Universal OTTTD - (by SMG Studio)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, May 21, 2014.

  1. dukat111

    dukat111 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2010
    Has anyone come across a list detailing skills and towers?

    For example, 'Vengeance' says 'Damage output increases as your injuries deepen'. First level +7% damage.

    Does this mean you get +7% damage all the time, or only when you take damage? And if when taking damage, any damage, or only when you're below 50%? Would be nice to have more detailed descriptions since we can't respec.

  2. diegohostettler

    diegohostettler Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2014
    The game gets quite boring. The only tower worth placing is the rocket tower. You should have balanced the towers much better...
  3. Daxmort

    Daxmort Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Actually, that's some pretty good constructive feedback, and is in-line with what the guy above me said. If all turrets play the same, then it makes using others somewhat useless, likewise, if one tower outshines all the rest and makes them not worth using anyway, then it kinda defeats the point.
  4. SMG Studio

    SMG Studio Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2014
    re Rocket towers - which levels are you guys on?

    It could be a lack of fire resistant units in early levels, which is definitely not the case later on. We're working on better info for enemy resistance, which will be a big part of it.

    as for skill respec, we're looking at having a an item/method/something for that in one of the next updates.

    @Bronxsta - any interest in being a PC tester?
  5. theopla

    theopla Member

    May 7, 2014
    Hey SMG Studio, I'm VERY interested to be a PC beta tester!!! May I join?
  6. Boobi

    Boobi Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Earning money
    BC, Canada
    A very good design will see later on about balance. Lots of character for a TD.
  7. Tonk Montana

    Tonk Montana Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2010
    So...here are my first impressions (at lvl 10 atm)

    Love the music and humour is definitely spot on. Love the little quips each soldier makes and my personal favourite is the random name generator (I sat there for at least 10 minutes just looking at all the names for my little guys). If you can get the talented guys who made the menu music to make another song...it would be nice as I believe a single song loops throughout and I spend a lot of time reading the weapon descriptions and little notes...just an idea.

    Very intuitive and fun. The maps provide a bit of variety and towers are pretty standard for the genre. I do think the rocket tower are a bit OP in the beginning and seem to be the only thing to take down heavily armoured types but the Devs have said this changes at higher levels so we will see. It just ruins a bit of the strategy in earlier levels.

    I tend it heavily rely on the engineer to quick fix the turrets and haven't really tried a team without him which is something I should do. Due to the size of some maps though, it seems that without the remote healing skill, heroes will be locked down at towers to spot heal instead of responding to imminent threat. I am looking forward to the challenge.

    I agree with the TD/Battlehearts comparison as I spend a lot of time rotating around my heroes. This is very interactive and keeps me playing (I am not a big TD fan actually), so a nice mechanic. I like the idea of permadeath as I really do want to try out my other heroes but I do have favourites.

    Controls are well thought out and I rarely find myself mis-selecting a hero or not being able to do something quickly when required. As for IAP, I echo the above sentiments that it seems superfluous and unnecessary and probably should be removed. I understand the monetization issues but I would rather pay $.99 - 1.99 for incremental level additions, new worlds, new heroes, new voice comments, etc. rather than gems.

    In short, a great addition to the TD genre and finally an engaging TD game I will have the motivation to complete (which is a pretty strong recommendation really). Easily worth the asking price and trying just for the humour alone. For those worried about IAP in a premium game...not an issue here guys.

    Great work, keep it up!
  8. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    Haha, it was a joke. Get it? Over the top?
  9. Daxmort

    Daxmort Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    United Kingdom

    I can't believe I didn't get that. Now I feel bad. :p
  10. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    Haha, it's all good dude ;)
  11. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    Don't. I didn't get it either, lol
  12. Daxmort

    Daxmort Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    United Kingdom
    #92 Daxmort, May 23, 2014
    Last edited: May 23, 2014
    For the record, my Assault Hero's name is 'Frag McFace', I think I win.

    Also to add to the IAP debate; after looking at a few people talking about "aggressive IAP pushing" versus "supporting the developers," I do prefer to see IAPs made as customisation or game-improving features rather than "buy these to help brute-force your way through the game" methods; hero skins, extra classes, enemies, etc. versus "bring yourself back to life," which I always found a bit sleazy on the player's part. I'm more than happy to buy something that betters the experience, but it feels like cheating myself if I'm buying things that just help negate playing badly. This usually goes double for things that are already a "premium" (*cough,* I use this word very loosely *cough*) price.

    Talisman, Plague Inc, Warhammer Quest and WazHack, etc, I feel are good examples. I bought every piece of DLC for the first, and third, and the £8 scenario pack in Plague Inc, as well as a few characters in WazHack. Anything that expands the game, or changes it up a little or even makes it look a little different, versus the sorts of mechanics that are found in things like Batman: Arkham Origins, which just feel cheesy.

    I know I might be the minority on this, or called out as cheap (and I understand that it's a nice way for the developer to gain a little extra finance, while also being aware that I don't have to use it), but I guess I'm saying I'm fine paying a few extra £s for add-ons, but anything that kinda cheapens the game feels wrong when given an IAP screen.

    That being said, it's still a fantastic game thus far, and I'm not one for Tower Defence in most scenarios.

    Edit: I should point out that hypocrisy aside, I'm also okay buying things like coin-doublers in a few good free endless runners; Punch Quest, Record Run to name two.
  13. Be careful, jcho always tells jokes. They make me laugh. :p
  14. readysetboom

    readysetboom Member

    Aug 29, 2012
    Can I sync my progress between iPhone and iPad?
  15. Daxmort

    Daxmort Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    United Kingdom
    I wasn't even aware that it was playable on the iPhone, sorry. :(
  16. machine56

    machine56 Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2014
    yes, its obviously on purpose, those purposely mistaken words are inspired by the DOGE meme.



    and about the game, its a win for me. gotta love'em!!
  17. Deixa

    Deixa Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
    Is this a,
    £1.99 - Great/good game?
    £1.99 - it's ok but after a week or two I'll delete cause I'll get bored/come back to it in a month?
    £1.99 - waste of money same old same old?

    Which is it?
  18. slewis7

    slewis7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Houston, TX
    I would say for most folks, it is your first choice, where they will really love it. Only the minority will get bored with it after the initial novelty.
  19. NOFX

    NOFX Member

    Oct 28, 2013
    Bought it at midnight the day it came out and haven't had a single regret! Love this game second only to man at arms TD. I'm currently on level 13 and haven't purchased any in game currency. The game actually gives you a good amount of both coins and gems. Why there's two types of currency is beyond me. But you do have to pass the level with three stars to get gems. Bought myself one maxed weapon just playing the game. Earning skill points to get new skills for the nine characters keeps me playing constantly. Currently farming the mid boss (ha ha it's a flying shark!) to upgrade my skills. Ha ha that alone will keep me occupied for months at least! Some skills can be upgraded up to level ten. My suggestion use the stealth character and fully upgrade both of his mines for regular play and unlock level one of his infect? Skill for farming the mid boss. His infect skill keeps the boss stationary and adds a 21% damage boost. Oh and fully upgrade your tower repair skill for the engineer the later levels almost require that 10second reuse time. Plus you don't have to keep moving your character to the tower to repair it. Well, big thanks to the developers for making such an awesome game. I'll buy some maxed weapons next month in support. Thanks and please keep making great games. If anyone is on the fence about this game check out some videos on YouTube or just take the chance and buy it already;)
  20. paendamonium

    paendamonium Active Member

    Feb 5, 2014
    My highest level hero is 12 right now.... Is there a level cap? Also, is there a way to reset a hero's skill points?

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