Universal Modern Combat 5: Blackout - (by Gameloft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. madreviewer

    madreviewer Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2013
    I just watch video on YouTube where bnates refuse to say why people don't like mc5.
    Funny stuff
  2. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    5 months, not 6. Based on it arriving before Dec 21st. Game was released on 15th July after all.

    Plus it will be the 4th actual update in that period of time.

    Plus it will be free content update.

    Plus it won't be as simple as transposed maps from one previous game to the other. The maps are simply based on previous ones in a very basic design sense. They still had to be built from the ground up on a new engine with the environment cues of the game.

    Alert in MC3 is still very different to the Alert map in MC4. And they used a closer engine which is not the case with this one.
    Might be worth bearing that in mind or at least applying some historical context when complaining about it not being new content and calling it "rehashed".

    Plus it takes at least a month and a half to render a new map on this scale on this engine.

    Plus numerous bug fixes. Which are what it really needs along with the netcode and latency fixes.

    Plus it will have controller support, map voting and whatever else. And some yet to be announced stuff.

    I'm sure all that seems so very easy to pump out quickly and easily but back in the real world, it's not quite so simple.

    I'm pretty sure you're "stance" will be the same when it does come out anyway so I doubt very much whether it matters one way or another what they do with it.

    And all of it still as a free update even isn't enough. I remember when games on iOS didn't go beyond v1.0 and there were more expensive then. People complained a lot less though.

    I recommend you go to MC4, its still a lot of fun and at least you're expectations will be in check because that won't get any more updates and you'll have less to stress you out and complain about.
    It might even help you move on.
  3. 373R|\|4L |\|00B

    373R|\|4L |\|00B Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    You seem to love commenting on what I post but our conversations keep getting deleted. If you have skipped it, you may want to refer to this post of mine which explains a lot of why my expectations aren't met and how I believe these aren't unreasonable. Add to this the fact that I lost all my progression and had to start from scratch twice, that the game keeps crashing and freezing my device, again even though I'm vocal about it, I don't think my complaints are outrageous or unfounded.

    Referring again to the post I mentioned above, by that time (+/- one month indeed) MC4 had 11 ORIGINAL maps and 10 different MP modes. MC5 pales in comparison with 4 original maps (and 2 remakes) and 4 modes.

    It'd better be considering how many times I've read the dev justifying the premium price and stressing the fact that some awesome content would be added free of charge.

    Honestly, I don't really care. If the maps aren't new, original creations that integrate with the SP story line like they did in previous releases in the series, it indeed doesn't mean they didn't spend many hours on them, and I welcome the addition (like I said, it's better than nothing), but they ARE "rehashed".

    It seemed more simple for the Montreal team. Maybe they live on different planes of reality.

    Again, if you have missed it, you should read the post where I admit SP looks great and is a big improvement over MC4. The map indicator is also much better in MC5. I'd love it if they made me change my mind on how awful they're handling development of this app and I'll be the first one to admit it when / if it ever happens.

    That'd be great and much needed but I haven't heard one bit about bug fixes from GL.
  4. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    #1844 Rip73, Nov 25, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2014
    No, not really, but comments/posts are the very nature of forums so don't expect otherwise.

    Not everybody has to agree with what you're saying so as equally as you have the option to express you're discontent, the option also equally exists to express otherwise.

    And on the bug fixes, I've read/heard/seen it from numerous Gameloft sources/media/social and would of thought that would have been information that people were interested in having passed on, particularly netcode and latency fixes. I know I was glad to hear those two in particular were getting fixes anyway.
  5. 373R|\|4L |\|00B

    373R|\|4L |\|00B Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    Yes, it's IMO the priority in order to make MP gameplay less frustrating.
  6. DantBro18

    DantBro18 Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2012
    #1846 DantBro18, Nov 25, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2014
    We need to have an option to turn off auto scoping, shooting at someone close range while scoped then being forced to scope back in has caused me more than a few deaths. We also need a FOV slider, 'I'm getting sick of not being able to see any of my gun and having a FOV of 65 or whatever isn't fun (This is coming from a PC master race gamer so I know what games should have). And for Fs sake fix the issue that causes the screen to freeze.
  7. iOSMarc

    iOSMarc Member

    Jul 18, 2014

    I think there should be an open field map because what is the use of the sniper rifles if all the maps are close quartered

    I suggest a map similar to Caspain Border in Battlefield 3

    Not that big though.

