"No retina display, no sale!"

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by tsharpfilm, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. tsharpfilm

    tsharpfilm Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2009
    Digital Artist
    Have you ever thought about fact that SEGA started working on Sonic 4 before retina display was even available? Do you honestly think it would have made much sense for them to throw away everything they'd completed up to that point just to start over and make the game retina display compatible for a handful of iPhone 4 and iPod touch users?
  2. Hmar9333

    Hmar9333 Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Book Salesperson/Student
    Melbourne, Australia
    Have you ever thought about the fact that they have all of the hi-res assets already because they've made an Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii version as well?


    Get over yourself.
  3. sammysin

    sammysin Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2010
    Government Official.
    Swansea, UK
    I have to admit I've been cheating on my regular 3GS screen with my Retina Display, I feel DIRTY! :eek:
  4. tsharpfilm

    tsharpfilm Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2009
    Digital Artist
    And have you ever thought about the fact that iDevices might not be strong enough to play Sonic 4 at 60fps at retina resolution? Or SEGA didn't have enough time to make a special graphics engine JUST for iDevices to run sonic at 60fps at retina resolution? Even at so-called "regular resolution" some people have reported minor dips in fps. :rolleyes:

    Blur games? Like I've asked several times already, did you mind these "blur games" before retina display was available? Not at all.
  5. RebornProphet

    RebornProphet Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2010
    Scotland, UK
    The frustration being vented by the OP is woefully misplaced at times.

    On one hand, I can see his point. On the other hand, I can't stand his ignorance at completely missing the point I made to him in the other Sonic thread.

    I'm not belitting SEGA or stamping my feet like a toddler taking a tantrum. I'm a 31 year old married man, I speak my mind and talk in facts, I don't do "fanboy" behaviour or get into squawbles. I say what I see.

    I've said all along that my concern with Sonic 4 being coded at native 3GS resolution is that when the game is run on the iPhone 4, therefore being upscaled, it'll look not only pixellated but worse than it does on the device it runs natively on (the 3G, 3GS, etc).

    That's always been my "issue", not that it's not coded for the Retina Display exclusively, but that a game coded in 480 x 320 will naturally, regardless of device, look worse on a device with a higher resolution due to being upscaled.

    Someone posted screens taken on their iPhone 4 in the retitled "moaning" thread, and while Sonic and his enemies look a little jagged, the game looks fine. That doesn't stop me wondering how good it could look, and while people say it's available on 1080p on the consoles, I've moved away from console gaming after long becoming bored with it I enjoy the odd game on my iPhone to pass the time, that's all.

    As it turns out, the concern is not even the Retina Display support (or lack of), but the fact that again we're seeing a major release struggle to keep up the frame rate on the iPhone 4. Last week it was FIFA 11 which showed frame rate issues at goal kicks, corner kicks, and crowded penalty boxes.

    Now Sonic 4 is showing issues, so let's get that sorted before the Retina Display.

    No doubt some childish insults will be thrown my way as my point is completely overlooked, but that won't stop my points being as mature as they are valid.
  6. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    If you're gonna be anal about games, you really owe it to yourself to own a whole bunch of gaming platforms. Saying "Boo hoo, it's not retina, I know there's a console version that looks exactly how I want it to look, but I'm too grown up to play an Xbox" isn't gonna get sympathy from anyone.

    That's not pointed directly at you Reborn, despite me referencing your post.
  7. Cymrune

    Cymrune Active Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    Nowadays people believe what they are told by others with higher authority, and are scared to think for themselves, it's common everywhere.
  8. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2010
    college student, ENG/WGS major
    Lexington, KY
    #48 SkyMuffin, Oct 7, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2010
    I don't think you understand how the retina display works-- it creates 4 pixels for every 1 that was originally there. This naturally makes edges and image artifacts more noticeable. Screenshots don't help illustrate this point; you just have to see it in person. The effects of the retina display also vary for each app-- some apps, like Bookworm, look fine. Others, such as Solomon's Boneyard, look much worse.

    The point is, however, that this can make things blurry and hard on the eyes (especially for someone like myself, who wears very strong glasses). There was no "blurring" before the retina display because the devices were made for the 320x480 resolution, and so were the apps.

    The retina display also has the "pointillism" effect of making colors more intense or deeper. In Solomon's Boneyard, for example, which does not support retina display, this has distorted the colors to a point where it is harder to play the game without higher brightness settings-- the graphics are muted or off, and some details blend into one another more than they should.
  9. tsharpfilm

    tsharpfilm Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2009
    Digital Artist
    #49 tsharpfilm, Oct 7, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2010
    After reading these kinds of comments, I was expecting Sonic 4 to look awful and intolerable. But in fact, it doesn't look bad at all.

