Playstation Vita Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Haruhi, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. lll Anubis lll

    lll Anubis lll Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2013
    I forgot to say thank you. My birthday isn't for a few more months, but I appreciate the gift!

    Just kidding, but I've never seen or heard of the game before. I hope you enjoy it and please leave your impressions!

    Edit: I see Japanese looking text on it. Is it an imported game? Can you import games or are they region locked?
  2. lll Anubis lll

    lll Anubis lll Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2013
    Ha! I just 100% Season 2 of the Walking Dead! I bet you all wish you had skillz like me. That one trophy, where you have to take your first step was so hard! Oh, and the one where you have to complete a quick time event. What a challenge!

    I have to admit though, I feel like your decisions in the last 5 minutes of the episode mattered more than all your decisions from both season!

    Possible spoilers below...

    Well, I'm guessing if they do make a season 3 it won't have anything to do with the characters from the first two games. Does anyone else think there will be a season 3? If so, what do you think it would be like?
  3. italodance

    italodance Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    #7583 italodance, Jan 29, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2015
    Yeah it is an imported game and all of Vita games are region free, plus some English texts are available on game menu and settings.

    GB2 is the second episode of GB series, I've never played the first one on Vita but I heard there's no relevant between them, the image quality is great and controls are simple, I don't understand the story because of Japanese texts but the menu and the most of settings are in English and really helpful.
    You can even update the game via any PSN account and use multiplayer without any problem.
  4. september

    september Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    I think they'll start off with the same end location at least, I found Clemetines character a bit hard to believe at times so would like to something different there. Personally I'd like them to go the way of 400 Days and Game of Thrones and do multiple characters.
  5. lll Anubis lll

    lll Anubis lll Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2013
    That's awesome! Congrats on owning a game that most western players won't ever get. I like it when systems and games aren't region locked. If someone wants to import a game that isn't available in their region, they should be.
  6. lll Anubis lll

    lll Anubis lll Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2013
    I don't think they will start off at the same end location, because I believe there were different ones you could end up at. Unless they said to hell with everyone decisions and just picked one and made people continue from there.

    I haven't play GoT, but I did play 400 days. I don't think a whole season would work out well that way. They tend to have enough trouble making a single story with small deviations as it is. Having a bunch would only make things harder.

    Also, I didn't like how 400 days didn't really matter at all. Most of the characters from there didn't even matter in Season 2. I managed to get all of the characters to go to the camp and I think I ended up seeing them all once in season 2, for about 5 seconds each.

    By the way, which path did you take at the end of season 2??
  7. MicroByte

    MicroByte Well-Known Member

    So I'm getting back into playing my Vita again, it's been a while, and I was wondering if anyone has played Earth Defense Forces 2 Portable V2:

    I really loved 2017, but the only way to get V2 is to import. Wanted to see how difficult it might be considering it will be in Japanese.
  8. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    Picked up Grim Fandango -looking forward to playing this as I never played it when it first came out, although I can't remember why as I have been a big gamer for many many years.

    I also got TellTales Wolf in the Dark. I am not really interested in it, just trying to build my collection to force Anubis to get an even bigger collection! :p
  9. lll Anubis lll

    lll Anubis lll Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2013
    I believe it is called The Wolf Among Us :p

    You're pretty funny though, acting like you have a collection half as big as mine!
    *Runs off to the store to buy more games that I'll never play just to prove a point*
  10. Capricornman

    Capricornman Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2011
    I have under ten games on my vita right now....what am I doing wrong?
    Feel free to gift me some more games, thank you
    Or better yet mail me your vita so I can peruse your library and truly get the "Vita" experience
    Did I say thanks#
  11. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    It just goes to show you that I really don't care (can you tell I am lying?) I am just jealous of your 100% achievement. I have never 100% any game - I always move on somewhere between 40 - 90 % completed.. Ah well, it allows me to buy even more games that I won't finish!
  12. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    Playstation Plus - that is the way to go - 3 to 4 games / month that go free and most of the time at least a couple are very good games. It is almost a must get deal if you have a PS console as you then get different console games for free as well, but frequently they have cross platform deals, or some heavy discounts on games to buy. I look at it as $50 a year for about 10 really good games / year so even if I let it lapse (so I no longer have access to the games), $5 / game is pretty darn good - and since I have a PS4 and a PS3 that I both get games for, it is more like $1.50 / game - pretty hard to beat considering the iOS experience...
  13. lll Anubis lll

    lll Anubis lll Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2013
    Ha, someone here apparently has over a hundred platinum trophies. They sure kicked my ass.

    Im curious, how many games do you own? (physical, digital, and classics)?

    Also, a lot of games I have beat but only have 28-40% completion. If you want some easy ones, both Walking Deads and resistance are easy. Actually, the Wolf Among us is probably pretty easy. You would most likely just have to complete the game. The only two games I have completed 100% that were challenging was FFX, which probably took well over 100 hours, and Rogue Legacy.
  14. Capricornman

    Capricornman Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2011
    Sounds like a great deal and a money saver! I will definitely be getting PS+
    I don't have PS4 or PS3 but it still sounds good. I like the mobile experience of the vita
    Thanks for your advice
  15. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    I would be embarrased to say, but considering i still have a Super Nintendo, N64, Game Cube, Wii, Wii U, Gameboy, Gameboy Advanced, DS, 3D DS, Vita, PS 2, PS3, PS 4, Xbox, Xbox 360, not to mention PC and iOS games - i could probably just about open a small store.

    100% on FFX - impressive. I have over 100 hours on it, but havent finished. Got stuck getting monsters and such.
  16. Capricornman

    Capricornman Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2011
    Do you have an original Pong....I do and that pretty well trumps everything you mentioned#
  17. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    Sure, hopefully some others will chime in on their experience with PS Plus, but i think its been a good deal. Watch for sales of the annual fee as well. It frequently can be had for $40 rather than $50. Some games i have got for free from Plus - TxK, The Swapper, Fez, spelunky, Don'Starve, Resogun, SteamWorld Dig, Binding of Isaac. February will have Rogue Legacy free - really excellent game.
  18. Capricornman

    Capricornman Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2011
    Oh man! I've purchased TxK, The Swapper, Fez, Spelunky and Resogun from your list. I have no regrets because they are excellent but it would have been nicer to have attained them through ps+
    Rogue Legacy would be very good to get
  19. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    Well, my dad bought Pong when it first came out, but no, our machine went away many years ago. My first computer was a Radio Shack TRS 80 put together that used casette tapes for data transfer. It had 4 Kb on the motherboard, and i got an expansion kit that took it to 16 Kb. Used to play Scott Adams Adventure text games. My second was an IBM with 256 Kb on the motherboard (the original first gen had 64 Kb). My first real "gaming" console was the TI 99. I couldn't afford the Genesis or the Nintendo back then, so the Super Nintendo was the first good console that i got a number of years later, and being a pack rat type, everything i have bought since, i still have.
  20. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    Yeah, i actually bought TxK, Fez, and got Resogun crossbuy from the PS4, but i believe they have all been free through PSPlus.

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