Universal Micromon (by Pocket Trend)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Or vidri is normal with no strength or weakness but don't know his moves
  2. #462 AppUnwrapper, Aug 8, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2014
    Anyone else crashing after defeating Captain Aaron in the desert? Happened twice already. Can't continue. :(

    Edit: Seemed to be the monster trying to evolve after the battle. I evolved it before the battle and now it's fine.
  3. Firefly0704

    Firefly0704 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2012
    I don't know about vidri, but viclaw (final evo) is really good. It has a bunch of stamina, moves such as punch/headbut and pummel for cc, and is all around pretty decent.

    I will say don't take finleon (water starter), as I ditched it by magma and haven't touched it since, it's just not very good.
  4. blastoise

    blastoise Member

    Aug 5, 2014
    Came over this on the official micromon wikia today http://official-micromon.wikia.com/wiki/File:Extra_researchpass-hd.png and i started to wonder how or when do you get this research pass? I can't remember getting it, do you get this item early in the game and give it away in a quest or do you keep it for all time?
    If you get it in a quest and give it away to continue in the game progress i've done it, but i can't remember it. Can any one help?
  5. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    So I've completed the game and getting slightly bored just trying to collect all micromon now, mainly because I can't find a good site with exact locations for all the rarest.

    I've found some but even then it's endless farming for the DR10 version.
  6. Linebarrel86

    Linebarrel86 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    Cog in the corporate machine.
    In my skin...
    In the same boat. Not really motivated to 'catch em all'. I definitely like the online play...but it's currently a mess of unmitigated proportions. From the system not letting you collect your points from wins, to it matching you against really high level players...kinda having the fun sucked out of it.
  7. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I do want them...or at least the good ones but they only appear in specific areas, I've seen a couple in my journey and a few posts online with locations but so far only had luck finding Vidri and always a low DR. The other starters I usually only find the evolved forms on low DR also

    No idea where to get a godly besides Vaithe
  8. TA'a review says you can catch all 137 Poke...err Micromon...without spending a penny. I've been wondering if anyone's actually managed to do that or is it just something the game claims?
  9. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    I want to know this.

    And is it all of them from random encounters?
    Or some only from those roulette things...? And don't those cost premium currency, which is annoyingly rare/takes a long time to get (and only from multiplayer infinitely, or are there places in single player?) ?
  10. I got 1000 diamonds total from the single player campaign and FB likes (in the offers section). I've used none yet and even when I do find something really rare, I end up missing out on it because my three chips all fail. None have been good enough to warrant wasting valuable diamonds on them.

    I have over 50,000 coins and they're worthless because you can't spam chips to try and catch something that's hard to catch.

    This game would be infinitely better if there was a way to farm diamonds even in the tiniest increment (like 1 per wild monster killed or something). Then at least there would be even the slightest chance for grinders to compete with spenders.

    I mean, FFS, even the bike costs money. "Want to move faster than a crawl? Pay up!"

    I'm trying to stick with it so I can complete my guide, but all these little things are wearing my patience down.
  11. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    You can, online I've seen people say about catching the godly brothers in the wild and all the starters ect I'd have more but I'm picky and want all DR10 so I only have 37 so far.

    Also the bike price is fine, you get the diamonds for free for it so it doesn't really cost you anything. Also you don't need the wheel it just makes it quicker for those willing to spend. If there are people that want to throw money at the game I won't stop them as it means more updates!
  12. blastoise

    blastoise Member

    Aug 5, 2014
    I know how you feel. I've been working so hard catching all, i now have 129 micromons and it was so hard getting all those, some where hard to find, but not get, i now only need gust and the three evolutions, lunatail and the second evolution and crystoise first stage no evolutions and i have every single one except the four chaos brothers. The one i really struggle with to get is lunatail, sure it's not that hard to encounter it, but catch it wow that's seriously hard, iv'e met lunatail 13 times now and still i can't catch it, what's up with that? Gust and crystoise is hard to find, but i had my patience with vidri and glaerion and found it after a while so patience is the key to this game and what you actually need, i mean if you're going to catch all 138 with dr 10 you're wasting your time since, you can only hold 6 make up your mind and chosse what and who you want in your team and let they be dr 10 all the others can be dr 1 if you know that you'll never use them, and if you do like i do and catch them either they are 1 or 10 on the dr level you'll have them all a little faster and if it is a legendary with a level 1 dr catch it since you can always go back and catch it later any time and hope it's a level 10 dr, but that's for 100 % completion if you're just playing the game and want all the legenderies to be 10 dr right way go ahead and farm and good luck hehe.

    When it comes to diamonds i agree that they could have come up with a better way to earn it so that you could earn little by little all the time, some games let you watch commercials once a day to get some "diamonds" or what they call it in their games, but in the end i'm glad we actually got diamonds at all in the story line and got a little piece of the cake and the game is pretty good so i'm also glad that the developrs make a little money on a sturggeling project so they can focus and can have the money to make future expansions and maybe a sequel! And i don't think the bike is needed if you want to play the game and not rush through it, alright it might be faster between towns but you have the robot in each time that can warp you so it's not that big of a deal:p
  13. #473 AppUnwrapper, Aug 9, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2014
    Yeah, I've been picky and not catching most unless they're DR10....which can drive a person mad. I'll likely give up on that completely now that I completed the story mode.

    But I have been trying to catch any really rare ones at any DR if I don't have them yet. I missed out on some because all three chips failed (like Crystoise and a DR9 Teratail). I'm surprised you haven't been having any trouble catching them. I've had chips fail even when they said "super easy!"

    As for the bike being free... It means sacrificing those diamonds that you might use to get a monster. I wouldn't have any problem with it if the normal walking pace weren't so GD slow. And why, pray tell, does running require stamina? The running speed should have been the regular speed. Nothing more frustrating than a developer purposely crippling their game.

    Anyway...back the the topic at hand... It's good to know that all of them can in fact be found in the wild. I was seriously starting to doubt it.

    Edit: Just lost out on my third Vellow bc my chips failed.
  14. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I think the bike and running ect are nice touches I thought the story was really good too, seemed like they actually put some effort into it. Although you'd think you'd get more rewards at the end of the game after all those final battles!

    As for capturing it is tough, some of the npcs in game say some micromon only show up in a certain patch of grass. Another one tells you that the higher the star rating the harder they are to capture! Which is true as when you finally find a DR10 it'll fail 3 times unless it's common or uncommon.
  15. If that's the case, wouldn't that mean it's in fact impossible to get all 139 monsters (at least at high DR) without spending a penny?
  16. FateRiddle

    FateRiddle Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2014
    One thing ridiculous right now, is making speed much more powerful in this game than in pokemon(you not only move first, but you can move 2 turns if fast enough), but then give every stage 2 micromon a very same speed.
  17. limmyfox

    limmyfox Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    Quick q: does it matter what chips you use? Do you always use the 2star chips to capture monsters or is the 1star chip sufficient? Do you need to bring down the monster's life to increase odds? Cheers.
  18. Jxsgamer

    Jxsgamer Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2011
    #478 Jxsgamer, Aug 9, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2014
    This game has been insanely fun so far.
    The difficulty so far has been a little easy though, I just finished the first town.. and I hope this game doesn't end too quickly. :)

    But even so, definitely worth the price. ^^

    There's some balance issue, imo though.
    I noticed some flinching lasting 2 turns instead of one, which I don't think is intentional. And, I'm not sure if I like the way they made speed work.
  19. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    Not true, found 2 super rare dr 10s and caught em with medium chips.
  20. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    Caught with medium chip, second try. Super rare, as well as a few others.

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