    And a lot of people forget what the original Sonic games looked like.

    Here's a shot of Sonic 3:

    If we were able to tolerate a few pixels then, why can't we tolerate them now? A good game is a good game. And as long as the graphics aren't literally blurry, we should be able to forgive a few visible edges if the game itself is good.

    It doesn't.

    It was probably easier to optimize Sonic for those consoles. They have burlier hardware.

    Yeah. The controls and physics for me are a little wonky. And who ever made Casino Street Zone Act 3 needs to be punched in the face. :mad:

    And that's appreciated.
  10. tsharpfilm

    tsharpfilm Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2009
    Digital Artist
    I have seen it in person.

    If you have a problem with your eyes, that's a perfectly valid reason to prefer retina. But a lot of the people who whine about non-retina games have 20/20 vision, and are complaining primarily because their super cool new device isn't being used to its full extent. They don't understand that developers need time to test new technology, to optimize their programs for it, etc. Most of them get the new devices on the same day we get them.
  11. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2010
    college student, ENG/WGS major
    Lexington, KY
    #51 SkyMuffin, Oct 7, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2010
    You explained it yourself here. The new OLED TV has more pixels per inch than the old TV, which is why the same DVD looks worse on it. The display/resolution of the DVD was not adjusted to match the higher pixels on the OLED, so it blurs.
    I understand that, and I wasn't even arguing for that side. I was refuting your claim that there was some kind of blurriness problem BEFORE the retina display was even here, but people chose not to notice for some reason:
    Please learn to read your own posts.
  12. tsharpfilm

    tsharpfilm Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2009
    Digital Artist
    Or you're going to encourage them to stop making games for iOS all together. They're already working hard and underselling their games. How much longer do you think they're going to tolerate our crap?

    That still doesn't excuse the whining and nitpicking. Even when non-retina games do look okay on a retina screen, I still see a lot of protest.
  13. stlredbird

    stlredbird Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    They'll tolerate it until they decide they don't like money anymore, which I imagine is a fairly long time.
  14. Risco

    Risco Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    Err, no what has anything in my post got to do with that? I posted the size of my catalogue as I wanted to prove a point it really was a big issue for me that they had no retina display and nothing to do with price as I hate getting ripped off. I just noticed Konami tried to con us with a squad update and multiplayer for £5! No commentator, no retina and the same graphics. This is the thing that really annoys me. Gameloft release ALL their new games with retina support and look how successful they are! Most of my games are bought from them and EA.
  15. tsharpfilm

    tsharpfilm Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2009
    Digital Artist
    #55 tsharpfilm, Oct 7, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
    Sonic 4 was first announced on this site on February 4th, 2010. According to the article, "Project Needlemouse", a.k.a. Sonic 4, was being teased as early as September 2009, which means they likely started developing this game over a year ago.

    iPhone 4, with its über cool retina display, wasn't released until June 24th, 2010. They were probably half done with the game by the time the iPhone 4s were released. And some of you actually think it would have been worth the trouble to redo the graphics just for 1 device? Seriously think about what you are proposing.

    I'd love to see more games give my nice, new, retina display a workout. But I'm not going to harass developers who have already spent months working on a game, or have already released a game, to go through the trouble of sharpening the graphics just for my iPod touch 4G.
  16. f e a r l e s s

    f e a r l e s s Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2009
    I'm getting sick of the word "retina"! Thanks Steve!

    My 2¢.
  17. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Technically... it shouldn't be blurry.

    For each pixel on a 3G there are 4 pixels on a device with retina, correct? However, the screens themselves are the same size... so four pixels on a retina display is exactly the same size as a single pixel on a non-retina display. So since each pixel in the output image has exactly the same screen area on both devices, the resulting picture should theoretically be identical.
  18. wootbean

    wootbean Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2009
    the next whiskey bar
    when you get used to the retina, you do notice the difference. that's all

    and I am getting sick of "retina"
    Apple does that to words
  19. The prez 12521

    The prez 12521 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2009
    Obviously my post is talking about retina display and how it looks. As long as a good game looks decent on it, I'll play it. but if im about to spend 5 bucks on a new EA game whereas I could buy 5 retina display enabled indie games for 99 cents, i'd choose the latter.

    You didnt reply to my last part either, people complain about graphics on the three big dogs too, its considered 'justified' to rate games on graphics.. not solely on graphics, but you can judge graphics. And so your asking, why are we caring about our money, and not just buying stuff, with or without retina? or am I wrong, because it seems your opinon has swayed.
  20. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    I'd choose the latter even if the EA game were retina and the others weren't.

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