphic :)
  17. McCREE

    McCREE Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2010
    yeah, that was some serious feedback.

    well done!
  18. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Game Impressions

    I like the game, love the spin controls, but am curious...am I right in assuming the big points come from juggling the balls? Can I make the balls hit things like the satellites for even bigger points?
  19. Ninjagorilla

    Ninjagorilla Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2010

    Well keep your eyes open, because secret Simogo santa may strike

    Those are only background things :)
    Yep, ball streaks is the way to score high. Hitting the ufo with a ball or letting the balls bounce in to eachother ( :O ) is another way to get some nice scores.
    As well as making sure to fill the breakfast-o-meter!
  20. Ninjagorilla

    Ninjagorilla Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2010
    #80 Ninjagorilla, Dec 7, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2010
    Is it time? Yes. I think it might be. Secret Simogo Santa is back from outer space with a promo code. Be quick! and please, do reply to this messege so everyone knows it's taken.


    And, here are all the reviews since the game was released:

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