Universal Oh! Edo Towns (By Kairosoft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by goiMot, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    Don't know that it makes sense to rank the titles, different strokes as they say. GPS was my favorite title they've done. The focus, the ability to actually figure out and massage the numbers under the hood without a spread sheet and game guide all made it a ton of fun for the week or so I was playing it obsessively. However, it is safe to say that OET is the polar opposite of GPS with its near complete lack of concrete goals and focus, so if you did hate GPS, there's not much reason to assume you'd hate this one ;)

    The question is whether you're up for yet another game of little people doing something in the pursuit of a poorly explained high score at the end of 15 years :D
  2. CroRock

    CroRock Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    Hm.. I guess you didn't play this one or not finished it jet.
    Your post made me thint about one qoute from movie I watched once.. "opinions are like ass holes... Everyone has one!'' :)
    No hard feelings but.. How watching races again and again can be more interesting then this?
    And final score is quite obvious here.. So as goal of the game.. Make as much combos you can find to increase income early which helps to attract more different visitors and build special buildings before 15years. Also changing jobs of residents lead you to samurai that can purchuase white horses and all that count in final score etc etc...

    But thats only my opinion and like I said.. Everyone has one! :)
  3. CroRock

    CroRock Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    ... But I do agree that GPS isn't worst game on app store even it is not my game of choice.
    Just to set things clear..I'm not Kairosoft fan(atic) or anything like that even I played all their games.. I'm just saying this is only Kaorosoft game that really, really hooked me..
  4. Revlisoft

    Revlisoft Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2009
    Great game.. I got all their games. Although it would be nice if they had a universal binary all the games in 2x mode + zoom out looks quite nice on the iPad. I would request for more save slots especially for those games that have more than 2 towns. :)
  5. Drucifer

    Drucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2010
    Maybe you misunderstood me. I didn't mean it was the worst game on the App Store. I said it was Kairosofts worst game on the App Store. I don't hate GPS because I had fun playing it but I had far more fun playing any of their other iPod Touch games.
  6. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    #46 C.Hannum, Nov 7, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2011
    Fixed tech tree gave more strategy in terms of research, fixed race progression gave tactical choices for how you approached the tech tree, limited carry over of tech between play throughs added strategy across games, specific goals with the tracks gave clear obstacles to overcome... I could go on ;)

    This is a great game, certainly more flexible than MMS, more approachable than HSS, and on par with PA for arcane strategies, but in terms of fun, I had a lot more fun playing GPS than any other Kairosoft title, including this one.

    On the other hand, after my fifth play through of GPS, I was done. I'd managed to come close enough to a perfect strategy that there was no sense in doing it again. With the three maps in OET, a lot more unlocks, so many hidden combos (avoiding spoilers here), etc., it's clear I'll get a lot more play runs from OET than GPS.
  7. adamphetamine

    adamphetamine Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    Programmer/3D Modeling
    Bethlehem, Pa
    Wow I was kinda getting burned out with this companies games being so alike but the more I play this one, the more I dig it. It's way more strategic than the others and it's right up there tied with GDS for #1.
  8. cameron331

    cameron331 Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2010
    I'm sad to say I'm kind of waiting for the review at this point. I can't quite shake the Kairosoft burnout feeling even though I'm trying really hard. I'm glad to see more positive impressions rolling in though...maybe I'll just get it.
  9. TheUndertow

    TheUndertow Member

    Sep 16, 2011
    #49 TheUndertow, Nov 8, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2011
    I've become a big Kairosoft fan since progressing through their games on my iPad.

    The only one I'm not crazy about is the last I've tried - Pocket Academy.

    I'd put Game Dev Story and Grand Prix 1 and 1A.

    Mall Story and Hot Springs were both solid but offered less variety and interesting mechanics.

    I would still recommend all but Pocket Academy (so far anyway) to Sim fans.

    After picking up Mall and Hot Springs on sale, I'm happily in the camp that will pay full price after doing so (and finding it a great value) for Game Dev and Grand Prix (I try to forget about Pocket Academy until I pick it back up and hopefully find I enjo it more).

    I've been looking for a new game and this may be it.
  10. Zevious Zoquis

    Zevious Zoquis Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2010
    Of the Kairo games I've got (GDS, GPS, MMS, HSS) the only one that really grabbed me was MMS. I spent one sunday totally absorbed in that game for about 6 straight hours and really enjoyed it. Thats not to say the others aren't very good games becuase I love the asthetic and the fundamental design of these titles, but MMS was the one that hooked me and wouldn't let go. This new one actually looks to me like it might scratch a very similar itch but I'm probably going to wait for a price drop anyway...
  11. eobet

    eobet Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2009
    Could someone please help me out a bit in this game:

    How can I see who has a job and who needs a job?

