Universal Mad Bullets (by Istom Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. isTom Games

    isTom Games Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    Thanks for the reply!

    Yes, the IAP system needs to be polished, and since the release (yesterday to be more specific) we're working hard on it. We needed the exact feedbacks about the game, and 1 day is not really enough to change things dramatically :) but the system will be more FAIR, because that's what the players deserve. We just need some time for it. BTW we will be working continually on updates, to make Mad Bullets a flawless product!

    About the daily bonus: You only have to start the game and play a bit, and You'll get the bonus. And this goes to every day, just start the game and You'll get more and more sacks, until the 5th DAY (when You'll get the maximum)!

    And again: thanks for all the feedbacks, we really appreciate them! Keep them coming, we listen to every one of You! :)
  2. isTom Games

    isTom Games Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    Another important thing FYI: the boosts!

    For example, when the game starts and You choose a boost for 25 sacks which gives You more and more sacks during the game, then it's only up to the player what he can bring out from the situations. And the chance will be bigger to progress in the game. So use the boosts bravely!
  3. sakara214ever

    sakara214ever Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2012
    Another pay to play game. Sigh
  4. Qwertz555

    Qwertz555 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2010
    I consider this game as one of the best and most satisfying free game out there.

    To get the highscore is another history. Either you save all your coins for the revives or you buy the sacks. But pay to play is definitely not the case here, imho.
  5. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Well looking at your post history you seem to like them quite a bit (Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft for example)

    Give the devs a chance to tweak the gameplay/IAP's etc
  6. dreadnok

    dreadnok Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
    I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum I'm ou

    Wait are these boosts permanently or just one time use? If permanent then people should stop crying and start boosting :cool:
  7. amaurote

    amaurote Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
    not permanent, it is active in a round
  8. NOEN

    NOEN Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Out of all the releases this week, I find myself going back to this game the most. Like it was mentioned earlier, I'm mainly concentrating on the mission goals. That's where you make the most money. I'm only earning 10 sacks or so per run and that isn't getting me anywhere. Like dreadknock said, you put a couple bosses or mini bosses in here and this will be a 5 star game. It's got huge potential. Definitely my GOTW.
  9. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    When you hit a sack it says +50, is that score or +50 sacks? Cause I hit a bunch and only end up with 5-7 per.
  10. NOEN

    NOEN Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    The score. It's hard to tell during all the action, but I'm thinking it's one dollar per sack you hit. I've noticed bronze/silver/gold sacks, but I can't tell if you get more or less for each one. :/
  11. SPM21Bucky

    SPM21Bucky Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    The boosts are active for one round, but I mainly save up for the upgrades. I paid for the doubler and ad removal, but that may have been a mistake...I hate the ads that pop up in between runs, so that's why I got rid of them. The down side to that purchase is that after getting killed, I haven't ever seen an offer to continue by watching an ad...lol, that's the kind of ad that I'm ok,with! Now a continue always costs gold, gold that I'm saving for upgrades. I'd like it if I still had the option to watch an ad as a way to continue without paying gold. The pop ups were annoying because one accidental click and you're out of the game and in the App Store, the continues let me decide if I want to use it on that particular run. Really enjoy the game, it really is a lot of fun, hoping to see new areas and stuff in future updates!
  12. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    #72 Anotherkellydown, Jul 19, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2014
    Yeah, that was a little confusing for me too. The payout is as follows: bronze sack=1, silver=2, gold=3. Not very much, huh? :)

    I have found a way to earn a little more as long as you already have a few things upgraded, or are skilled enough to get a long enough run. Using the "every sack is gold" power up seems to help. Also the "first revive is free" power up costs 75 (25 less than if you used the one when you die) and those two combined can help, again, depending on how long you can last. I usually just use the every sack is gold one unless I'm going for a high score. Some suggestions for upgrades that I've found useful are: faster reload, invulnerability, and more health (not sure if that's what it's called but you get the idea). This might be obvious to most of you, but RELOAD as often as you can!

    I agree with NOEN - this is my GOTW as well.

    Edit: I forgot to mention I was bummed about the same thing SPM21Bucky said above. I bought the sack doubler and ad removal as well and I'm not able to watch ads to continue a run either. Like SPM21Bucky said, I would welcome those kind of ads.
  13. Geertyy

    Geertyy Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2013
    I'm really enjoying this game and I don't really care about the upgrades or the sacks.

    I'm just trying to set decent scores and to complete missions and achievements. By doing so I'll eventually be able to buy upgrades. But I'm already enjoying the game a lot without the upgrades.

    I agree though that the game doesn't really reward you enough, but I think the dev will do something about that.

    All in all this has to be my GOTW as well, as there weren't any great releases and this game is just a blast to play :)
  14. isTom Games

    isTom Games Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
    Thanks! The first update is coming very soon, and because a lot of feedbacks asked, there will be a chance to watch an ad for a REVIVE! It will work even if you disabled the ads.

    And again: the ads will ONLY be there at the revive/continue screen (if You disabled the ads of course)!

    We're thrilled about the awesome feedbacks, and critics, THANKS so much! This helps a lot for us to make the game more polished and even better.
  15. TheClaff

    TheClaff Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2008
    Senior Producer, Bethesda Game Studios
    Bethesda, Maryland
    Played some more and narrowed down my biggest issue. The fact that shooting during a reload stops the reload. I know it's realistic but this is a arcade game and fast paced and it feels like to much to manage to time your reload and then remember to wait long enough before shooting again.

    Also I feel almost all my deaths are coming from being overwhelmed with projectiles I can't see. 2 or 3 at once with multiple enemies on screen is impossible for me to stop.

    Great game and will support it once update is out that rebalances iap. It's really very polished and well made.
  16. LarryWP

    LarryWP Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2013
    #76 LarryWP, Jul 19, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2014
    If there were ever a "one more turn" game, I sure found it. Every turn I say " I can do better next time, I know I can!"

    I've spent over $20 on this shooter but it's dang worth it. I upgraded everything by buying the $15 worth of sacks, disabled the ads, and bought the doubler.

    Graphics are excellent, sounds are realistic, variety is great, just a fun game. Good job devs! ;)

    One issue though are the multiple projectiles flying at me at once. Sometimes three of them. Just impossible at times to stop.
  17. amaurote

    amaurote Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
    a tip to collect sack a bit more easy: when the game gets harder, simply exit from pause menu then play again. at the start, the game is easy, so you have time to shoot the barrels and collect sacks :)
  18. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    I LOL'd hard at this. Coz if this was me, i wouldnt have any reason to play anymore.
  19. orangecan

    orangecan Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
    Glad it's not just me I've felt something off with the reload and you've nailed what it it nice one.

    The amount of times I've died because of that.....
  20. hvianna

    hvianna Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    IT Analyst / Webmaster
    I find it challenging too, but I like that it feels kinda realistic. Also, the Reload Time upgrades already reduce the difficulty, so I don't think they need to change it.

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