    Also more game modes. Speaking of big maps. I'd think it'd be great if there was a game mode that had big maps and a server of a max player count of maybe 20-30
  8. 373R|\|4L |\|00B

    373R|\|4L |\|00B Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    I don't know man. It seems snipers are getting a lot of kills on the existing maps. However I'd welcome a CTF mode with a much bigger map, more players and longer play time but I'm not sure the engine can handle it.
  9. DantBro18

    DantBro18 Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2012
    Why won't the decs get it through their heads that this game isn't fun anymore, it's just a grind. One of the only things that I find fun in this game now is sniping, it seems to be twice as good as sniping in the past games, apart from MC2 which is obviously the best game in the series. They also need to get it throught their thick heads that burst weapons don't work on touch screen devices, as the KR 200 is a burst weapon, that gives some variety but with a button that you have to keep pressing to keep firing, I miss nearly every shot as the screen moves slightly when I press it, make it so the button is fully auto, with a delay between the bursts, yes I know the fire rate wouldn't be as high any more, but you could make it be a option to switch it on and off. Then you could have the people that can afford a iOS controller to have it off and the people that have to stick to the screen could have it on so we can keep shooting without missing every shot. Or we could just be able to hold the button down and suffer from a lower firerate, or we could just press it if we wanted to so we could get a high fore rate, it would take some skill out of using it but it would also take out 100% of the frustration of dieing when you know you have the more powerful gun but you missed as the screen moved when you press the button, it would also put the fun factor back in.
  10. Duste

    Duste Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    ^-- Agree... I just leveled up the burst weapons in SP due to the difficulty of hitting a moving target.
  11. DantBro18

    DantBro18 Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2012
    Is there a TA squad with any free spots, my ingame name is Praes. (With the full stop)
  12. Mess

    Mess Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    There is a thread linked on the first page, but I wouldn't expect any of them to actually be active anymore unfortunately. You could always post in that thread and see if anyone wants to be active in one again.

    I am in one, but I haven't played the game for ages, waiting for the update to make me interested again.
  13. Duste

    Duste Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    New perks!?
  14. ricanrocks

    ricanrocks Member

    Sep 10, 2014
    yeah doesnt look that interesting tho. Looks like the one for recon will just be to run fast tho lol. At least they are raising the level cap so we can get more SP
  15. Mess

    Mess Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    Yep. Would like to see a brand new class though...

    Not long till it actually appears though. Wonder if there will be anything else announced? Assing bug fixes are a given, anyone got any ideas of what other additions they would like?

    New gun(s)
    New class
    New map(s)
  16. 373R|\|4L |\|00B

    373R|\|4L |\|00B Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    I'll take it. This was one of the perks in MC4 and I've always found it very useful. It can give you a significant advantage.
  17. Gameloft_Ryan

    Gameloft_Ryan Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2013
    Community Manager
    San Francisco
    New maps are definitely on the agenda along with the level raise and like people are talking about, we are considering new perks.
  18. ricanrocks

    ricanrocks Member

    Sep 10, 2014
    Will the level cap raise be like a cap at (for example) lvl 150? Or will it be like a prestige type system?
  19. Crabman

    Crabman Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2013
    #1859 Crabman, Dec 2, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2014
    Why is there still no MFI controller support?A more general Gameloft qustion,i'm waiting for support in GT Racing as well.Asphalt has great MFI support,i don't get it...
  20. Mess

    Mess Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    New maps as in completley new based off some SP levels, or new as in maps from previous MC games with a facelift?

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