    Two of my fields are seemingly uncultivated of late, what can be done about that?

    It seems that people meet in parks and increase education, but I built two libraries that nobody seems to visit. Why is that?

    I've had public school as a red item in the research menu for quite a bit. It seems that I'm not generating the correct type of education to afford it. How can I change that?

  12. Jarrod2011

    Jarrod2011 Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Honestly I don't know what to think of this game. I was hoping for Cruise Ship Story or Pocket League :( Does anyone know a good site with walkthroughs for every single Kairosoft title? Excluding kairospot.net ?????
  13. Sanuku

    Sanuku Well-Known Member

    #53 Sanuku, Nov 9, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  14. rshkhsee

    rshkhsee Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2010
    Another great fuzzy managment sim from Kairosoft. Really hooked on this one folks, even more so than Mini Mall Story, which i think i stayed with and watched my little big eyed citizens run aound for maybe an hour after completion. Edo Towns may be missing the explosive sales (come to think of it, would be cool to have some chaotic celebration in my town) and have less "way to go" cheers, but i think thier is more variation in this title, especially with being able to choose from three different map plans for more replayability. I have two different warring ninja clan towns going at the same time,"Koga Manjidani" and "Iga Tsubagakure" for those who have seen Shinobi :) It would be even cooler to put my warriors to the test against my other save slot!

    By far the best "Story" scince GDS.
  15. TaiyrTress

    TaiyrTress Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2011
    Gaming? Or something cool. :)
    Unicorn fun park.
    I already beat the game when someone released the cracked version from the japanese store on installlous. I don't know how, but they did. Not kairosoft's best title. I don't get why they don't release the RPG one, and charge like $5 for it.. Insta-buy for me.. x.x
  16. rshkhsee

    rshkhsee Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2010
    Here is a quick view of my little town so far:

    Please disregard the lack of sound and crooked orientation. I think i have about 23 combos activated into my 13th year. Is there an ending date to this? I am kind of just taking my time...
  17. November's Chopin

    November's Chopin Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2010
    This along with Pocket Academy are my two least favourite Kairosoft titles. This one is just too frustrating and slow-paced to play, and has way too little amount of combos, a grand total of around 11 in my 7th in-game year. 90% of the buildings are not even included in any combos, and the game has absolutely no description of what these buildings do so I'm left guessing. Doesn't it make sense that a stable would provide horses for the residents? Nope it doesn't. Residents are still horseless for a few years, and then suddenly in the 6th year around 5 residents just magically obtained horses. I have no idea what the magistrate, dojo, and weapon shop does, as residents never visit these and they provide tiny yield bonuses yet cost a ton to build. Income is ridiculously low and costs are way too high. At 7th year I only gain like 200G per month with many sets of combos, yet a SINGLE tile of road costs 60G, that's just stupid. So basically after each month of hard work I'm able to build 3 road tiles, or 1 shop, lol.
    This game just does not have that sense of achievement like in Mega Mall Story or Hot Springs Story, where you really rack in cash later in the game and can experiment. You simply cannot experiment AT ALL in this game, because one wrong move will mean you lose several months' income. The game does not tell you what crafts can be used on what objects, so 75% of the time you'll spend money on crafts that does absolutely nothing. It simply makes no sense that using a "golden chopsticks", "golden bowl", or "silk" craft on a resident home does absolutely nothing, yet using "abacus" on a farmer will increase its yield, wtf?
  18. Quazonk

    Quazonk Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    This is Kairosoft's weakest title. How are we supposed to know what some of these buildings ever are? The names are not normal names for buildings that westerners would recognize. I took the plunge after the dev said "your loss" when I said I wouldnt bother with this one, thinking he meant it would be different than the other games, but the only loss here was 4 bucks. I said it before I bought the game, and I'll say it after: Kairosoft needs a new schtick, SUPER bad. Unless you LOVE the Kairosoft sim formula, and somehow don't get tired of the same game over and over, I don't understand the praise for this one. The formula has run it's course.
  19. November's Chopin

    November's Chopin Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2010
    Does anyone know how to unlock the "new homes search team" traveler? I read on the guide that I need to have 3 zoos, but it never unlocked for me. I even built 4 zoos, still didn't unlock.
  20. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    Got this one on sale, and just now started to get into it, and wow. I'm enjoying this one more than any other Kairosoft title. The buildings that make combos, assigning everyone jobs... Where you place everything having an effect on everything else... It seems like every aspect of this game compliments every other aspect. Dunno why people are calling this one of their weakest titles... I think it's much more engaging than any of their other games I've played, along with having much more depth and strategy involved. I'm totally hooked on it.

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